20 research outputs found

    Bootstrapping a Tagged Corpus through Combination of Existing Heterogeneous Taggers

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    This paper describes a new method, Combi-bootstrap, to exploit existing taggers and lexical resources for the annotation of corpora with new tagsets. Combi-bootstrap uses existing resources as features for a second level machine learning module, that is trained to make the mapping to the new tagset on a very small sample of annotated corpus material. Experiments show that Combi-bootstrap: i) can integrate a wide variety of existing resources, and ii) achieves much higher accuracy (up to 44.7 % error reduction) than both the best single tagger and an ensemble tagger constructed out of the same small training sample.Comment: 4 page

    A Comparative Study of Classifier Combination Methods Applied to NLP Tasks

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    There are many classification tools that can be used for various NLP tasks, although none of them can be considered the best of all since each one has a particular list of virtues and defects. The combination methods can serve both to maximize the strengths of the base classifiers and to reduce errors caused by their defects improving the results in terms of accuracy. Here is a comparative study on the most relevant methods that shows that combination seems to be a robust and reliable way of improving our results

    Combining Language Independent Part-of-Speech Tagging Tools

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    Part-of-speech tagging is a fundamental task of natural language processing. For languages with a very rich agglutinating morphology, generic PoS tagging algorithms do not yield very high accuracy due to data sparseness issues. Though integrating a morphological analyzer can efficiently solve this problem, this is a resource-intensive solution. In this paper we show a method of combining language independent statistical solutions -- including a statistical machine translation tool -- of PoS-tagging to effectively boost tagging accuracy. Our experiments show that, using the same training set, our combination of language independent tools yield an accuracy that approaches that of a language dependent system with an integrated morphological analyzer

    Classifier Combination for Telegraphese Restoration

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    Abstract-This paper presents a classifier combination to solve telegraphese restoration problem. By implementing more than one classifier, it can support other classifier, and finally it can improve the performance. Using supplied development data, training data and testing data, the best model had an accuracy F = 79 %

    Application of Weighted Voting Taggers to Languages Described with Large Tagsets

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    The paper presents baseline and complex part-of-speech taggers applied to the modified corpus of Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Polish, annotated with a large tagset. First, the paper examines accuracy of 6 baseline part-of-speech taggers. The main part of the work presents simple weighted voting and complex voting taggers. Special attention is paid to lexical voting methods and issues of ties and fallbacks. TagPair and WPDV voting methods achieve the top accuracy among all considered methods. Error reduction 10.8 % with respect to the best baseline tagger for the large tagset is comparable with other author's results for small tagsets

    A comparative study of classifier combination applied to NLP tasks

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    The paper is devoted to a comparative study of classifier combination methods, which have been successfully applied to multiple tasks including Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. There is variety of classifier combination techniques and the major difficulty is to choose one that is the best fit for a particular task. In our study we explored the performance of a number of combination methods such as voting, Bayesian merging, behavior knowledge space, bagging, stacking, feature sub-spacing and cascading, for the part-of-speech tagging task using nine corpora in five languages. The results show that some methods that, currently, are not very popular could demonstrate much better performance. In addition, we learned how the corpus size and quality influence the combination methods performance. We also provide the results of applying the classifier combination methods to the other NLP tasks, such as name entity recognition and chunking. We believe that our study is the most exhaustive comparison made with combination methods applied to NLP tasks so far

    Ghost Peppers: Using Ensemble Models to Detect Professor Attractiveness Commentary on RateMyProfessors.com

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    In June 2018, RateMyProfessors.com (RMP), a popular website for students to leave professor reviews, removed a controversial feature known as the “chili pepper” which allowed students to rate their professors as “hot” or “not hot.” Though past research has rigorously analyzed the correlation of the chili pepper with higher ratings in other categories (Felton, Mitchell, and Stinson, 2004; Felton et al., 2008), none has measured the effect of the removal of the chili pepper on the text content submitted by students. While it is a positive step that the chili pepper has been removed, text commentary on teacher attractiveness persists and is submitted to the site through the “additional comments” text field. Using text classification and ensemble learning methods, we identify these reviews and their perpetuation after the chili pepper with high accuracy. Our analysis of 358,000 reviews from RMP representing a cross-section of professors from private and public universities across the U.S. finds two important trends: (1) the frequency of attractiveness comments in teacher reviews has been in decline over an eight-year period; and (2) the removal of the chili pepper from the web interface is significantly associated with this declining trend. These findings validate the activism behind asking web companies like RMP to remove online rating features that might seem entertaining, but foster workplace harassment and other harms

    Deep learning in medical document classification

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    Text-based data is produced at an ever growing rate each year which has in turn increased the need for automatic text processing. Thus, to keep up with the amount of data, automatic natural language processing techniques have also been increasingly researched and developed, especially in the last decade or so. This has lead to substantial improvements in various natural language processing tasks such as classification, translation and information retrieval. A major breakthrough has been the utilization of deep neural networks and massive amounts of data to train them. Using such methods in areas where time is valuable, such as the medical field, could provide considerable value. In this thesis, an overview is given of natural language processing w.r.t deep learning and text classification. Additionally, a dataset of medical reports in Finnish was preprocessed and used to train and evaluate a number of text classifiers for diagnosis code prediction in order to define the feasibility of such methods for medical text classification. The chosen methods include deep learning -based FinBERT, ULMFiT and ELECTRA, and a simpler linear baseline classifier, fastText. The results show that with a limited dataset, linear methods like fastText work surprisingly well. Deep learning -based methods, on the other hand, seem work reasonably well, and show a lot of potential especially in utilizing larger amounts of training data. In order to define the full potential of such methods, further investigation is required with different datasets and classification tasks.Tekstipohjaista tietoa tuotetaan vuosi vuodelta enemmän mikä puolestaan on lisännyt tarvetta automaattiselle tekstinkäsittelylle. Täten myös automaattisia tekniikoita luonnollisen kielen käsittelyyn on enenevissä määrin tutkittu ja kehitetty, erityisesti viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana. Tämä on johtanut huomattaviin parannuksiin erilaisissa luonnollisen kielen käsittelytehtävissä. Suuri läpimurto on ollut valtavilla tietomäärillä koulutettujen syvien neuroverkkojen käyttäminen. Tällaisten menetelmien käyttö alueilla joilla aika on arvokasta, kuten lääketiede, voisi tarjota huomattavaa lisäarvoa. Tämä tutkielma antaa yleiskuvan luonnollisen kielen käsittelystä keskittyen syväoppimiseen ja tekstinluokitteluun. Lisäksi erilaisten syväoppivien menetelmien käytettävyyttä arvioitiin kouluttamalla tekstiluokittelijoita ennustamaan suomenkielisten lääketieteellisten dokumenttien diagnoosikoodeja. Valittuihin menetelmiin kuuluvat syväoppimiseen perustuvat FinBERT, ULMFiT ja ELECTRA, sekä yksinkertaisempi lineaarinen luokittelija fastText. Tulokset osoittavat, että rajallisella aineistolla lineaariset menetelmät, kuten fastText, toimivat yllättävän hyvin. Syväoppimiselle perustuvat menetelmät taasen vaikuttavat toimivan kohtuullisen hyvin, vaikkakin niiden aito potentiaali pitäisi todentaa käyttäen suurempia datajoukkoja. Täten jatkotutkimusta syväoppiviin menetelmiin liittyen tarvitaan