649 research outputs found

    Clustered-loss retransmission protocol over wireless TCP

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    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) performs well in traditional wired networks where the packet loss rate is low. However, in heterogeneous wired/wireless networks, the high packet loss rate over wireless links may result in excessive invocation of the congestion control algorithm, thus deteriorating the performance of TCP. In this paper, a novel localized link layer retransmission protocol, called Clustered-loss Retransmission Protocol (CLRP), is proposed. CLRP consists of three protocol components, namely, TCP-FH deployed on a fixed host, TCP-MH deployed on a mobile host and CLRP-BS deployed on a base station. CLRP can provide not only explicit distinction between congestion and packet corruption losses, and effective multiple wireless loss information for retransmissions, but also better retransmission control for wireless losses. Thus it is well suited to wireless networks, in which packet loss and bursty packet corruption is a serious problem. Moreover, CLRP does not require any modifications to TCP deployed on fixed hosts. © 2005 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Study of TCP Issues over Wireless and Implementation of iSCSI over Wireless for Storage Area Networks

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    The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) has proved to be proficient in classical wired networks, presenting an ability to acclimatize to modern, high-speed networks and present new scenarios for which it was not formerly designed. Wireless access to the Internet requires that information reliability be reserved while data is transmitted over the radio channel. Automatic repeat request (ARQ) schemes and TCP techniques are often used for error-control at the link layer and at the transport layer, respectively. TCP/IP is becoming a communication standard [1]. Initially it was designed to present reliable transmission over IP protocol operating principally in wired networks. Wireless networks are becoming more ubiquitous and we have witnessed an exceptional growth in heterogeneous networks. This report considers the problem of supporting TCP, the Internet data transport protocol, over a lossy wireless link whose features vary over time. Experimental results from a wireless test bed in a research laboratory are reported

    Adaptive Quality of Service Control for MQTT-SN

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    Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks applications are becoming more and more popular nowadays, supported by new communication technologies and protocols tailored to their specific requirements. This paper focuses on improving the performance of a Wireless Sensor Network operated by the MQTT-SN protocol, one of the most popular publish/subscribe protocols for IoT applications. In particular, we propose a dynamic Quality of Service (QoS) controller for the MQTT-SN protocol, capable of evaluating the status of the underlying network in terms of end-to-end delay and packet error rate, reacting consequently by assigning to a node the best QoS value. We design and implement the QoS controller in a simulated environment based on the ns-3 network emulator and we perform extensive experiments to prove its effectiveness compared to a non-controlled scenario. The reported results show that, by controlling the Quality of Service, it is possible to manage effectively the number of packets successfully received by each device and their average latency, to improve the quality of the communication of each end node

    Techniques for End-to-End Tcp Performance Enhancement Over Wireless Networks

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    Today’s wireless network complexity and the new applications from various user devices call for an in-depth understanding of the mutual performance impact of networks and applications. It includes understanding of the application traffic and network layer protocols to enable end-to-end application performance enhancements over wireless networks. Although Transport Control Protocol (TCP) behavior over wireless networks is well known, it remains as one of the main drivers which may significantly impact the user experience through application performance as well as the network resource utilization, since more than 90% of the internet traffic uses TCP in both wireless and wire-line networks. In this dissertation, we employ application traffic measurement and packet analysis over a commercial Long Term Evolution (LTE) network combined with an in-depth LTE protocol simulation to identify three critical problems that may negatively affect the application performance and wireless network resource utilization: (i) impact of the wireless MAC protocol on the TCP throughput performance, (ii) impact of applications on network resource utilization, and (iii) impact of TCP on throughput performance over wireless networks. We further propose four novel mechanisms to improve the end-to-end application and wireless system performance: (i) an enhanced LTE uplink resource allocation mechanism to reduce network delay and help prevent a TCP timeout, (ii) a new TCP snooping mechanism, which according to our experiments, can save about 20% of system resources by preventing unnecessary video packet transmission through the air interface, and (iii) two Split-TCP protocols: an Enhanced Split-TCP (ES-TCP) and an Advanced Split-TCP (AS-TCP), which significantly improve the application throughput without breaking the end-to-end TCP semantics. Experimental results show that the proposed ES-TCP and AS-TCP protocols can boost the TCP throughput by more than 60% in average, when exercised over a 4G LTE network. Furthermore, the TCP throughput performance improvement may be even superior to 200%, depending on network and usage conditions. We expect that these proposed Split-TCP protocol enhancements, together with the new uplink resource allocation enhancement and the new TCP snooping mechanism may provide even greater performance gains when more advanced radio technologies, such as 5G, are deployed. Thanks to their superior resource utilization efficiency, such advanced radio technologies will put to greater use the techniques and protocol enhancements disclosed through this dissertation

