9 research outputs found

    SUPA: Strewn user-preserved authentication**

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    Objective – This paper presents the high level conceptual architecture of SUPA, an authentication system that would allow a system to authenticate users without having its own repository of users’ secret identification related data. Methodology/Technique – Central storage and management of user credentials or passwords leave a single tempting repository for the attackers. If the credentials are not stored by a system at all, there will be no stored ‘vault’ to allure the attackers. At the same time, there will be no single resource that holds the credentials of all users of a system. SUPA enables a system to authenticate itself users without having their secret credentials stored in it. Findings – The proposed authentication system uses the features of asymmetric encryption as part of its authentication process. Novelty – SUPA eliminates the requirement of secret user credentials at the system end, the user credentials are retained within the end-user’s devices

    SUPA: Strewn User-Preserved Authentication

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    Central storage and management of user credentials or passwords leaves a single tempting repository for the attackers. If the credentials are not stored by a system at all, there will be no stored ‘vault’ to allure the attackers. At the same time, there will be no single resource that holds the credentials of all users of a system. This paper presents the high level conceptual architecture of SUPA, an authentication system that would allow a system to authenticate users without having its own repository of users’ credentials. SUPA enables a system to authenticate its users without having their credentials stored in it. The proposed authentication system uses the features of asymmetric encryption as part of its authentication process

    Anonymous Authentication Against Man-In-The-Middle Attack

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    Evolving enterprise in application and data with flexible and scalable infrastructure in cloud services could improve efficiency and productivity of a business operation. Cloud services also offer resource sharing, data storage and application platform as on-demand services that could reduce the operational expenditure. Nevertheless, increasing usage and accessibility to the cloud services require strong security control to preserve user’s privacy and data integrity due to network communication vulnerabilities. There are many possible attacks that could cause security breach and abuse the user’s identity, leading to illegal access to the server. Man-inthe-middle attack is one of the attacks that can intercept communication between users and collect all users’ information. The attacker can misuse the information and act as a legal user to gain access to the system. It is a big challenge to preserve user’s privacy and provide protection from malicious attack. This paper proposes anonymous authentication scheme to preserve user’s privacy and provide protection to such possible attacks. The proposed scheme also provides secure mutual authentication, anonymity, session key establishment and non-dependency with the third party. The proposed scheme uses password-based authentication as an authentication method with anonymity feature to preserve user’s privacy. Experiment was conducted to test and validate the proposed scheme with man-in-the-middle attack. The result of the experiment shows that the proposed scheme is able to provide the privacy to mitigate and successfully preserve the user’s identity from the attack


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    Analysis of technical implementations of security processes for cloud computing services

