2,949 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Jalin Matra Penanggulangan Kerentanan Kemiskinan Programme in Village of Ngroto

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    Poverty always appears in the middle of society, especially in the developing countries. Poverty occurred due to people are powerless to come out from poverty problems they face. This condition, indeed, will be a burden in the development process, thus it needs many efforts and attempts to cope with poverty. In order to improve effectiveness towards poverty overcoming strategy and to improve people economy, the government of East Java Province re-established Jalin Matra PK2 (The Other Way to be Independent and Prosperous towards Poverty Vulnerability Overcoming) Programme. This study is a qualitative research using descriptive analysis. The research result showed that: 1) For 29 households (59.19%) stated that there was the increase of income after gaining financing loan, thus the effectiveness of Jalin Matra PK2 Program seen from income aspect run less effectively. The change of income affected by many factors such as the increase of consumption towards target households which influenced by number of family member and more various household needs, also capital or financial needs to sustain the business; 2) For 32 households (65.31%) stated that there was the increase of business turnover after gaining financing loan, thus the effectiveness of Jalin Matra PK2 Program seen from production aspect run effectively. The majority of targeted households able to improve their business; 3) From 477 targeted households listed in almost poor household, so far, that able to get loan was 49 households (10.27%), thus the effectiveness of Jalin Matra PK2 Program seen from financing aspect not run yet effectively.Keywords: Poverty, Effectiveness, Jalin Matra PK2JEL Classification: I31, I3

    Noncommutative solenoids and their projective modules

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    Let p be prime. A noncommutative p-solenoid is the C*-algebra of Z[1/p] x Z[1/p] twisted by a multiplier of that group, where Z[1/p] is the additive subgroup of the field Q of rational numbers whose denominators are powers of p. In this paper, we survey our classification of these C*-algebras up to *-isomorphism in terms of the multipliers on Z[1/p], using techniques from noncommutative topology. Our work relies in part on writing these C*-algebras as direct limits of rotation algebras, i.e. twisted group C*-algebras of the group Z^2 thereby providing a mean for computing the K-theory of the noncommutative solenoids, as well as the range of the trace on the K_0 groups. We also establish a necessary and sufficient condition for the simplicity of the noncommutative solenoids. Then, using the computation of the trace on K_0, we discuss two different ways of constructing projective modules over the noncommutative solenoids.Comment: To appear in the AMS Contemporary Mathematics volume entitled Commutative and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis and Applications edited by Azita Mayeli, Alex Iosevich, Palle E. T. Jorgensen and Gestur Olafsson. 19 Page

    Noncommutative Solenoids and the Gromov-Hausdorff Propinquity

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    We prove that noncommutative solenoids are limits, in the sense of the Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity, of quantum tori. From this observation, we prove that noncommutative solenoids can be approximated by finite dimensional quantum compact metric spaces, and that they form a continuous family of quantum compact metric spaces over the space of multipliers of the solenoid, properly metrized.Comment: 15 Pages, minor correction

    KP line solitons and Tamari lattices

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    The KP-II equation possesses a class of line soliton solutions which can be qualitatively described via a tropical approximation as a chain of rooted binary trees, except at "critical" events where a transition to a different rooted binary tree takes place. We prove that these correspond to maximal chains in Tamari lattices (which are poset structures on associahedra). We further derive results that allow to compute details of the evolution, including the critical events. Moreover, we present some insights into the structure of the more general line soliton solutions. All this yields a characterization of possible evolutions of line soliton patterns on a shallow fluid surface (provided that the KP-II approximation applies).Comment: 49 pages, 36 figures, second version: section 4 expande
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