5 research outputs found

    Concept Drift Adaptation with Incremental–Decremental SVM

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    Data classification in streams where the underlying distribution changes over time is known to be difficult. This problem—known as concept drift detection—involves two aspects: (i) detecting the concept drift and (ii) adapting the classifier. Online training only considers the most recent samples; they form the so-called shifting window. Dynamic adaptation to concept drift is performed by varying the width of the window. Defining an online Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier able to cope with concept drift by dynamically changing the window size and avoiding retraining from scratch is currently an open problem. We introduce the Adaptive Incremental–Decremental SVM (AIDSVM), a model that adjusts the shifting window width using the Hoeffding statistical test. We evaluate AIDSVM performance on both synthetic and real-world drift datasets. Experiments show a significant accuracy improvement when encountering concept drift, compared with similar drift detection models defined in the literature. The AIDSVM is efficient, since it is not retrained from scratch after the shifting window slides

    Measuring Students’ Performance with Data Mining

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    Understanding the true reasons behind students’ failure, and bringing preventive measures to this issue at early stages are invaluable in the educational learning process. Preventing problems such as language deficiency or misclassification of the students in the appropriate academic levels is primordial for any educational institution. Many factors influence the learning process of the students, such as the demographic characteristics, educational background as well as language barrier. This work highlights the most preponderant factors affecting students’ advancement in the learning process and provides support to academic administrators. It uses some of state of the art classification and regression algorithms in the application domain of predicting students’ progress. Datasets were filtered and trained using predictive algorithms. It is shown that Science learning and English language skills are highly correlated. Datasets are not always suitable for data mining unless it is preprocessed and well adapted to the context being studied. A tool has been developed to preprocess the data provided that feeds into Weka Data Mining Software to profile students’ performance

    Data stream classification using random feature functions and novel method combinations

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    Big Data streams are being generated in a faster, bigger, and more commonplace. In this scenario, Hoeffding Trees are an established method for classification. Several extensions exist, including high performing ensemble setups such as online and leveraging bagging. Also, k-nearest neighbors is a popular choice, with most extensions dealing with the inherent performance limitations over a potentially-infinite stream. At the same time, gradient descent methods are becoming increasingly popular, owing in part to the successes of deep learning. Although deep neural networks can learn incrementally, they have so far proved too sensitive to hyper-parameter options and initial conditions to be considered an effective 'off -the-shelf' data-streams solution. In this work, we look at combinations of Hoeffding-trees, nearest neighbor, and gradient descent methods with a streaming preprocessing approach in the form of a random feature functions filter for additional predictive power. We further extend the investigation to implementing methods on GPUs, which we test on some large real-world datasets, and show the benefits of using GPUs for data-stream learning due to their high scalability. Our empirical evaluation yields positive results for the novel approaches that we experiment with, highlighting important issues, and shed light on promising future directions in approaches to data-stream classification. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Spatial modeling of copper concentrations through aquatic ecosystem components of Soda Butte Creek Yellowstone National Park

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    Amélioration de l’analyse des flux de données IoT à l’aide de techniques de réduction de données

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    With the evolution of technology, the use of smart Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, sensors, and social networks result in an overwhelming volume of IoT data streams, generated daily from several applications, that can be transformed into valuable information through machine learning tasks. In practice, multiple critical issues arise in order to extract useful knowledge from these evolving data streams, mainly that the stream needs to be efficiently handled and processed. In this context, this thesis aims to improve the performance (in terms of memory and time) of existing data mining algorithms on streams. We focus on the classification task in the streaming framework. The task is challenging on streams, principally due to the high -- and increasing -- data dimensionality, in addition to the potentially infinite amount of data. The two aspects make the classification task harder.The first part of the thesis surveys the current state-of-the-art of the classification and dimensionality reduction techniques as applied to the stream setting, by providing an updated view of the most recent works in this vibrant area.In the second part, we detail our contributions to the field of classification in streams, by developing novel approaches based on summarization techniques aiming to reduce the computational resource of existing classifiers with no -- or minor -- loss of classification accuracy. To address high-dimensional data streams and make classifiers efficient, we incorporate an internal preprocessing step that consists in reducing the dimensionality of input data incrementally before feeding them to the learning stage. We present several approaches applied to several classifications tasks: Naive Bayes which is enhanced with sketches and hashing trick, k-NN by using compressed sensing and UMAP, and also integrate them in ensemble methods.Face à cette évolution technologique vertigineuse, l’utilisation des dispositifs de l'Internet des Objets (IdO), les capteurs, et les réseaux sociaux, d'énormes flux de données IdO sont générées quotidiennement de différentes applications pourront être transformées en connaissances à travers l’apprentissage automatique. En pratique, de multiples problèmes se posent afin d’extraire des connaissances utiles de ces flux qui doivent être gérés et traités efficacement. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse vise à améliorer les performances (en termes de mémoire et de temps) des algorithmes de l'apprentissage supervisé, principalement la classification à partir de flux de données en évolution. En plus de leur nature infinie, la dimensionnalité élevée et croissante de ces flux données dans certains domaines rendent la tâche de classification plus difficile. La première partie de la thèse étudie l’état de l’art des techniques de classification et de réduction de dimension pour les flux de données, tout en présentant les travaux les plus récents dans ce cadre.La deuxième partie de la thèse détaille nos contributions en classification pour les flux de données. Il s’agit de nouvelles approches basées sur les techniques de réduction de données visant à réduire les ressources de calcul des classificateurs actuels, presque sans perte en précision. Pour traiter les flux de données de haute dimension efficacement, nous incorporons une étape de prétraitement qui consiste à réduire la dimension de chaque donnée (dès son arrivée) de manière incrémentale avant de passer à l’apprentissage. Dans ce contexte, nous présentons plusieurs approches basées sur: Bayesien naïf amélioré par les résumés minimalistes et hashing trick, k-NN qui utilise compressed sensing et UMAP, et l’utilisation d’ensembles d’apprentissage également