117,975 research outputs found

    Juice: An SVG Rendering Peer for Java Swing

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    SVG—a W3C XML standard—is a relatively new language for describing low-level vector drawings. Due to its cross-platform capabilities and support for events, SVG may potentially be used in interactive GUIs/graphical front-ends. However, a complete and full-featured widget set for SVG does not exist at the time of this writing. I have researched and implemented a framework which retargets a complete and mature raster- based widget library—the JFC Swing GUI library—into a vector-based display substrate: SVG. My framework provides SVG with a full-featured widget set, as well as augmenting Swing’s platform coverage. Furthermore, by using bytecode instrumentation techniques, my Swing to SVG bridging framework is transparent to the developers— allowing them to implement their user interfaces in pure Swing

    A Language and Hardware Independent Approach to Quantum-Classical Computing

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    Heterogeneous high-performance computing (HPC) systems offer novel architectures which accelerate specific workloads through judicious use of specialized coprocessors. A promising architectural approach for future scientific computations is provided by heterogeneous HPC systems integrating quantum processing units (QPUs). To this end, we present XACC (eXtreme-scale ACCelerator) --- a programming model and software framework that enables quantum acceleration within standard or HPC software workflows. XACC follows a coprocessor machine model that is independent of the underlying quantum computing hardware, thereby enabling quantum programs to be defined and executed on a variety of QPUs types through a unified application programming interface. Moreover, XACC defines a polymorphic low-level intermediate representation, and an extensible compiler frontend that enables language independent quantum programming, thus promoting integration and interoperability across the quantum programming landscape. In this work we define the software architecture enabling our hardware and language independent approach, and demonstrate its usefulness across a range of quantum computing models through illustrative examples involving the compilation and execution of gate and annealing-based quantum programs

    Description and Optimization of Abstract Machines in a Dialect of Prolog

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    In order to achieve competitive performance, abstract machines for Prolog and related languages end up being large and intricate, and incorporate sophisticated optimizations, both at the design and at the implementation levels. At the same time, efficiency considerations make it necessary to use low-level languages in their implementation. This makes them laborious to code, optimize, and, especially, maintain and extend. Writing the abstract machine (and ancillary code) in a higher-level language can help tame this inherent complexity. We show how the semantics of most basic components of an efficient virtual machine for Prolog can be described using (a variant of) Prolog. These descriptions are then compiled to C and assembled to build a complete bytecode emulator. Thanks to the high level of the language used and its closeness to Prolog, the abstract machine description can be manipulated using standard Prolog compilation and optimization techniques with relative ease. We also show how, by applying program transformations selectively, we obtain abstract machine implementations whose performance can match and even exceed that of state-of-the-art, highly-tuned, hand-crafted emulators.Comment: 56 pages, 46 figures, 5 tables, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    An NMF solution for the Flowgraphs case at the TTC 2013

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    Software systems are getting more and more complex. Model-driven engineering (MDE) offers ways to handle such increased complexity by lifting development to a higher level of abstraction. A key part in MDE are transformations that transform any given model into another. These transformations are used to generate all kinds of software artifacts from models. However, there is little consensus about the transformation tools. Thus, the Transformation Tool Contest (TTC) 2013 aims to compare different transformation engines. This is achieved through three different cases that have to be tackled. One of these cases is the Flowgraphs case. A solution has to transform a Java code model into a simplified version and has to derive control and data flow. This paper presents the solution for this case using NMF Transformations as transformation engine.Comment: In Proceedings TTC 2013, arXiv:1311.753

    On-stack replacement, distilled

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    On-stack replacement (OSR) is essential technology for adaptive optimization, allowing changes to code actively executing in a managed runtime. The engineering aspects of OSR are well-known among VM architects, with several implementations available to date. However, OSR is yet to be explored as a general means to transfer execution between related program versions, which can pave the road to unprecedented applications that stretch beyond VMs. We aim at filling this gap with a constructive and provably correct OSR framework, allowing a class of general-purpose transformation functions to yield a special-purpose replacement. We describe and evaluate an implementation of our technique in LLVM. As a novel application of OSR, we present a feasibility study on debugging of optimized code, showing how our techniques can be used to fix variables holding incorrect values at breakpoints due to optimizations

    SOFIA : software and control flow integrity architecture

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    Microprocessors used in safety-critical systems are extremely sensitive to software vulnerabilities, as their failure can lead to injury, damage to equipment, or environmental catastrophe. This paper proposes a hardware-based security architecture for microprocessors used in safety-critical systems. The proposed architecture provides protection against code injection and code reuse attacks. It has mechanisms to protect software integrity, perform control flow integrity, prevent execution of tampered code, and enforce copyright protection. We are the first to propose a mechanism to enforce control flow integrity at the finest possible granularity. The proposed architectural features were added to the LEON3 open source soft microprocessor, and were evaluated on an FPGA running a software benchmark. The results show that the hardware area is 28.2% larger and the clock is 84.6% slower, while the software benchmark has a cycle overhead of 13.7% and a total execution time overhead of 110% when compared to an unmodified processor
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