3 research outputs found

    Code smells survival analysis in web apps

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    Web applications are heterogeneous, both in their target platform (split across client and server sides) and on the formalisms they are built with, usually a mixture of programming and formatting languages. This heterogeneity is perhaps an explanation why software evolution of web applications (apps) is a poorly addressed topic in the literature. In this paper we focus on web apps built with PHP, the most widely used server-side programming language. We analyzed the evolution of 6 code smells in 4 web applications, using the survival analysis technique. Since code smells are symptoms of poor design, it is relevant to study their survival, that is, how long did it take from their introduction to their removal. It is obviously desirable to minimize their survival. In our analysis we split code smells in two categories: scattered smells and localized smells, since we expect the former to be more harmful than the latter. Our results provide some evidence that the survival of PHP code smells depends on their spreadness. We have also analyzed whether the survival curve varies in the long term, for the same web application. Due to the increasing awareness on the potential harm-fulness of code smells, we expected to observe a reduction in the survival rate in the long term. The results show that there is indeed a change, for all applications except one, which lead us to consider that other factors should be analyzed in the future, to explain the phenomenon.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Detecting sudden variations in web apps code smells’ density: A longitudinal study

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    Code smells are considered potentially harmful to software maintenance. Their introduction is dependent on the production of new code or the addition of smelly code produced by another team. Code smells survive until being refactored or the code where they stand is removed. Under normal conditions, we expect code smells density to be relatively stable throughout time. Anomalous (sudden) increases in this density are expected to hurt maintenance costs and the other way round. In the case of sudden increases, especially in pre-release tests in an automation server pipeline, detecting those outlier situations can trigger refactoring actions before releasing the new version. This paper presents a longitudinal study on the sudden variations in the introduction and removal of 18 server code smells on 8 PHP web apps, across several years. The study regards web applications but can be generalized to other domains, using other CS and tools. We propose a standardized detection criterion for this kind of code smell anomalies. Besides providing a retrospective view of the code smell evolution phenomenon, our detection approach, which is particularly amenable to graphical monitoring, can make software project managers aware of the need for enforcing refactoring actions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolution, survival and anomalies

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    Rio, A., & Abreu, F. B. E. (2023). PHP code smells in web apps: Evolution, survival and anomalies. Journal of Systems and Software, 200, 1-23. [111644]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2023.111644Abstract Context: Code smells are symptoms of poor design, leading to future problems, such as reduced maintainability. Therefore, it becomes necessary to understand their evolution and how long they stay in code. This paper presents a longitudinal study on the evolution and survival of code smells (CS) for web apps built with PHP, the most widely used server-side programming language in web development and seldom studied. Objectives: We aimed to discover how CS evolve and what is their survival/lifespan in typical PHP web apps. Does CS survival depend on their scope or app life period? Are there sudden variations (anomalies) in the density of CS through the evolution of web apps? Method: We analyzed the evolution of 18 CS in 12 PHP web applications and compared it with changes in app and team size. We characterized the distribution of CS and used survival analysis techniques to study CS’ lifespan. We specialized the survival studies into localized (specific location) and scattered CS (spanning multiple classes/methods) categories. We further split the observations for each web app into two consecutive time frames. As for the CS evolution anomalies, we standardized their detection criteria. Results: The CS density trend along the evolution of PHP web apps is mostly stable, with variations, and correlates with the developer’s numbers. We identified the smells that survived the most. CS live an average of about 37% of the life of the applications, almost 4 years on average in our study; around 61% of CS introduced are removed. Most applications have different survival times for localized and scattered CS, and localized CS have a shorter life. The CS survival time is shorter and more CS are introduced and removed in the first half of the life of the applications. We found anomalies in the evolution of 5 apps and show how a graphical representation of sudden variations found in the evolution of CS unveils the story of a development project. Conclusion: CS stay a long time in code. The removal rate is low and did not change substantially in recent years. An effort should be made to avoid this bad behavior and change the CS density trend to decrease.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin