27 research outputs found

    Deep learning with convolutional neural networks for decoding and visualization of EEG pathology

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    We apply convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) to the task of distinguishing pathological from normal EEG recordings in the Temple University Hospital EEG Abnormal Corpus. We use two basic, shallow and deep ConvNet architectures recently shown to decode task-related information from EEG at least as well as established algorithms designed for this purpose. In decoding EEG pathology, both ConvNets reached substantially better accuracies (about 6% better, ~85% vs. ~79%) than the only published result for this dataset, and were still better when using only 1 minute of each recording for training and only six seconds of each recording for testing. We used automated methods to optimize architectural hyperparameters and found intriguingly different ConvNet architectures, e.g., with max pooling as the only nonlinearity. Visualizations of the ConvNet decoding behavior showed that they used spectral power changes in the delta (0-4 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) frequency range, possibly alongside other features, consistent with expectations derived from spectral analysis of the EEG data and from the textual medical reports. Analysis of the textual medical reports also highlighted the potential for accuracy increases by integrating contextual information, such as the age of subjects. In summary, the ConvNets and visualization techniques used in this study constitute a next step towards clinically useful automated EEG diagnosis and establish a new baseline for future work on this topic.Comment: Published at IEEE SPMB 2017 https://www.ieeespmb.org/2017

    Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithm for Sleep Apnea Detection Based on Heart Rate Variability

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    Sleep apnea is a common problem with health implications ranging from excessive daytime sleepiness to serious cardiovascular disorders. The method for detecting and measuring sleep apnea is through breathing monitoring (polysomnography), which is time consuming and relatively expensive. Cardiovascular which is closely related to heart performance activities allows the use of electrocardiogram (heart rate variability) features to detect sleep apnea. This study aims to compare the results of sleep apnea detection using several machine learning algorithms. A total of 2,445 data were divided into 1,834 data as learning sets and 611 data as test sets. Evaluation of 10-fold cross-validation using all HRV features shows that neural network algorithm has the best performance compared to decision tree algorithm, k-nearest neighbor, and support vector machine with an accuracy rate (82.44% in the learning set, 79.21% in the test set consecutively), precision (85.54% and 82.70%), f-measure (87.70% and 85.67%), and AUC (0.867 and 0.832). Based on the results of performance testing using only selected HRV features (CVRR, HF, SD1/SD2 Ratio, and S-Region), the K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, and Neural Network algorithms experienced a decrease in performance. The use of all HRV features is recommended compared to only using selected HRV features, so it can help detect the presence/absence of sleep apnea much better

    An Open-Source Platform for Real-Time Preliminary Diagnosis amongst Adults using Data Analytics

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    Depression can be defined as a mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood, loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.  Technical intervention to screen depression in non-clinical population which records, classify depression on the basis of severity and provide features or predictors that discriminate the classification of depression among non-clinical population comprising of college students is the main area of the study. Beck Depression Inventory – II (BDI-II), as per Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental disorder (DSM IV) is used to screen depression and its severity. Indicators are determined on the basis of how well the features or predictors can discriminate the classes of depression severity.  Providing quality indicators which help in supporting the process can be considered as symptoms for screening depression.  Descriptive analytics is used in order to find the underlying pattern of the responses captured, factor analysis groups variables on the basis of correlation between patterns of the responses to reduce dimension.  The approach for supervised descriptive analysis method that takes BDI-II questions as features and refine the features using information gain and linear discriminant analysis as feature selection algorithm. The classification of severity of depression is done using Support vector machine (SVM).

    Detecting Depression Using Single-Channel EEG and Graph Methods

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    Objective: This paper applies graph methods to distinguish major depression disorder (MDD) and healthy (H) subjects using the graph features of single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Methods: Four network features—graph entropy, mean degree, degree two, and degree three—were extracted from the 19-channel EEG signals of 64 subjects (26 females and 38 males), and then these features were forwarded to a support vector machine to conduct depression classification based on the eyes-open and eyes-closed statuses, respectively. Results: Statistical analysis showed that graph features with degree of two and three, the graph entropy of MDD was significantly lower than that for H (p < 0.0001). Additionally, the accuracy of detecting MDD using single-channel T4 EEG with leave-one-out cross-validation from H was 89.2% and 92.0% for the eyes-open and eyes-closed statuses, respectively. Conclusion: This study shows that the graph features of a short-term EEG can help assess and evaluate MDD. Thus, single-channel EEG signals can be used to detect depression in subjects. Significance: Graph feature analysis discovered that MDD is more related to the temporal lobe than the frontal lobe