82 research outputs found

    Supporting Special-Purpose Health Care Models via Web Interfaces

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    The potential of the Web, via both the Internet and intranets, to facilitate development of clinical information systems has been evident for some time. Most Web-based clinical workstations interfaces, however, provide merely a loose collection of access channels. There are numerous examples of systems for access to either patient data or clinical guidelines, but only isolated cases where clinical decision support is presented integrally with the process of patient care, in particular, in the form of active alerts and reminders based on patient data. Moreover, pressures in the health industry are increasing the need for doctors to practice in accordance with Âżbest practiceÂż guidelines and often to operate under novel health-care arrangements. We present the Care Plan On-Line (CPOL) system, which provides intranet-based support for the SA HealthPlus Coordinated Care model for chronic disease management. We describe the interface design rationale of CPOL and its implementation framework, which is flexible and broadly applicable to support new health care models over intranets or the Internet

    Bed Spaces Management System for the Libyan Public Hospital Al-Jumhouriya in Benghazi

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    Recently, the online services have used widely in different fields for providing and facilitating user needs. Most of these services give the flexibility and easy to access anytime and anywhere without need to waste the time. This study was initialed for the current issues in determining the bed availability in the Libyan public hospital Al-Jumhouriya in Benghazi for pregnant. Thus, this study successful designed and developed the system based on the System Research Process Methodology. The system was developed based on JSP and MySQL tools and tested on local server. The result of the evolution found that the proposed Bed Reservation System (BRS) was easy to use, useful and achieve the uses intention in using it


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    A healthcare department in remove community of Indonesia aimed for reducing paperwork and improving the electronic system. As part of a pilot project, one aspect was replaced from manual to the electronic format. The proposed system was use of electronic form for claiming for fee reimbursement made by the physicians. The design of the system is intranet based and consisted of two separate portals. The first portal is for physicians and second portal is for billing clerk. The interface is user-friendly and packed with pre-defined codes set in several of its fields and sub-fields. The electronic form is also linked to a centralized database from which a physician can copy the existing patients record. For improving the system variance from individual needs, decision support algorithm is used. Whereas, for improving the system performance, machine learning algorithm is used. For data query, database query was designed. The relationship of columns in the database is displayed as a tabulated form to the user. In situation where a user selects a particular column, a filtered display mechanism displays those columns which satisfying the portion of the query already constructed. For obtaining data from the tabulated database, the SQL query is adapted. Rule-based knowledge inference model is utilized for reasoning about terminology and required domain knowledge. The inference used is algorithmic and helpful in performing all necessary tasks under the suitable billing circumstances. A survey is conducted with 35 physicians for judging their perception towards the system. Results of the survey indicate that most participants find the system suitable and better than the paper-based system in terms of several dimensions such as user friendliness, time saving, reducing errors, and accuracy

    A Fuzzy Rule Based Approach to Predict Risk Level of Heart Disease

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    Health care domain systems globally face lots of difficulties because of the high amount of risk factors of heart diseases in peoples (WHO, 2013). To reduce risk, improved knowledge based expert systems played an important role and has a contribution towards the development of the healthcare system for cardiovascular disease. To make use of benefits of knowledge based system, it is necessary for health organizations and users; must need to know the fuzzy rule based expert system2019;s integrity, efficiency, and deployments, which are the open challenges of current fuzzy logic based medical systems. In our proposed system, we have designed a fuzzy rule based expert system and also by using data mining technique we have reduced the total number of attributes. Our system mainly focuses on cardiovascular disease diagnosis, and the dataset taken from UCI (Machine Learning Repository). We explored in the existing work. The majority of the researcher2019;s experimentation was made on 14 attributes out of 76. While, in our system we took advantage of 6 attributes for system design. In the preliminary stage UCI, data participated in suggested system that will get outcomes. The performance of the system matched with Neural Network and J48 Decision Tree Algorithm

    Fault Tolerance in Intranet Information Systems for Tertiary Health Institutions

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    The critical nature of information and data in some systems like health sector requires a system that gives optimal tolerance to fault without trading off or compromising system integrity, availability and security in order for the system to afford greater efficiency. The main thrust of this work is to examine health system information flow and application(s) in the light of fault tolerance and come up with application software of higher tolerance to fault that can be deployed as an intranet in a tertiary health institution for sharing Patients’ Case Notes among care givers. Besides extensive literature review on the work, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Teaching Hospital, one of the teaching hospitals in Nigeria, was chosen as a case study. The various departments and users are interviewed and interacted with in order to, among other things, gather system requirements. The software development technologies used are ASP.NET with Visual Basic as language and Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Edition. The platform used is Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition. The web server used is Internet Information System (IIS). Keywords: fault tolerance, information system, health institution, health care, case note

    Preparedness for Use of Health Information for Planning and Decision Making: A Study of Health Facilities in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana

