202 research outputs found

    Application of artificial neural network in market segmentation: A review on recent trends

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    Despite the significance of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm to market segmentation, there is a need of a comprehensive literature review and a classification system for it towards identification of future trend of market segmentation research. The present work is the first identifiable academic literature review of the application of neural network based techniques to segmentation. Our study has provided an academic database of literature between the periods of 2000-2010 and proposed a classification scheme for the articles. One thousands (1000) articles have been identified, and around 100 relevant selected articles have been subsequently reviewed and classified based on the major focus of each paper. Findings of this study indicated that the research area of ANN based applications are receiving most research attention and self organizing map based applications are second in position to be used in segmentation. The commonly used models for market segmentation are data mining, intelligent system etc. Our analysis furnishes a roadmap to guide future research and aid knowledge accretion and establishment pertaining to the application of ANN based techniques in market segmentation. Thus the present work will significantly contribute to both the industry and academic research in business and marketing as a sustainable valuable knowledge source of market segmentation with the future trend of ANN application in segmentation.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures,3 Table

    Cutting tool condition monitoring of the turning process using artificial intelligence

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    This thesis relates to the application of Artificial Intelligence to tool wear monitoring. The main objective is to develop an intelligent condition monitoring system able to detect when a cutting tool is worn out. To accomplish this objective it is proposed to use a combined Expert System and Neural Network able to process data coming from external sensors and combine this with information from the knowledge base and thereafter estimate the wear state of the tool. The novelty of this work is mainly associatedw ith the configurationo f the proposeds ystem.W ith the combination of sensor-baseidn formation and inferencer ules, the result is an on-line system that can learn from experience and can update the knowledge base pertaining to information associated with different cutting conditions. Two neural networks resolve the problem of interpreting the complex sensor inputs while the Expert System, keeping track of previous successe, stimatesw hich of the two neuraln etworks is more reliable. Also, mis-classificationsa re filtered out through the use of a rough but approximate estimator, the Taylor's tool life equation. In this study an on-line tool wear monitoring system for turning processesh as been developed which can reliably estimate the tool wear under common workshop conditions. The system's modular structurem akesi t easyt o updatea s requiredb y different machinesa nd/or processesT. he use of Taylor's tool life equation, although weak as a tool life estimator, proved to be crucial in achieving higher performance levels. The application of the Self Organizing Map to tool wear monitoring is, in itself, new and proved to be slightly more reliable then the Adaptive Resonance Theory neural network

    Neural Networks in R Using the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator: RSNNS

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    Neural networks are important standard machine learning procedures for classification and regression. We describe the R package RSNNS that provides a convenient interface to the popular Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator SNNS. The main features are (a) encapsulation of the relevant SNNS parts in a C++ class, for sequential and parallel usage of different networks, (b) accessibility of all of the SNNS algorithmic functionality from R using a low-level interface, and (c) a high-level interface for convenient, R-style usage of many standard neural network procedures. The package also includes functions for visualization and analysis of the models and the training procedures, as well as functions for data input/output from/to the original SNNS file formats.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) under Project TIN-2009-14575. C. Bergmeir holds a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (MEC) of the \Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU)"

    Denial of Service in Web-Domains: Building Defenses Against Next-Generation Attack Behavior

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    The existing state-of-the-art in the field of application layer Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection is generally designed, and thus effective, only for static web domains. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first that studies the problem of application layer DDoS defense in web domains of dynamic content and organization, and for next-generation bot behaviour. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the following research tasks: 1) we identify the main weaknesses of the existing application-layer anti-DDoS solutions as proposed in research literature and in the industry, 2) we obtain a comprehensive picture of the current-day as well as the next-generation application-layer attack behaviour and 3) we propose novel techniques, based on a multidisciplinary approach that combines offline machine learning algorithms and statistical analysis, for detection of suspicious web visitors in static web domains. Then, in the second part of the thesis, we propose and evaluate a novel anti-DDoS system that detects a broad range of application-layer DDoS attacks, both in static and dynamic web domains, through the use of advanced techniques of data mining. The key advantage of our system relative to other systems that resort to the use of challenge-response tests (such as CAPTCHAs) in combating malicious bots is that our system minimizes the number of these tests that are presented to valid human visitors while succeeding in preventing most malicious attackers from accessing the web site. The results of the experimental evaluation of the proposed system demonstrate effective detection of current and future variants of application layer DDoS attacks