42,144 research outputs found

    Planting date, storage and gibberellic acid affect dormancy of Zantedeschia Spreng. hybrids : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Applied Science, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    To match the supply of Zantedeschia cut flowers and tubers to the demands of the international market, crops have to be timed to a schedule, which requires control of the growth cycle and, in particular, dormancy. In order to improve the predictability and accuracy of timing of Zantedeschia, the effect of different planting seasons and two dormancy-breaking treatments were tested on cultivars 'Black Magic' and 'Treasure', which were known to have a contrasting level of dormancy. Tissue-cultured plants were ex-flasked in July and November 1999, and grown for 180 days in a heated glasshouse (first cycle). Between 120 and 180 days of growth, plants were harvested at 15 days intervals, and tubers cured. Subsequently, tubers were stored for 0 or 3 weeks (10 ± 1°C; 70-80% RH) and dipped in 100 mg.L -1 gibberellic acid plus surfactant or water plus surfactant, prior to planting for dormancy assessment (second cycle). Growing the plants with four months difference in planting date did not cause major alteration in the occurrence of dormancy. Dormancy was brought forward by up to 10 days after the November date of ex-flask, but this was most likely to be due to higher temperatures during that period. In contrast, depth of dormancy varied between cultivars, with 'Black Magic' taking in average 16 days longer to emerge than 'Treasure'. Storage partially released bud dormancy of the tubers. It increased emergence to over 80% regardless of the time of harvest in the first cycle and cultivar, but reduced time to emergence mostly after harvests at 180 days. Furthermore, following storage, time to emergence was reduced to over 50 and 30 days for 'Black Magic' and 'Treasure', respectively, which exceeded the commercially acceptable period to emerge. Gibberellic acid also broke bud dormancy, improving emergence to over 80%, and reduced time to emergence to between 29 and 57 days, irrespective of the time of harvest in the first cycle and cultivar. The effectiveness of gibberellic acid at any time following harvest during the first cycle, may imply that dormancy of Zantedeschia is not as deep as in temperate woody plants. Cessation of leaf emergence in the first cycle was found not to be directly related to the occurrence of dormancy. Degree-days, on the other hand, presented a possible alternative to predict this process. It was estimated that deepest dormancy of 'Black Magic' occurred between 2614 and 2732 °C-days after planting, while deepest dormancy of 'Treasure' occurred between 2681 and 2839 °C-days after planting. The present study presents storage and gibberellic acid as possible options to control dormancy, and the use of degree-days to predict the occurrence of this process. Further research is necessary to develop these options as commercially applicable practices, and to further clarify the process of dormancy in Zantedeschia

    Bias adjustment of infrared-based rainfall estimation using Passive Microwave satellite rainfall data

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    This study explores using Passive Microwave (PMW) rainfall estimation for spatial and temporal adjustment of Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Cloud Classification System(PERSIANN-CCS). The PERSIANN-CCS algorithm collects information from infrared images to estimate rainfall. PERSIANN-CCS is one of the algorithms used in the IntegratedMultisatellite Retrievals for GPM (Global Precipitation Mission) estimation for the time period PMW rainfall estimations are limited or not available. Continued improvement of PERSIANN-CCS will support Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM for current as well as retrospective estimations of global precipitation. This study takes advantage of the high spatial and temporal resolution of GEO-based PERSIANN-CCS estimation and the more effective, but lower sample frequency, PMW estimation. The Probability Matching Method (PMM) was used to adjust the rainfall distribution of GEO-based PERSIANN-CCS toward that of PMW rainfall estimation. The results show that a significant improvement of global PERSIANN-CCS rainfall estimation is obtained

