2,239 research outputs found

    A Unified Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Feedback Vertex Set on Graphs of Bounded Mim-Width

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    We give a first polynomial-time algorithm for (Weighted) Feedback Vertex Set on graphs of bounded maximum induced matching width (mim-width). Explicitly, given a branch decomposition of mim-width w, we give an n^{O(w)}-time algorithm that solves Feedback Vertex Set. This provides a unified algorithm for many well-known classes, such as Interval graphs and Permutation graphs, and furthermore, it gives the first polynomial-time algorithms for other classes of bounded mim-width, such as Circular Permutation and Circular k-Trapezoid graphs for fixed k. In all these classes the decomposition is computable in polynomial time, as shown by Belmonte and Vatshelle [Theor. Comput. Sci. 2013]. We show that powers of graphs of tree-width w-1 or path-width w and powers of graphs of clique-width w have mim-width at most w. These results extensively provide new classes of bounded mim-width. We prove a slight strengthening of the first statement which implies that, surprisingly, Leaf Power graphs which are of importance in the field of phylogenetic studies have mim-width at most 1. Given a tree decomposition of width w-1, a path decomposition of width w, or a clique-width w-expression of a graph G, one can for any value of k find a mim-width decomposition of its k-power in polynomial time, and apply our algorithm to solve Feedback Vertex Set on the k-power in time n^{O(w)}. In contrast to Feedback Vertex Set, we show that Hamiltonian Cycle is NP-complete even on graphs of linear mim-width 1, which further hints at the expressive power of the mim-width parameter

    Mim-Width III. Graph powers and generalized distance domination problems

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    We generalize the family of (σ,ρ) problems and locally checkable vertex partition problems to their distance versions, which naturally captures well-known problems such as Distance-r Dominating Set and Distance-r Independent Set. We show that these distance problems are in XP parameterized by the structural parameter mim-width, and hence polynomial-time solvable on graph classes where mim-width is bounded and quickly computable, such as k-trapezoid graphs, Dilworth k-graphs, (circular) permutation graphs, interval graphs and their complements, convex graphs and their complements, k-polygon graphs, circular arc graphs, complements of d-degenerate graphs, and H-graphs if given an H-representation. We obtain these results by showing that taking any power of a graph never increases its mim-width by more than a factor of two. To supplement these findings, we show that many classes of (σ,ρ) problems are W[1]-hard parameterized by mimwidth + solution size. We show that powers of graphs of tree-width w − 1 or path-width w and powers of graphs of clique-width w have mim-width at most w. These results provide new classes of bounded mim-width. We prove a slight strengthening of the first statement which implies that, surprisingly, Leaf Power graphs which are of importance in the field of phylogenetic studies have mim-width at most 1.publishedVersio

    Colouring exact distance graphs of chordal graphs

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    For a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and positive integer pp, the exact distance-pp graph G[p]G^{[\natural p]} is the graph with vertex set VV and with an edge between vertices xx and yy if and only if xx and yy have distance pp. Recently, there has been an effort to obtain bounds on the chromatic number χ(G[p])\chi(G^{[\natural p]}) of exact distance-pp graphs for GG from certain classes of graphs. In particular, if a graph GG has tree-width tt, it has been shown that χ(G[p])O(pt1)\chi(G^{[\natural p]}) \in \mathcal{O}(p^{t-1}) for odd pp, and χ(G[p])O(ptΔ(G))\chi(G^{[\natural p]}) \in \mathcal{O}(p^{t}\Delta(G)) for even pp. We show that if GG is chordal and has tree-width tt, then χ(G[p])O(pt2)\chi(G^{[\natural p]}) \in \mathcal{O}(p\, t^2) for odd pp, and χ(G[p])O(pt2Δ(G))\chi(G^{[\natural p]}) \in \mathcal{O}(p\, t^2 \Delta(G)) for even pp. If we could show that for every graph HH of tree-width tt there is a chordal graph GG of tree-width tt which contains HH as an isometric subgraph (i.e., a distance preserving subgraph), then our results would extend to all graphs of tree-width tt. While we cannot do this, we show that for every graph HH of genus gg there is a graph GG which is a triangulation of genus gg and contains HH as an isometric subgraph.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Versions 2 and 3 include minor changes, which arise from reviewers' comment