15 research outputs found

    An ICA-ensemble learning approaches for prediction of RNA-seq malaria vector gene expression data classification

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    Malaria parasites introduce outstanding life-phase variations as they grow across multiple atmospheres of the mosquito vector. There are transcriptomes of several thousand different parasites. (RNA-seq) Ribonucleic acid sequencing is a prevalent gene expression tool leading to better understanding of genetic interrogations. RNA-seq measures transcriptions of expressions of genes. Data from RNA-seq necessitate procedural enhancements in machine learning techniques. Researchers have suggested various approached learning for the study of biological data. This study works on ICA feature extraction algorithm to realize dormant components from a huge dimensional RNA-seq vector dataset, and estimates its classification performance, Ensemble classification algorithm is used in carrying out the experiment. This study is tested on RNA-Seq mosquito anopheles gambiae dataset. The results of the experiment obtained an output metrics with a 93.3% classification accuracy

    Ensemble of ANN and ANFIS for Water Quality Prediction and Analysis - A Data Driven Approach

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    The consequences of un-clean water are some of the direst issues faced by humanity today. These concerns can be addressed efficiently if data is pre-analyzed and water quality is predicted before its effects occur. The aim of this research is to develop a novel ensemble of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) models using averaging ensemble technique, producing improved prediction accuracy. Measurements of different water quality parameters have been used for predicting the overall water quality, applying ANN, ANFIS and ANN-ANFIS ensemble and their results have been compared. The data used in this study is obtained by USGS online repository for the year of 2015, with a 30-minutes time interval between measurements. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) has been used as the main performance measure. The results depict a significant improvement in the Ensemble ANN-ANFIS model (RMSE: 0.457) as compared to both the ANN model (RMSE: 2.709) and the ANFIS model (1.734). The study concludes that the ensemble of ANN and ANFIS model shows significant improvement in prediction performance as compared to the individual models. The research can prove to be beneficial for decision making in terms of water quality improvement

    En-PaFlower: An Ensemble Approach using PSO and Flower Pollination Algorithm for Cancer Diagnosis

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    Machine learning now is used across many sectors and provides consistently precise predictions. The machine learning system is able to learn effectively because the training dataset contains examples of previously completed tasks. After learning how to process the necessary data, researchers have proven that machine learning algorithms can carry out the whole work autonomously. In recent years, cancer has become a major cause of the worldwide increase in mortality. Therefore, early detection of cancer improves the chance of a complete recovery, and Machine Learning (ML) plays a significant role in this perspective. Cancer diagnostic and prognosis microarray dataset is available with the biopsy dataset. Because of its importance in making diagnoses and classifying cancer diseases, the microarray data represents a massive amount. It may be challenging to do an analysis on a large number of datasets, though. As a result, feature selection is crucial, and machine learning provides classification techniques. These algorithms choose the relevant features that help build a more precise categorization model. Accurately classifying diseases is facilitated as a result, which aids in disease prevention. This work aims to synthesize existing knowledge on cancer diagnosis using machine learning techniques into a compact report.  Current research work aims to propose an ensemble-based machine learning model En-PaFlower using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) as the feature selection algorithm, Flower Pollination algorithm (FPA) as the optimization algorithm with the majority voting algorithm. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated over three different types of cancer disease datasets with accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, and F-1 Score etc as the evaluation parameters. The empirical analysis shows that the proposed methodology shows highest accuracy as 95.65%

    PMP-SVM: A Hybrid Approach for effective Cancer Diagnosis using Feature Selection and Optimization

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    Cancer disease is becoming a prominent factor in increasing the death ration over the world due to the late diagnosis. Machine Learning (ML) is playing a vital role in providing computer aided diagnosis models for early diagnosis of cancer. For the diagnosis process the microarray data has its own place. Microarray data contain the genetic information of a patient with a large number of dimensions such as genes with a small sample such as patient details. If the microarray is directly taken without reducing the dimension as the input to any ML model for classification, then Small Sample Size is the resulting issue. So, size of the microarray data needs to be reduces by using either of dimensionality reduction technique or the feature selection technique to increase the model’s performance. In this work, proposed a hybrid model using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy (MRMR), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and  Support Vector Machine (SVM) for cancer diagnosis. PCA and MRMR is used for feature selection and PSO is applied to get the optimized feature set. Finally, SVM is applied as the classification model. The proposed model is evaluated against multiple cancer microarray datasets to measure the performance in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Result shows that proposed model performs better than existing state of art model

    An Efficient PCA Ensemble Learning Approach for Prediction of RNA-Seq Malaria Vector Gene Expression Data Classification