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    Background: Providing the right quality information system promotes effective and efficient ways of using scarce resources through proper planning and decision-making. This however depends on availability of infrastructure and adequate staff training on use of health information.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among health facilities in the Kumasi metropolis and data was collected from June to September 2011. The study involved 323 health staffs, recruited from among1162 health workers from public, private, quasi and mission health facilities and the Metro Health Directorate in four of the ten sub-metros across the Kumasi metropolis. Data was analysed with STATA 11 software. Results: More than 50% had received training on HI among all the facilities. Comparatively, training on HIS was lower in the public hospitals. Training on HI and relevance the training had significant associations with the use of HI (p<0.001). Respondents who had never had training on HI were less likely to use HI for planning and decision-making as compared to those who had ever had training (OR=0.086; 95% CI=0.03, 0.25). Although most facilities had available logistics for storage, processing and using health information, not all were functioning. Challenges associated with use of HI included inaccurate data, low knowledge on IT, unreliable information, inconsistent data, improper documentation and power cut offs. Conclusion: Use of health information remains critical to making evidenced based decision-making. Improving health training and the requisite logistics could improve use of HI among health staffs. Keywords: health information, planning, Kumasi metropolis, training, logistics, preparednes

    Information technology for detecting medication errors and adverse drug events

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    It is estimated that over three-quarters of a million people are injured or die in hospitals ‎each year from adverse drug events (ADE’s). The majority of medical errors result form ‎poorly designed healthcare systems rather than from negligence on the part of healthcare ‎providers. In general, healthcare systems rely on voluntary reporting, which seriously ‎underestimates the number of medication errors and ADE’s by as much as 90%. This ‎paper reviews the causes and impact of medication errors and ADE\u27s. It also reports ‎studies that have used information technology (IT) to detect and prevent medication ‎errors and ADE’s. Significant reduction of medication errors and ADE’s requires ‎systemic implementation of IT, improvements in the reporting of errors, and integration ‎of the components of the healthcare systems’ information systems. At the present time, ‎most healthcare systems should be able to use IT to detect and prevent ADE’s.

    Towards the Development of Criteria to Assess Stuttering Mobile Apps

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    Speech disfluency is one of the kinds of speech disorders that can affect many aspects of a person’s life and surroundings. They may experience bad reactions to stuttering and counters difficulty to communicate especially in significant situations. However, speech therapists may conduct speech therapy sessions as it is believed that through speech practice, stutterers can recover well and speaks fluently (each individual’s progress might be different to one another). Recently, mobile applications (apps) to improve health especially in speech disfluencies are proliferating. However, before a doctor or speech therapist can recommend any stuttering apps to their patients, they need to have the clinical test evidence of the apps and be confident that the apps are capable in improving patients’ speech disfluencies. Recently, speech therapists have started to ask the effectiveness of mobile health (m-health) apps towards improving speech problems and stuttering issues among society. Unfortunately, studies have revealed that most of stuttering m-health apps in the market were developed without any proper guideline from health practitioner. The main instruments used in this study are through the adaptation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework and Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering (OASES) instrument. ICF provides an ideal framework for describing stuttering while OASES instrument provides validity assessment and scoring procedure in offering evidence for the treatment used (usage of stuttering m-health apps and its impact on patient’s speech problems). Through this effort, it is hoped that the widespread use of m-health apps (i.e. focusing on speech disfluency for this study) developed with proper clinical guidance will enhance the quality of stuttering m-health apps thus leading towards quality healthcare in our society

    A KM perspective on implementing an electronic patient record within an NHS hospital

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    The Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is being developed by many hospitals in the UK and across the globe. We class an EPR system as a type of Knowledge Management System (KMS), in that it is a technological tool developed to support the process of knowledge management (KM). Healthcare organisations aim to use these systems to provide a vehicle for more informed and improved clinical decision making thereby delivering reduced errors and risks, enhanced quality and consequently offering enhanced patient safety. Finding an effective way for a healthcare organisation to practically implement these systems is essential. In this study we use the concept of the business process approach to KM as a theoretical lens to analyse and explore how a large NHS teaching hospital developed, executed and practically implemented an EPR system. This theory advocates the importance of taking into account all organizational activities - the business processes - in considering any KM initiatives. Approaching KM through business processes allows for a more holistic view of the requirements across a process: emphasis is placed on how particular activities are performed, how they are structured and what knowledge demanded and not just supplied across each process. This falls in line with the increased emphasis in healthcare on patient-centred approaches to care delivery. We have found in previous research that hospitals are happy with the delivery of patient care being referred to as their 'business'. A qualitative study was conducted over a two and half year period with data collected from semi-structured interviews with eight members of the strategic management team, 12 clinical users and 20 patients in addition to non- participant observation of meetings and documentary data. We believe that the inclusion of patients within the study may well be the first time this has been done in examining the implementation of a KMS. The theoretical propositions strategy was used as the overarching approach for data analysis. Here Initial theoretical research themes and propositions were used to help shape and organise the case study analysis. This paper will present preliminary findings about the hospital's business strategy and its links to the KMS strategy and process
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