808 research outputs found


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    Yulianti, Indah Rizky. (12203173069) Educational Values in Coach Carter Movie. Thesis. Department of English Education. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Institute of Islamic Religion (IAIN) Tulungagung. Advisor: Dr. H. Nursamsu, S.Pd.I., M.Pd Keywords: Educational Value, Movie, Coach Carter Movie Movie is one type of audio-visual communication. Movies express several ideas using dialogue, action, and visual elements to help communicate meaning in the movie. Coach Carter movie is an exciting movie that also has educational value. In this way, language learning will be more fun because movies are an exciting learning medium and can also introduce the public that movies have educational values. There are two problem formulations in the Coach Carter movie, namely (1) What are the educational values found in the Coach Carter movie? (2) How are the educational values presented in the Coach Carter movie? The objective of this research was to find out types of educational value in the movie and describe the educational value presented in the movie. The researcher used the theory of El Mubarok to analyze the educational value of the movie. Researchers used qualitative descriptive research methods. In this paper, the author examines the educational values in the movie "Coach Carter." The research data was obtained from the Coach Carter Movie script. The data collection techniques are (1) watching the movie several times and writing the script in the movie, (2) reading the script and finding the types of educational values in the script, (3) classifying the types of educational values found, (4) analyzing the data by type found in the script and find educational values that often appear, (5) make conclusions based on the data obtained. The study results show that from the twelve educational. In this study, eleven educational values found in the Coach Carter movies, such as self-discipline and moderation, are found six data. Honesty found three data. Brave, confidence, and potential, fair and humanist found two data. The last one is purity, loyalty, respect, love and affection, selfishness, kind and friendly found one data. The researcher finds that self-discipline and moderation attitude of the main character affects the whole story in this movie

    Identity of Timo Cruz Character Through Needs Fulfillment in the "Coach Carter" Movie

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    This research aimed to find out how Timo Cruz as the main character in Coach Carter movie obtained his real identity by examining the needs Timo Cruz fulfilled using Abraham Maslow\u27s theory of Five Hierarchy of Needs. To begin with, the researcher analyzed the needs that Timo Cruz fulfilled from the first stage to the fifth stage. After analyzing the needs, the researcher then analyzed the four identities from James Marcia\u27s theory. Furthermore, the researcher identified what stage of needs that could be linked up to the identity. The method used in this research was qualitative research. The data were analyzed through Abraham Maslow\u27s theory about Five Hierarchy of Needs and Four Identity Status by James Marcia. The movie was analyzed by the characters\u27 conversation and dialogue script. The researcher used some steps to collect the data to be examined. In analyzing the data, the researcher was watching the movie several times, comprehended the dialogues and the pictures of the movie related to needs fulfillment and identity of Timo Cruz character. The researcher found the needs of Timo Cruz character based on the Abraham Maslow\u27s theory on five needs; physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The researcher also found the identity of Timo Cruz that focused on four identities; identity foreclosure, diffusion, moratorium and achievement. Afterwards, the researcher explained the most dominant needs like social needs and identity from character Timo Cruz


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    ABSTRACT This research aimed to find out how Timo Cruz as the main character in Coach Carter movie obtained his real identity by examining the needs Timo Cruz fulfilled using Abraham Maslow's theory of Five Hierarchy of Needs. To begin with, the researcher analyzed the needs that Timo Cruz fulfilled from the first stage to the fifth stage. After analyzing the needs, the researcher then analyzed the four identities from James Marcia's theory. Furthermore, the researcher identified what stage of needs that could be linked up to the identity. The method used in this research was qualitative research. The data were analyzed through Abraham Maslow's theory about Five Hierarchy of Needs and Four Identity Status by James Marcia. The movie was analyzed by the characters’ conversation and dialogue script. The researcher used some steps to collect the data to be examined. In analyzing the data, the researcher was watching the movie several times, comprehended the dialogues and the pictures of the movie related to needs fulfillment and identity of Timo Cruz character. The researcher found the needs of Timo Cruz character based on the Abraham Maslow's theory on five needs; physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The researcher also found the identity of Timo Cruz that focused on four identities; identity foreclosure, diffusion, moratorium and achievement. Afterwards, the researcher explained the most dominant needs like social needs and identity from character Timo Cruz. Key words: needs, identity  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara tokoh utama dalam film Coach Carter, Timo Cruz memperoleh identitas sebenarnya dengan mengkaji berbagai kebutuhan yang telah dipenuhi olehnya melalui teori Hirarki Lima Kebutuhan dari Abraham Maslow. Pada langkah awal, peneliti menganalisa kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang telah dipenuhi oleh Timo Cruz mulai tingkatan pertama sampai pada tingkatan kelima. Selanjutnya peneliti menganalisa empat identitas dari teori James Marcia. Pada langkah ini, peneliti mengidentifikasi tingkatan kebutuhan apa yang memiliki hubungan dengan identitas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Data yang sudah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisa menggunakan teori Hirarki Lima Kebutuhan oleh Abraham Maslow dan teori Empat Identitas oleh James Marcia. Percakapan-percakapan para tokoh serta naskah dialog lah yang dianalisa dari film ini. Peneliti menggunakan beberapa cara dalam mengumpulkan data-data untuk dianalisa selanjutnya. Dalam menganalisa data-data tersebut, peneliti telah menonton film ini beberapa kali, kemudian menghubungkan beberapa dialog dan adegan yang ada dalam film Coach Carter dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan dan identitas dari tokoh Timo Cruz. Peneliti menemukan adanya pemenuhan kebutuhan oleh tokoh Timo Cruz berdasarkan teori Lima Kebutuhan Abraham Maslow; kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan rasa aman, kebutuhan sosial, kebutuhan untuk diapresiasi, dan kebutuhan aktualisasi diri. Selain lima kebutuhan tersebut, peneliti juga menemukan identitas Timo Cruz berdasarkan pada empat identitas James Marcia: pengambilan identitas, difusi identitas, penundaan identitas, dan pencapaian identitas. Setelah itu, peneliti menjelaskan kebutuhan yang paling berpengaruh seperti kebutuhan sosial dan identitas dari tokoh Timo Cruz. Kata kunci: kebutuhan, identitas