    To be or not to Be? - First Evidence for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    Double beta decay is indispensable to solve the question of the neutrino mass matrix together with ν\nu oscillation experiments. Recent analysis of the most sensitive experiment since nine years - the HEIDELBERG-MOSCOW experiment in Gran-Sasso - yields a first indication for the neutrinoless decay mode. This result is the first evidence for lepton number violation and proves the neutrino to be a Majorana particle. We give the present status of the analysis in this report. It excludes several of the neutrino mass scenarios allowed from present neutrino oscillation experiments - only degenerate scenarios and those with inverse mass hierarchy survive. This result allows neutrinos to still play an important role as dark matter in the Universe. To improve the accuracy of the present result, considerably enlarged experiments are required, such as GENIUS. A GENIUS Test Facility has been funded and will come into operation by early 2003.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 10 figures, Talk was presented at International Conference "Neutrinos and Implications for Physics Beyond the Standard Model", Oct. 11-13, 2002, Stony Brook, USA, Proc. (2003) ed. by R. Shrock, also see Home Page of Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle Physics Group: http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/non_acc

    LCSTS: A Large Scale Chinese Short Text Summarization Dataset

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    Automatic text summarization is widely regarded as the highly difficult problem, partially because of the lack of large text summarization data set. Due to the great challenge of constructing the large scale summaries for full text, in this paper, we introduce a large corpus of Chinese short text summarization dataset constructed from the Chinese microblogging website Sina Weibo, which is released to the public {http://icrc.hitsz.edu.cn/Article/show/139.html}. This corpus consists of over 2 million real Chinese short texts with short summaries given by the author of each text. We also manually tagged the relevance of 10,666 short summaries with their corresponding short texts. Based on the corpus, we introduce recurrent neural network for the summary generation and achieve promising results, which not only shows the usefulness of the proposed corpus for short text summarization research, but also provides a baseline for further research on this topic.Comment: Recently, we received feedbacks from Yuya Taguchi from NAIST in Japan and Qian Chen from USTC of China, that the results in the EMNLP2015 version seem to be underrated. So we carefully checked our results and find out that we made a mistake while using the standard ROUGE. Then we re-evaluate all methods in the paper and get corrected results listed in Table 2 of this versio

    Self-organizing nonlinear output (SONO): A neural network suitable for cloud patch-based rainfall estimation at small scales

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    Accurate measurement of rainfall distribution at various spatial and temporal scales is crucial for hydrological modeling and water resources management. In the literature of satellite rainfall estimation, many efforts have been made to calibrate a statistical relationship (including threshold, linear, or nonlinear) between cloud infrared (IR) brightness temperatures and surface rain rates (RR). In this study, an automated neural network for cloud patch-based rainfall estimation, entitled self-organizing nonlinear output (SONO) model, is developed to account for the high variability of cloud-rainfall processes at geostationary scales (i.e., 4 km and every 30 min). Instead of calibrating only one IR-RR function for all clouds the SONO classifies varied cloud patches into different clusters and then searches a nonlinear IR-RR mapping function for each cluster. This designed feature enables SONO to generate various rain rates at a given brightness temperature and variable rain/no-rain IR thresholds for different cloud types, which overcomes the one-to-one mapping limitation of a single statistical IR-RR function for the full spectrum of cloud-rainfall conditions. In addition, the computational and modeling strengths of neural network enable SONO to cope with the nonlinearity of cloud-rainfall relationships by fusing multisource data sets. Evaluated at various temporal and spatial scales, SONO shows improvements of estimation accuracy, both in rain intensity and in detection of rain/no-rain pixels. Further examination of the SONO adaptability demonstrates its potentiality as an operational satellite rainfall estimation system that uses the passive microwave rainfall observations from low-orbiting satellites to adjust the IR-based rainfall estimates at the resolution of geostationary satellites. Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union

    Economic Integration in East Asia: Trends, Prospects, and a Possible Roadmap

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    This paper reviews trends in East Asian regionalism in the areas of trade and investment, money and finance, and infrastructure. It presents various measures of trade and financial integration. An important finding of the paper is that increasing trade and financial integration in the region is now starting to lead to a synchronization of business cycles in a selected group of countries, further enhancing the case for monetary integration among these countries. The paper also outlines a roadmap for East Asian integration.ASEAN/East Asian economic cooperation and integration; business cycle synchronization; free trade agreements; policy coordination