38 research outputs found

    Qawl qarrieqi?

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    L-awtur jagħti tagħrif etimoloÄ”iku dwar il-qawl Malti: ā€œSanta Luċija u l-jum jitwal pass taā€™ tarbija.ā€N/

    Makna Budaya Leksikon ā€œMizuā€ yang Tercermin dalam Peribahasa Jepang dan padanannya dalam Peribahasa Sunda

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    Ā This study aims to describe the meaning of the culture of mizu ā€˜airā€™ in Japanese proverbs and its equivalent in Sundanese proverbs. Data used in the form of Japanese proverbs related to water as much as 11 data. Data were analyzed using ethnolinguistic studies. Based on the results of data analysis, structurally are identified four types. Namely data that is structured in pairs, contradictions, poems, and comparisons. The analysis shows that mizu ā€˜airā€™ is a substance that cannot be separated from human life, including Japanese and Sundanese people. Therefore, the mizu ā€˜airā€™ lexicon has a viewpoint for Japanese society that manifests itself in its speech. The analysis results identified that mizu ā€˜airā€™ has cultural meanings that indicate the nature or character of the water symbol.

    Onomatopoeia: The Daily Grind

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    This is the second of two articles on the onomatopoeia of words for sounds produced by inanimate objects; the first article appeared in the May 1991 Word Ways. In that article, a taxonomy was developed relating the pitch and loudness of a sound to the vowel of the word representing it, and the duration to the initial and final consonants (or consonant clusters). The article restricted itself to sounds associated with accidental bumps, bangs or falls of solid objects (both human and inanimate), including the deliberate collisions of war and sport, and the related sounds of friction and breakage

    Kritika letterarja

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    Wara li l-awtur qara ā€œIl-Maltiā€ taā€™ Diċembru 1945 ried jieqaf jiżen u jgħarbel kemxejn aktar fit-tul l-kritika li A. J. V. għoÄ”bu jħażżeż dwar il-poeżija taā€™ Ninu Cremona.N/

    Folklore Malti

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    Bħala parti mill-folklor Malti, l-awtur ifittex qwiel qodma fil-ħrafa taā€™ Jannar, Frar u Marzu.N/


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    ABSTRACTThis research reveals the values of character education based on Sundanese Local Wisdom (KLS) in relation to Core Competencies (KI) in learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) in Junior High Schools. Character values become a reference in the world of education and must be applied in schools. In KLS, there are several character values that are revealed in 'paribasa or babasan' which is a treasure for the life of the Sundanese. These character values are relevant to those formulated by the Ministry of National Education as many as 18 character values. Meanwhile, the character values in Civics learning are as reflected in the KI formulation in elementary education for grades VII-IX. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be revealed that there is a significant relevance of SEA-based character values with character values in KI and those formulated by the Ministry of National Education. Of the 42 'paribasa' KLS character values, it can be classified into 12 character values that are relevant to the KI formulation. The KLS character values become enrichment materials in Civics learning in Junior High Schools.Keywords:Ā Character education, Sundanese, local wisdom, core competenceĀ AbstrakPenelitian ini mengungkapkan tentang nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sunda (KLS) dalam hubungannya dengan Kompetensi Inti (KI) dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Nilai-nilai karakter menjadi acuan dalam dunia pendidikan dan harus diterapkan dalam persekolahan. Dalam KLS memiliki beberapa nilai karakter yang terungkap pada ā€˜paribasa atau babasanā€™ yang menjadi khasanah bagi kehidupan orang Sunda. Nilai-nilai karakter tersebut relevan dengan yang dirumuskan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional sebanyak 18 nilai karakter. Sedangkan nilai-nilai karakter pada pembelajaran PPKn sebagaimana tercermin dalam rumusan KI pada pendidikan dasar kelas VII-IX. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diungkapkan bahwa terdapatnya relevansi yang signifikan nilai-nilai karakter berbasis KLS dengan nilai-nilai karakter dalam KI serta yang dirumuskan oleh Kemendiknas. Dari sebanyak nilai karakter KLS 42 ā€˜paribasaā€™, maka dapat diklasifikasikan pada 12 nilai karakter yang relevan dengan rumusan KI. Nilai-nilai karakter KLS menjadi bahan pengayaan dalam pembelajaran PPKn di Sekolah Menengah Pertama.Kata Kunci:Ā Pendidikan karakter, Kearifan lokal, Sunda, Kompetensi int

    Id-djalogi ta' De Soldanis

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    L-awtur iÄ”ib id-djalogi taā€™ Ä an FranÄ”isk Agius De Soldanis li nkitbu mal-mitejn sena ilu fis-seklu tmintax. Id-djalogi huma miktubin bā€™Malti idjomatiku li jixħet dawl fuq kif kienu jitkellmu n-nies fis-seklu tmintax u fuq drawwiethom.N/

    Mikiel Anton Vassalli

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    Sena wara li stampa l-Grammatika Maltija bit-Taljan, Vassalli ħareÄ” il-Ä”abra taā€™ qwiel u proverbji Maltin imsejħa ā€œMotti, Aforismi e Proverbi Maltesiā€ li fissirhom ukoll bit-Taljan u magħhom żied xi noti.N/

    The Concept of Good Communication in Sundanese Way of Life a Paremiologicall Analysis

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    Sundanese people is the Indonesia's second largest ethnic with a population of nearly 50 million people. As a large ethnic, ethophilosophically, Sundanese people believed to have developed a unique perspective on the various aspects of life, especially the aspect of Communication.All this time our understanding of Sundanese communicationĀ  values is very limited. In fact, we tend to ignore it. Proven until now research in this field has never been done. Though understanding of local values are strategic and can become the entrance to understand Sundanese Communicative behavior more accurately and correctly.This study aims to explore the Sundaneseā€™sĀ  view about 'the concept of good communication' with a focus on the following question; how do Sundanese people view the concept of good communication?By using paremiological analysis method that analyzes two books namely (1) Kumpulan Babasan jeung Paribasa Sunda, and (2) 1863 Babasan jeung Paribasa Sunda, the research found that Sundanese peopleĀ  placing communication as determinants of good or poor quality of social life. Sundaneseā€™s Communication behavior tend to be oriented on circumspection and collectivity