107 research outputs found

    Entanglement criterion via general symmetric informationally complete measurements

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    We study the quantum separability problem by using general symmetric informationally complete measurements and present a separability criterion for arbitrary dimensional bipartite systems. We show by detailed examples that our criterion is more powerful than the existing ones in entanglement detection.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    On the structure of the body of states with positive partial transpose

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    We show that the convex set of separable mixed states of the 2 x 2 system is a body of constant height. This fact is used to prove that the probability to find a random state to be separable equals 2 times the probability to find a random boundary state to be separable, provided the random states are generated uniformly with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt (Euclidean) distance. An analogous property holds for the set of positive-partial-transpose states for an arbitrary bipartite system.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; ver. 2 - minor changes, new proof of lemma

    Convex set of quantum states with positive partial transpose analysed by hit and run algorithm

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    The convex set of quantum states of a composite K×KK \times K system with positive partial transpose is analysed. A version of the hit and run algorithm is used to generate a sequence of random points covering this set uniformly and an estimation for the convergence speed of the algorithm is derived. For K3K\ge 3 this algorithm works faster than sampling over the entire set of states and verifying whether the partial transpose is positive. The level density of the PPT states is shown to differ from the Marchenko-Pastur distribution, supported in [0,4] and corresponding asymptotically to the entire set of quantum states. Based on the shifted semi--circle law, describing asymptotic level density of partially transposed states, and on the level density for the Gaussian unitary ensemble with constraints for the spectrum we find an explicit form of the probability distribution supported in [0,3], which describes well the level density obtained numerically for PPT states.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Computing quantum discord is NP-complete

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    We study the computational complexity of quantum discord (a measure of quantum correlation beyond entanglement), and prove that computing quantum discord is NP-complete. Therefore, quantum discord is computationally intractable: the running time of any algorithm for computing quantum discord is believed to grow exponentially with the dimension of the Hilbert space so that computing quantum discord in a quantum system of moderate size is not possible in practice. As by-products, some entanglement measures (namely entanglement cost, entanglement of formation, relative entropy of entanglement, squashed entanglement, classical squashed entanglement, conditional entanglement of mutual information, and broadcast regularization of mutual information) and constrained Holevo capacity are NP-hard/NP-complete to compute. These complexity-theoretic results are directly applicable in common randomness distillation, quantum state merging, entanglement distillation, superdense coding, and quantum teleportation; they may offer significant insights into quantum information processing. Moreover, we prove the NP-completeness of two typical problems: linear optimization over classical states and detecting classical states in a convex set, providing evidence that working with classical states is generically computationally intractable.Comment: The (published) journal version http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/16/3/033027/article is more updated than the arXiv versions, and is accompanied with a general scientific summary for non-specialists in computational complexit

    On the infeasibility of entanglement generation in Gaussian quantum systems via classical control

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    This paper uses a system theoretic approach to show that classical linear time invariant controllers cannot generate steady state entanglement in a bipartite Gaussian quantum system which is initialized in a Gaussian state. The paper also shows that the use of classical linear controllers cannot generate entanglement in a finite time from a bipartite system initialized in a separable Gaussian state. The approach reveals connections between system theoretic concepts and the well known physical principle that local operations and classical communications cannot generate entangled states starting from separable states.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 201