    Interference-aware multipath video streaming in vehicular environments

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    The multipath transmission is one of the suitable transmission methods for high data rate oriented communication such as video streaming. Each video packets are split into smaller frames for parallel transmission via different paths. One path may interfere with another path due to these parallel transmissions. The multipath oriented interference is due to the route coupling which is one of the major challenges in vehicular traffic environments. The route coupling increases channel contention resulting in video packet collision. In this context, this paper proposes an Interference-aware Multipath Video Streaming (I-MVS) framework focusing on link and node disjoint optimal paths. Specifically, a multipath vehicular network model is derived. The model is utilized to develop interference-aware video streaming method considering angular driving statistics of vehicles. The quality of video streaming links is measured based on packet error rate considering non-circular transmission range oriented shadowing effects. Algorithms are developed as a complete operational I-MVS framework. The comparative performance evaluation attests the benefit of the proposed framework considering various video streaming related metrics

    Wireless multimedia sensor network technology: a survey

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    Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) is comprised of small embedded video motes capable of extracting the surrounding environmental information, locally processing it and then wirelessly transmitting it to parent node or sink. It is comprised of video sensor, digital signal processing unit and digital radio interface. In this paper we have surveyed existing WMSN hardware and communicationprotocol layer technologies for achieving or fulfilling the objectives of WMSN. We have also listed the various technical challenges posed by this technology while discussing the communication protocol layer technologies. Sensor networking capabilities are urgently required for some of our most important scientific and societal problems like understanding the international carbon budget, monitoring water resources, monitoring vehicle emissions and safeguarding public health. This is a daunting research challenge requiring distributed sensor systems operating in complex environments while providing assurance of reliable and accurate sensing


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    In Wireless Sensor Network congestion leads to the degradation of communication links that result in the decreased the reliability and waste of energy which one of the scarcest resources of sensor network. In cluster based environment each sensor senses the information and forwarded to its cluster head and cluster head will forward that data packet towards the sink. But the cluster heads are one hop from sink node so that they acts as intermediate nodes and hence there are more chances of congestion and leads to packet drop i.e. nothing but data loss. In my model I recover this data loss by using my loss recovery model where I attach the database to the cluster heads and those packets which are drop at cluster head due to congestion are push into the database and re-transmitted to the sink with high priority

    Towards green computing for Internet of Things: energy oriented path and message scheduling approach

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    Recently, energy efficiency in sensor enabled wire-less network domain has witnessed significant attention from both academia and industries. It is an enabling technological advancement towards green computing in Internet of Things (IoT) eventually supporting sensor generated big data processing for smart cities. Related literature on energy efficiency in sensor enabled wireless network environments focuses on one aspects either energy oriented path selection or energy oriented message scheduling. The definition of path also varies in literature without considering links towards energy efficiency. In this context, this paper proposes an energy oriented path selection and message scheduling framework for sensor enabled wireless network environments. The technical novelty focuses on effective cooperation between path selection and message scheduling considering links on path, location of message sender, and number of processor in sensor towards energy efficiency. Specifically, a path selection strategy is developed based on shortest path and less number of links on path (SPLL). The location of message sender, and number of processor in specific sensor are utilized for developing a longer hops (LH) message scheduling approach. A system model is presented based on M/M/1 queuing analysis to showcase the effective cooperation of SPLL and LH towards energy efficiency. Simulation oriented comparative performance evaluation attest the energy efficiency of the proposed framework as compared to the state-of-the-art techniques considering number of energy oriented metrics

    Katakan tidak pada rasuah

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    Isu atau masalah rasuah menjadi topik utama sama ada di peringkat antarabangsa mahupun di peringkat dalam negara. Pertubuhan Bangsa- bangsa Bersatu menegaskan komitmen komuniti antarabangsa bertegas untuk mencegah dan mengawal rasuah melalui buku bertajuk United Nations Convention against Corruption. Hal yang sama berlaku di Malaysia. Melalui pernyataan visi oleh mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamed memberikan indikasi bahawa kerajaan Malaysia komited untuk mencapai aspirasi agar Malaysia dikenali kerana integriti dan bukannya rasuah. Justeru, tujuan penulisan bab ini adalah untuk membincangkan rasuah dari beberapa sudut termasuk perbincangan dari sudut agama Islam, faktor-faktor berlakunya gejala rasuah, dan usaha-usaha yang dijalankan di Malaysia untuk membanteras gejala rasuah. Perkara ini penting bagi mengenalpasti penjawat awam menanamkan keyakinan dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan menghindari diri daripada rasuah agar mereka sentiasa peka mengutamakan kepentingan awam