2 research outputs found

    Infrastructural model for internet marketing research in e-business

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    Predmet istraţivanja rada je razvoj modela infrastrukture za internet marketing istraţivanja u elektronskom poslovanju. Centralnom problemu koji se razmatra u radu prethodi pojava velike koliĉine podataka – Big Data. Sa razvojem tehnologija i ekspanzijom interneta došlo je do dostupnosti velike koliĉine podataka koji su rasprostranjeni po globalnoj mreţi bez reda i strukture. Model razvijen u radu ima za cilj da na efikasan i efektivan naĉin doprinese standardu prikupljanja, skladištenja, obrade i analize dostupnih podataka, kako eksternih – koji se nalaze na mreţi, tako i internih. Model je razvijen tako da moţe biti implementiran u sve poslovne sisteme. U radu će biti predstavljen model infrastrukture za internet marketing istraţivanja u elektronskom poslovanju baziran na Big Data tehnologiji.The subject of the research work is to develop the Infrastructural model for internet marketing research in the e-business. The central problem of the paper preceding is the appearance of large amounts of data – Big Data. Development of technology and the expansion of the Internet has led to the accessibility of large amounts of data that are scattered on a global network with no structure. The model developed in the paper aims to efficiently and effectively contribute to standards of collection, storaging, processing and analysis of available data, both external – that are on the network, as well as internal. The model was developed so that it can be implemented in all business systems. The infrastructural model for internet marketing research in e-business based on Big Data technology will be presented in this paper