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    ABSTRACT This research aimed to find out how Timo Cruz as the main character in Coach Carter movie obtained his real identity by examining the needs Timo Cruz fulfilled using Abraham Maslow's theory of Five Hierarchy of Needs. To begin with, the researcher analyzed the needs that Timo Cruz fulfilled from the first stage to the fifth stage. After analyzing the needs, the researcher then analyzed the four identities from James Marcia's theory. Furthermore, the researcher identified what stage of needs that could be linked up to the identity. The method used in this research was qualitative research. The data were analyzed through Abraham Maslow's theory about Five Hierarchy of Needs and Four Identity Status by James Marcia. The movie was analyzed by the characters’ conversation and dialogue script. The researcher used some steps to collect the data to be examined. In analyzing the data, the researcher was watching the movie several times, comprehended the dialogues and the pictures of the movie related to needs fulfillment and identity of Timo Cruz character. The researcher found the needs of Timo Cruz character based on the Abraham Maslow's theory on five needs; physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The researcher also found the identity of Timo Cruz that focused on four identities; identity foreclosure, diffusion, moratorium and achievement. Afterwards, the researcher explained the most dominant needs like social needs and identity from character Timo Cruz. Key words: needs, identity  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara tokoh utama dalam film Coach Carter, Timo Cruz memperoleh identitas sebenarnya dengan mengkaji berbagai kebutuhan yang telah dipenuhi olehnya melalui teori Hirarki Lima Kebutuhan dari Abraham Maslow. Pada langkah awal, peneliti menganalisa kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang telah dipenuhi oleh Timo Cruz mulai tingkatan pertama sampai pada tingkatan kelima. Selanjutnya peneliti menganalisa empat identitas dari teori James Marcia. Pada langkah ini, peneliti mengidentifikasi tingkatan kebutuhan apa yang memiliki hubungan dengan identitas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Data yang sudah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisa menggunakan teori Hirarki Lima Kebutuhan oleh Abraham Maslow dan teori Empat Identitas oleh James Marcia. Percakapan-percakapan para tokoh serta naskah dialog lah yang dianalisa dari film ini. Peneliti menggunakan beberapa cara dalam mengumpulkan data-data untuk dianalisa selanjutnya. Dalam menganalisa data-data tersebut, peneliti telah menonton film ini beberapa kali, kemudian menghubungkan beberapa dialog dan adegan yang ada dalam film Coach Carter dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan dan identitas dari tokoh Timo Cruz. Peneliti menemukan adanya pemenuhan kebutuhan oleh tokoh Timo Cruz berdasarkan teori Lima Kebutuhan Abraham Maslow; kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan rasa aman, kebutuhan sosial, kebutuhan untuk diapresiasi, dan kebutuhan aktualisasi diri. Selain lima kebutuhan tersebut, peneliti juga menemukan identitas Timo Cruz berdasarkan pada empat identitas James Marcia: pengambilan identitas, difusi identitas, penundaan identitas, dan pencapaian identitas. Setelah itu, peneliti menjelaskan kebutuhan yang paling berpengaruh seperti kebutuhan sosial dan identitas dari tokoh Timo Cruz. Kata kunci: kebutuhan, identitas

    Central Florida Future, Vol. 19 No. 36, January 20, 1987

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    UCF\u27s Student Affairs offers ways to grow; BOR ranks UCF, eight other state schools; News: Close cracks and save money (Florida Solar Energy Center); [Ross] Wolf elected ProTem in close senate race; Opinion: Destroying signs a childish act by adult students; Future world: Georgia, America\u27s Cup on his mind (by Chris Richcreek); Sports: Rollins [basketball] rivalry to rock UCF\u27s gym Wed. night; Carter\u27s Corner: Carter: Feather Tars (by Coach Carter).https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1678/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, April 12, 2005

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    Volume 124, Issue 46https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10118/thumbnail.jp

    The New Hampshire, Vol. 106, No. 45 (Apr. 20, 2017)

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    An independant student produced newspaper from the University of New Hampshire

    Tools & Trends March 2005, Vol. 14, No. 2

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    Community Development News from the Iowa Department of Economic Developmen

    A Family Affair

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    A Family Affair Carter family putting their mark on GS Athletic