11 research outputs found

    International Audience's Timed Comment Use on Viki: Talking about a K-Drama while Still Watching It

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 언론정보학과, 2016. 2. 홍석경.This research explores new ways of consuming digital culture by international K-Drama audiences. For this, the research methodology of social viewing and the traditions of audience studies, especially on international reception of K-Drama, have been integrated. Social viewing is a new and technology-savvy way of watching television: the traditional media is enjoyed while viewers simultaneously participate in a conversation about the television program they are watching. The research object, Viki, is a social viewing platform that provides online streaming of K-Drama as well as a service called Timed Comment that enables viewers to comment on the specific moments of the drama while they are still watching it. Through this service, viewers contribute to co-production of meaning for the drama text as active consumersthus, timed comment can be seen as a form of participatory culture. For this research, 3 episodes have been randomly selected from each of the two K-Dramas, Pinocchio and Fated to Love You, and all timed comments on the selected episodes have been collected. 12,540 timed comments were then coded into the three main categories: meta-communication, narrative-related communication, and production-related communication. The frequency of timed comment in each category has been accessed based on the sequence of drama. The results demonstrate dominantly high frequency for narrative-related communicationthis indicates that the timed comment is a reaction to a drama that is written in a fluctuating state between immersion and distancing. Though not unique to timed comment community, the construction of K-Drama metatext has been observed in this research. In a short comment that is comprised of only few sentences, viewers draw references and exhibit vast background knowledge from a plethora of other media products of East Asia and their own locality. Viewers actively employ K-Dramaland as a horizon of expectation for interpretation of K-Drama as well. These findings reinforce previous researches by demonstrating that international audience of K-Drama is a group of cultural omnivores who consume a variety of cultural products and create a new digital play culture. In Viki community, entry-level viewers who just started to watch their first K-Drama co-exist with heavy-viewers who watch almost everything that comes out regardless of the genre. These diverse group of audience interact on a special social viewing interface called timed comment. Therefore, Vikis timed comment should be interpreted as a audiences space for practicing participatory culture. Keyword: Viki, Timed Comment, K-Drama, Social Viewing, Interface, Participatory Culture, Cultural Omnivore, International Audience Student Number: 2013-23778Chapter 1: Introduction 1 A. Purpose and Goals 1 B. Background 3 1. Rise of Social Viewing in a Digital Environment 3 2. Watching K-Drama through Online Streaming 7 3. Viki and its Timed Comment Service 11 4. Timed Comment Use as a Unique Practice of International K-Drama Audience 15 Chapter 2: Relevant Literatures on Social Viewing and Interface 18 A. Social Viewing 18 1. From Collective to Social 18 2. Defining Social Viewing 20 3. Use of Multiple Media for Social Viewing 21 B. Interface 22 1. Multiplatforming of Television Audience 22 2. Interactivity among Television Audience 25 3. Emergence of the First and Second Screens into One Interface 26 C. Participatory Culture and Play Theory 26 Chapter 3: Theoretical Underpinning 30 A. Timed Comment as an Interface between Immersion and Distancing 30 1. Immersion, Identification and Parasocial Interaction 30 a.Immersion 30 b.Identification 32 c. Parasocial Interaction 34 2. Distancing 36 B. Timed Comment as Audiences Co-Production of Meaning for K-Drama Text 38 1. Transtextuality in Timed Comment 38 2. K-Dramaland as a Horizon of Expectation 41 C. Timed Comment as a Space for Fandom Formation 42 1. Re-negotiation of Fan Identity through Performativity in Timed Comment 43 2. Gift Economy within Timed Comment 46 Chapter 4: Research Question and Methodology 48 A. Research Question 48 B. Methodology 49 1. Methodology of Previous Researches on International Reception of K-Drama 49 2. Drama Selection for Timed Comment Collection 52 3. Timed Comment Collection 55 4. Analysis 56 Chapter 5: Results and Discussions 60 A. Language of Timed Comments 60 B. Characteristics of Timed Comment Use 61 C. Communication on Timed Comment 65 1. Meta-communication 68 2. Narrative-related Communication 74 3. Production-related Communication 81 D. Metatextuality in Timed Comments 85 E. K-Dramaland as Horizon of Expectation 91 Chatper 6: Conclusion 94 A. Conclusion 94 B. Limitations and Further Suggestions 97 References 101 Appendices 107 Appendix A: List of K-Dramas based on Evaluation Categories 107 Appendix B: Coding Guidelines 108 Appendix C: Sequence Descriptions 118 Appendix D: List of References from Other Media Products 129 Korean Abstract 134Maste

    Keys to Play: Music as a Ludic Medium from Apollo to Nintendo

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    How do keyboards make music playable? Drawing on theories of media, systems, and cultural techniques, Keys to Play spans Greek myth and contemporary Japanese digital games to chart a genealogy of musical play and its animation via improvisation, performance, and recreation. As a paradigmatic digital interface, the keyboard forms a field of play on which the book’s diverse objects of inquiry—from clavichords to PCs and eighteenth-century musical dice games to the latest rhythm-action titles—enter into analogical relations. Remapping the keyboard’s topography by way of Mozart and Super Mario, who head an expansive cast of historical and virtual actors, Keys to Play invites readers to unlock ludic dimensions of music that are at once old and new

    Eurasia: Avances de investigación

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    [ES] El concepto de Eurasia es hoy día un término controvertido. Utilizado principalmente como herramienta de confrontación de potencias emergentes como China y Rusia, que aspiran a configurar un frente político-cultural que frene la deriva hegemonista global del bloque atlantista en el que está incorporada la UE, desde el mundo académico nos proponemos contribuir igualmente a una labor intelectual de resistencia, no solo resiliencia, frente al hegemonismo académico anglosajón, heredero de la concepción colonial del continente asiático como un «otro» del «continente» europeo. El Grupo de Investigación Reconocido de la USAL «Humanismo Eurasia» (fundado en 2017) reivindica desde su creación unas humanidades enraizadas en el pensamiento autocrítico, tomando como punto de partida la recuperación de la memoria histórica de un macrocontinente fraccionado, pero que reclama ser dueño de su propio destino. Como propuesta de intervención académica, el presente volumen es el resultado de las iniciativas de trabajo presentadas en las II Jornadas de Investigación «Humanismo-Eurasia», celebradas en la USAL entre el 1 y el 15 abril 2020. Se divide en secciones que corresponden a los paneles de las Jornadas, y las contribuciones incorporadas han superado estándares de calidad. El centro de las propuestas es Asia Oriental, área de investigación a la que está adscrito el GIR. Es un pequeño paso en un gran proyecto