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    Створення автоматизованої системи аналізу журналів для виявлення аномалій і загроз безпеки в комп'ютерній системі // Кваліфікаційна робота ОР «Бакалавр» //Микитюк Тарас Володимирович// Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, факультет комп’ютерно-інформаційних систем і програмної інженерії, кафедра кібербезпеки, група СБ-41 // Тернопіль, 2023 // С. – 52, рис. – 25, ліст. – 3.Парадигма хмарних обчислень стала основним рішенням для розгортання бізнес-процесів і програм. У загальнодоступному хмарному баченні послуги інфраструктури, платформи та програмного забезпечення надаються споживачам (тобто клієнтам і постачальникам послуг) на основі оплати за використання. Орендарі хмари можуть використовувати хмарні ресурси за нижчими цінами, з вищою продуктивністю та гнучкістю, ніж традиційні локальні ресурси, не турбуючись про керування інфраструктурою. Тим не менш, орендарі хмари залишаються стурбовані рівнем обслуговування хмари та нефункціональними властивостями, на які можуть розраховувати їхні програми. В останні кілька років дослідницьке співтовариство зосередилося на нефункціональних аспектах парадигми хмари, серед яких виділяється безпека хмари. Дослідження в цій роботі зосереджено на інтерфейсі між безпекою в хмарі та процесами забезпеченням безпеки в хмарі. По-перше, пропонується огляд рівня безпеки в хмарі. Потім подано поняття забезпечення безпеки хмари та аналіз його зростаючого впливу. В роботі наведено ряд рекомендацій стосовно безпеки при використанні хмарних обчислень.The cloud computing paradigm has become the primary solution for deploying business processes and applications. In the public cloud vision, infrastructure, platform, and software services are provided to tenants (i.e., customers and service providers) on a actually utilized services fee basis. Cloud clients can use cloud resources at lower prices, with higher performance and flexibility than traditional on-premises resources. They do not worry about infrastructure management. However, cloud tenants remain concerned about cloud service levels and the non-functional features their applications can expect. Recent few years, the major researches was focused on the non-functional aspects of the cloud computing paradigm, with cloud security standing out. The research in this paper focuses on the interface between cloud security and cloud security processes. First, we provide an overview of the current state of cloud security. We then introduce the concept of cloud security and analyze its growing impact. The work gives a number of recommendations regarding security when using cloud computing for development.ВСТУП ... 7 РОЗДІЛ 1. АНАІЗ ПРОБЛЕМИ ФОРМУВАННЯ ВИМОГ В РОЗПОДІЛЕНИХ КОМАНДАХ ... 9 1.1 Критерії відбору ... 9 1.2 Виділення характеристик безпеки хмарних обчислень ... 10 1.3 Висновки до розділу ... 12 РОЗДІЛ 2. АНАЛІЗ ПУБЛІКАЦІЙ ВІДПОВІДНО ДО КЛАСИФІКАЦІЇ ... 13 2.1 Вразливості, загрози та атаки ... 13 2.1.1 Рівень програми ... 13 2.1.2 Рівень клієнт-клієнт ... 14 2.1.3 Рівень провайдер-клієнт та клієнт-провайдер ... 15 2.2 Безпека хмарних сервісів ... 16 2.2.1 Шифрування ... 17 2.2.2 Сигнатури ... 20 2.2.3 Управління доступом ... 21 2.2.4 Аутентифікація ... 23 2.2.5 Довірені обчислення ... 23 2.2.6 IDS/IPS ... 24 2.2.7 Узагальнення огляду методик забезпечення безпеки в хмарі ... 27 2.3 Забезпечення безпеки ... 27 2.3.1 Тестування ... 30 2.3.2 Моніторинг ... 30 2.3.3 Атестація ... 31 2.3.4 Хмарний аудит/відповідність ... 32 2.3.5 Угода про рівень обслуговування (SLA) ... 33 2.3.6 Узагальнення методів гарантування безпеки ... 34 2.4 Узагальнення результатів огляду літературних джерел ... 34 РОЗДІЛ 3. БЕЗПЕКА ЖИТТЄДІЯЛЬНОСТІ, ОСНОВИ ОХОРОНИ ПРАЦІ ... 41 3.1 Охорона праці та її актуальність в ІТ-сфері ... 41 3.2 Шкідлива дія шуту та вібрації і захист від неї ... 45 ВИСНОВОК ... 51 ПЕРЕЛІК ПОСИЛАНЬ ... 5

    Exploring Predicate Based Access Control for Cloud Workflow Systems

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    Authentication and authorization are the two crucial functions of any modern security and access control mechanisms. Authorization for controlling access to resources is a dynamic characteristic of a workflow system which is based on true business dynamics and access policies. Allowing or denying a user to gain access to a resource is the cornerstone for successful implementation of security and controlling paradigms. Role based and attribute based access control are the existing mechanisms widely used. As per these schemes, any user with given role or attribute respectively is granted applicable privileges to access a resource. There is third approach known as predicate based access control which is less explored. We intend to throw light on this as it provides more fine-grained control over resources besides being able to complement with existing approaches. In this paper we proposed a predicate-based access control mechanism that caters to the needs of cloud-based workflow systems

    An access control and authorization model with Open stack cloud for Smart Grid

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    In compare to Authentication for identification and relationship of an identity of a user with its task and process within the system, authorization in access control is much anxious about confirming that user and its task in the form of system process, access to the assets of any particular domain is only approved when proven obedient to the identified policies. Access control and authorization is always an area of interest for researchers for enhancing security of critical assets from many decades. Our prime focus and interest is in the field of access control model based on Attribute base access control (ABAC) and with this paper we tried to integrate ABAC with openstack cloud for achieving finer level of granularity in access policies for domain like smart grid. Technical advancement of current era demands that critical infrastructure like traditional electrical grid open ups to the modern information and communication technology to get the benefit in terms of efficiency, scalability, accessibility and transparency for better adaptability in real world. Incorporation of ICT with electric grid makes it possible to do greater level of bi-directional interaction among stake holders like customer, generation units, distribution units and administrations and these leads international organization to contribute for standardization of smart grid concepts and technology so that the realization of smart grid becomes reality. Smart grid is a distributed system of very large scale by its nature and needs to integrate available legacy systems with its own security requirements. Cloud computing proven to be most efficient approach for said requirements and we have identified openstack as our cloud platform. We have integrated ABAC approach with default RBAC approach of openstack and provide a frame work that supports and integrate multiple access control polices in making authorization decisions. Smart grid domain in considered as case study which requires support of multiple access policies (RBAC, ABAC or DAC etc) with our model for access control and authorization