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    Malaria parasites adopt outstanding variation of life phases as they evolve through manifold mosquito vector atmospheres. Transcriptomes of thousands of individual parasites exists. Ribonucleic acid sequencing (RNA-seq) is a widespread method for gene expression which has resulted into improved understandings of genetical queries. RNA-seq compute transcripts of gene expressions. RNA-seq data necessitates analytical improvements of machine learning techniques. Several learning approached have been proposed by researchers for analysing biological data. In this study, PCA feature extraction algorithm is used to fetch latent components out of a high dimensional malaria vector RNA-seq dataset, and evaluates it classification performance using an Ensemble classification algorithm. The effectiveness of this experiment is validated on aa mosquito anopheles gambiae RNA-Seq dataset. The experiment result achieved a relevant performance metrics with a classification accuracy of 93.3%

    Mobile Crowd Location Prediction with Hybrid Features using Ensemble Learning

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    With the explosive growth of location-based service on mobile devices, predicting users’ future locations and trajectories is of increasing importance to support proactive information services. In this paper, we model this problem as a supervised learning task and propose to use ensemble learning methods with hybrid features to solve it. We characterize the properties of users’ visited locations and movement patterns and then extract feature types (temporal, spatial, and system) to quantify the correlation between locations and features. Finally, we apply ensemble methods to predict users’ future locations with extracted features. Moreover, we design an adaptive Markov Chain model to predict users’ trajectories between two locations. To evaluate the system performance, we use a real-life dataset from the Nokia Mobile Data Challenge. Experiment results unveil interesting findings: (1) For individual predictors, Bayes Networks outperform all others when data quality is good, while J48 delivers the best results when data quality is bad; (2) Ensemble predictors outperform individual predictors in general under all conditions; and (3) Ensemble predictor performance depends on the user movement patterns

    Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins and their Binding Sites

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    DNA-binding proteins play an important role in various essential biological processes such as DNA replication, recombination, repair, gene transcription, and expression. The identification of DNA-binding proteins and the residues involved in the contacts is important for understanding the DNA-binding mechanism in proteins. Moreover, it has been reported in the literature that the mutations of some DNA-binding residues on proteins are associated with some diseases. The identification of these proteins and their binding mechanism generally require experimental techniques, which makes large scale study extremely difficult. Thus, the prediction of DNA-binding proteins and their binding sites from sequences alone is one of the most challenging problems in the field of genome annotation. Since the start of the human genome project, many attempts have been made to solve the problem with different approaches, but the accuracy of these methods is still not suitable to do large scale annotation of proteins. Rather than relying solely on the existing machine learning techniques, I sought to combine those using novel “stacking technique” and used the problem-specific architectures to solve the problem with better accuracy than the existing methods. This thesis presents a possible solution to the DNA-binding proteins prediction problem which performs better than the state-of-the-art approaches

    Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins and their Binding Sites

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    DNA-binding proteins play an important role in various essential biological processes such as DNA replication, recombination, repair, gene transcription, and expression. The identification of DNA-binding proteins and the residues involved in the contacts is important for understanding the DNA-binding mechanism in proteins. Moreover, it has been reported in the literature that the mutations of some DNA-binding residues on proteins are associated with some diseases. The identification of these proteins and their binding mechanism generally require experimental techniques, which makes large scale study extremely difficult. Thus, the prediction of DNA-binding proteins and their binding sites from sequences alone is one of the most challenging problems in the field of genome annotation. Since the start of the human genome project, many attempts have been made to solve the problem with different approaches, but the accuracy of these methods is still not suitable to do large scale annotation of proteins. Rather than relying solely on the existing machine learning techniques, I sought to combine those using novel “stacking technique” and used the problem-specific architectures to solve the problem with better accuracy than the existing methods. This thesis presents a possible solution to the DNA-binding proteins prediction problem which performs better than the state-of-the-art approaches

    Identification of RNA Binding Proteins and RNA Binding Residues Using Effective Machine Learning Techniques

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    Identification and annotation of RNA Binding Proteins (RBPs) and RNA Binding residues from sequence information alone is one of the most challenging problems in computational biology. RBPs play crucial roles in several fundamental biological functions including transcriptional regulation of RNAs and RNA metabolism splicing. Existing experimental techniques are time-consuming and costly. Thus, efficient computational identification of RBPs directly from the sequence can be useful to annotate RBP and assist the experimental design. Here, we introduce AIRBP, a computational sequence-based method, which utilizes features extracted from evolutionary information, physiochemical properties, and disordered properties to train a machine learning method designed using stacking, an advanced machine learning technique, for effective prediction of RBPs. Furthermore, it makes use of efficient machine learning algorithms like Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor and XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting Algorithm). In this research work, we also propose another predictor for efficient annotation of RBP residues. This RBP residue predictor also uses stacking and evolutionary algorithms for efficient annotation of RBPs and RNA Binding residue. The RNA-binding residue predictor also utilizes various evolutionary, physicochemical and disordered properties to train a robust model. This thesis presents a possible solution to the RBP and RNA binding residue prediction problem through two independent predictors, both of which outperform existing state-of-the-art approaches