4 research outputs found

    Coalescing HDFS Blocks to Avoid Recurring YARN Container Overhead

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    Hadoop clusters have been transitioning from a dedicated cluster environment to a shared cluster environment. This trend has resulted in the YARN container abstraction that isolates computing tasks from physical resources. With YARN containers, Hadoop has expanded to support various distributed frameworks. However, it has been reported that Hadoop tasks suffer from a significant overhead of container relaunch. In order to reduce the container overhead without making significant changes to the existing YARN framework, we propose leveraging the input split, which is the logical representation of physical HDFS blocks. Our assorted block coalescing scheme combines multiple HDFS blocks and creates large input splits of various sizes, reducing the number of containers and their initialization overhead. Our experimental study shows the assorted block coalescing scheme reduces the container overhead by a large margin while it achieves good load balance and job scheduling fairness without impairing the degree of overlap between map phase and reduce phase


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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringBig data processing and storage has grown into one of the most important aspects of distributed computing in the last years. Much of the effort in this area goes into sophisticated algorithms and architectures which provides a small leap to a more efficient big data system. This works explores a novel idea in which by modifying a simple component found in most of the distributed systems it leads to a significant improvement of the overall performance of the underline system which is often blind to this modification. This small component is file partitioning, and it plays a crucial role in the division of the workload for a distributed job into small working units. This work proposes a different view of file partitioning which separates partitions of a file into conventional simple blocks to a more sophisticated system in which those blocks can change its size at running time and consequently been able to adjust the amount of input of each of the working units in the distributed job. The implications that this technique unleashes are enormous since it can be virtually plugged to any distributed system and improve its system utilization and performance. In this research we plug our proposed file partitioning system in one the most used data processing system of our time, Apache Hadoop. Coincidentally, this thesis also presents a novel distributed file system named VeloxDFS which im- plements elastic blocks among other remarkable features and can be used as a substitute of the Apache Hadoop Distributed File System.clos

    Improving the Performance of Big Data Analytics Platforms by Task and I/O Granularity Adjustment

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringWith the massive increase in the amount of semi-structured and unstructured web data, big data analytics platforms have emerged and started to evolve rapidly. Apache Hadoop has been developed for batch processing on a large dataset, and systems for interactive and general purpose applications have been developed alongside NoSQL databases. Numerous efforts have been made to improve the performance of Hadoop and NoSQL databases, including utilizing a new device called NVMM for NoSQL databases. Nonetheless, their performance is still far from satisfactory due to inadequate granularity for tasks and I/O. In this dissertation, we present novel techniques to improve the performance of Apache Hadoop and NVMM-based LSM-tree by adjusting task and I/O granularity. First, we analyze YARN container overhead and present dynamic input split size adjustment scheme, which can logically combine multiple HDFS blocks and increase the input size of each container, thereby enabling a single map wave and reducing the number of containers and their initialization overhead. Experimental results shows that we can avoid recurring container overhead by selecting the right size for input splits and reducing the number of containers. Second, we present a novel HDFS block coalescing scheme that mitigates the YARN con tainer overhead. Our assorted block coalescing scheme combines multiple HDFS blocks and creates large input splits of various sizes, reducing the number of containers and their initializa tion overhead. Our experimental study shows the block coalescing scheme significantly reduces the container overhead while it achieves good load balancing and job scheduling fairness without impairing the degree of overlap between map phase and reduce phase. Third, we discuss design choice of using NVMM for indexing structure in NoSQL databases and present ZipperDB, a key-value store that redesigns LSM-tree for byte-addressable persistent memory. To benefit from the byte-addressability of persistent memory, ZipperDB employs byte addressable persistent SkipLists and performs Zipper Compaction, a novel in-place compaction algorithm that merges two adjacent persistent SkipLists without compromising the failure atomicity. The byte-addressable compaction helps mitigate the write amplification problem, which is known to be the root cause of the write stall problem in LSM-tree. Finally, we present ListDB, a write-optimized key-value store for NVMM to overcome the gap between DRAM and NVMM write latencies and thereby, resolve the write stall problem. ListDB consists of three novel techniques: (i) byte-addressable Index-Unified Logging, which incrementally converts write-ahead logs into SkipLists, (ii) Braided SkipList, a simple NUMA aware SkipList that effectively reduces the NUMA effects of NVMM, and (iii) NUMA-aware Zipper Compaction. Using the three techniques, ListDB makes background flush and com paction fast enough to resolve the infamous write stall problem and shows 1.6x and 25x higher write throughputs than PACTree and Intel Pmem-RocksDB, respectively.ope

    Leveraging Emerging Hardware to Improve the Performance of Data Analytics Frameworks

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe data analytics frameworks have evolved along with the growing amount of data. There have been numerous efforts to improve the performance of the data analytics frameworks in- cluding MapReduce frameworks and NoSQL and NewSQL databases. These frameworks have various target workloads and their own characteristicshowever, there is common ground as a data analytics framework. Emerging hardware such as graphics processing units and persistent memory is expected to open up new opportunities for such commonality. The goal of this dis- sertation is to leverage emerging hardware to improve the performance of the data analytics frameworks. First, we design and implement EclipseMR, a novel MapReduce framework that efficiently leverages an extensive amount of memory space distributed among the machines in a cluster. EclipseMR consists of a decentralized DHT-based file system layer and an in-memory cache layer. The in-memory cache layer is designed to store both local and remote data while balancing the load between the servers with proposed Locality-Aware Fair (LAF) job scheduler. The design of EclipseMR is easily extensible with emerging hardwareit can adopt persistent memory as a primary storage layer or cache layer, or it can adopt GPU to improve the performance of map and reduce functions. Our evaluation shows that EclipseMR outperforms Hadoop and Spark for various applications. Second, we propose B 3 -tree and Cache-Conscious Extendible Hashing (CCEH) for the persis- tent memory. The fundamental challenge to design a data structure for the persistent memory is to guarantee consistent transition with 8-bytes of fine-grained atomic write with minimum cost. B 3 -tree is a fully persistent hybrid indexing structure of binary tree and B+-tree that benefits from the strength of both in-memory index and block-based index, and CCEH is a variant of extendible hashing that introduces an intermediate layer between directory and buckets to fully benefit from a cache-sized bucket while minimizing the size of the directory. Both of the data structures show better performance than the corresponding state-of-the-art techniques. Third, we develop a data parallel tree traversal algorithm, Parallel Scan and Backtrack (PSB), for k-nearest neighbor search problem on the GPU. Several studies have been proposed to improve the performance of the query by leveraging GPU as an acceleratorhowever, most of the works focus on the brute-force algorithms. In this work, we overcome the challenges of traversing multi-dimensional hierarchical indexing structure on the GPU such as tiny shared memory and runtime stack, irregular memory access pattern, and warp divergence problem. Our evaluation shows that our data parallel PSB algorithm outperforms both the brute-force algorithm and the traditional branch and bound algorithm.clos