32,578 research outputs found

    Symbolic public goods and the coordination of collective action : a comparison of local development in India and Indonesia

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    Most economists think of common property as physical-a body of water, a forest-and as bounded within geographic space. In this paper, building on work in social theory, the author argues that common property can also be social-defined within symbolic space. People can be bound by well-defined symbolic agglomerations that have characteristics similar to common property. He calls these"symbolic public goods"(SPGs) and make the case that such constructs are central to understanding collective action. He illustrates the point by contrasting how conceptions of nationalism in Indonesia and India created SPGs that resulted in very different strategies of local development. Indonesia emphasized collective action by the poor that resulted in a form of regressive taxation, enforced by the ideology of svadaya gotong royong (community self-help) that was both internalized and coercively enforced. India emphasized democratic decentralization through the panchayatsystem driven by the Gandhian ideology of gram swaraj (self-reliant villages). This has resulted in an unusual equity-efficiency tradeoff. Indonesia has delivered public services much more efficiently than India did, but at the cost of democratic freedoms and voice. The author argues that the challenge for these countries is not to undermine their existing SPGs but to build on them. Indonesia should retain the spirit of svadaya gotong royong but channel it in an equitable and democratic direction, while India should build the capacity of the panchayat system by giving it fiscal teeth, while promoting underutilized institutions such as Gram Sabhas (village meetings) that encourage accountability and transparency.Environmental Economics&Policies,Governance Indicators,Health Economics&Finance,National Governance,Economic Theory&Research

    On Varieties of Automata Enriched with an Algebraic Structure (Extended Abstract)

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    Eilenberg correspondence, based on the concept of syntactic monoids, relates varieties of regular languages with pseudovarieties of finite monoids. Various modifications of this correspondence related more general classes of regular languages with classes of more complex algebraic objects. Such generalized varieties also have natural counterparts formed by classes of finite automata equipped with a certain additional algebraic structure. In this survey, we overview several variants of such varieties of enriched automata.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Formal Verification of Security Protocol Implementations: A Survey

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    Automated formal verification of security protocols has been mostly focused on analyzing high-level abstract models which, however, are significantly different from real protocol implementations written in programming languages. Recently, some researchers have started investigating techniques that bring automated formal proofs closer to real implementations. This paper surveys these attempts, focusing on approaches that target the application code that implements protocol logic, rather than the libraries that implement cryptography. According to these approaches, libraries are assumed to correctly implement some models. The aim is to derive formal proofs that, under this assumption, give assurance about the application code that implements the protocol logic. The two main approaches of model extraction and code generation are presented, along with the main techniques adopted for each approac

    Languages of Dot-depth One over Infinite Words

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    Over finite words, languages of dot-depth one are expressively complete for alternation-free first-order logic. This fragment is also known as the Boolean closure of existential first-order logic. Here, the atomic formulas comprise order, successor, minimum, and maximum predicates. Knast (1983) has shown that it is decidable whether a language has dot-depth one. We extend Knast's result to infinite words. In particular, we describe the class of languages definable in alternation-free first-order logic over infinite words, and we give an effective characterization of this fragment. This characterization has two components. The first component is identical to Knast's algebraic property for finite words and the second component is a topological property, namely being a Boolean combination of Cantor sets. As an intermediate step we consider finite and infinite words simultaneously. We then obtain the results for infinite words as well as for finite words as special cases. In particular, we give a new proof of Knast's Theorem on languages of dot-depth one over finite words.Comment: Presented at LICS 201

    Applications of Machine Learning to Threat Intelligence, Intrusion Detection and Malware

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are emerging technologies with applications to many fields. This paper is a survey of use cases of ML for threat intelligence, intrusion detection, and malware analysis and detection. Threat intelligence, especially attack attribution, can benefit from the use of ML classification. False positives from rule-based intrusion detection systems can be reduced with the use of ML models. Malware analysis and classification can be made easier by developing ML frameworks to distill similarities between the malicious programs. Adversarial machine learning will also be discussed, because while ML can be used to solve problems or reduce analyst workload, it also introduces new attack surfaces

    Information Extraction, Data Integration, and Uncertain Data Management: The State of The Art

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    Information Extraction, data Integration, and uncertain data management are different areas of research that got vast focus in the last two decades. Many researches tackled those areas of research individually. However, information extraction systems should have integrated with data integration methods to make use of the extracted information. Handling uncertainty in extraction and integration process is an important issue to enhance the quality of the data in such integrated systems. This article presents the state of the art of the mentioned areas of research and shows the common grounds and how to integrate information extraction and data integration under uncertainty management cover

    Efficient Algorithms for Membership in Boolean Hierarchies of Regular Languages

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide efficient algorithms that decide membership for classes of several Boolean hierarchies for which efficiency (or even decidability) were previously not known. We develop new forbidden-chain characterizations for the single levels of these hierarchies and obtain the following results: - The classes of the Boolean hierarchy over level Σ1\Sigma_1 of the dot-depth hierarchy are decidable in NLNL (previously only the decidability was known). The same remains true if predicates mod dd for fixed dd are allowed. - If modular predicates for arbitrary dd are allowed, then the classes of the Boolean hierarchy over level Σ1\Sigma_1 are decidable. - For the restricted case of a two-letter alphabet, the classes of the Boolean hierarchy over level Σ2\Sigma_2 of the Straubing-Th\'erien hierarchy are decidable in NLNL. This is the first decidability result for this hierarchy. - The membership problems for all mentioned Boolean-hierarchy classes are logspace many-one hard for NLNL. - The membership problems for quasi-aperiodic languages and for dd-quasi-aperiodic languages are logspace many-one complete for PSPACEPSPACE

    Renewing the framework for secondary mathematics : spring 2008 subject leader development meeting : sessions 2, 3 and 4

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