6,128 research outputs found

    Information geometry in quantum field theory: lessons from simple examples

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    Motivated by the increasing connections between information theory and high-energy physics, particularly in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we explore the information geometry associated to a variety of simple systems. By studying their Fisher metrics, we derive some general lessons that may have important implications for the application of information geometry in holography. We begin by demonstrating that the symmetries of the physical theory under study play a strong role in the resulting geometry, and that the appearance of an AdS metric is a relatively general feature. We then investigate what information the Fisher metric retains about the physics of the underlying theory by studying the geometry for both the classical 2d Ising model and the corresponding 1d free fermion theory, and find that the curvature diverges precisely at the phase transition on both sides. We discuss the differences that result from placing a metric on the space of theories vs. states, using the example of coherent free fermion states. We compare the latter to the metric on the space of coherent free boson states and show that in both cases the metric is determined by the symmetries of the corresponding density matrix. We also clarify some misconceptions in the literature pertaining to different notions of flatness associated to metric and non-metric connections, with implications for how one interprets the curvature of the geometry. Our results indicate that in general, caution is needed when connecting the AdS geometry arising from certain models with the AdS/CFT correspondence, and seek to provide a useful collection of guidelines for future progress in this exciting area.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figures; added new section and appendix, miscellaneous improvement

    Form Invariance of Differential Equations in General Relativity

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    Einstein equations for several matter sources in Robertson-Walker and Bianchi I type metrics, are shown to reduce to a kind of second order nonlinear ordinary differential equation y¨+αf(y)y˙+βf(y)∫f(y)dy+γf(y)=0\ddot{y}+\alpha f(y)\dot{y}+\beta f(y)\int{f(y) dy}+\gamma f(y)=0. Also, it appears in the generalized statistical mechanics for the most interesting value q=-1. The invariant form of this equation is imposed and the corresponding nonlocal transformation is obtained. The linearization of that equation for any α,β\alpha, \beta and γ\gamma is presented and for the important case f=byn+kf=by^n+k with β=α2(n+1)/((n+2)2)\beta=\alpha ^2 (n+1)/((n+2)^2) its explicit general solution is found. Moreover, the form invariance is applied to yield exact solutions of same other differential equations.Comment: 22 pages, RevTeX; to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and Information Geometry

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    Recently, a method to dynamically define a divergence function DD for a given statistical manifold (M ,g ,T)(\mathcal{M}\,,g\,,T) by means of the Hamilton-Jacobi theory associated with a suitable Lagrangian function L\mathfrak{L} on TMT\mathcal{M} has been proposed. Here we will review this construction and lay the basis for an inverse problem where we assume the divergence function DD to be known and we look for a Lagrangian function L\mathfrak{L} for which DD is a complete solution of the associated Hamilton-Jacobi theory. To apply these ideas to quantum systems, we have to replace probability distributions with probability amplitudes.Comment: 8 page

    Enhanced Group Analysis and Exact Solutions of Variable Coefficient Semilinear Diffusion Equations with a Power Source

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    A new approach to group classification problems and more general investigations on transformational properties of classes of differential equations is proposed. It is based on mappings between classes of differential equations, generated by families of point transformations. A class of variable coefficient (1+1)-dimensional semilinear reaction-diffusion equations of the general form f(x)ut=(g(x)ux)x+h(x)umf(x)u_t=(g(x)u_x)_x+h(x)u^m (m≠0,1m\ne0,1) is studied from the symmetry point of view in the framework of the approach proposed. The singular subclass of the equations with m=2m=2 is singled out. The group classifications of the entire class, the singular subclass and their images are performed with respect to both the corresponding (generalized extended) equivalence groups and all point transformations. The set of admissible transformations of the imaged class is exhaustively described in the general case m≠2m\ne2. The procedure of classification of nonclassical symmetries, which involves mappings between classes of differential equations, is discussed. Wide families of new exact solutions are also constructed for equations from the classes under consideration by the classical method of Lie reductions and by generation of new solutions from known ones for other equations with point transformations of different kinds (such as additional equivalence transformations and mappings between classes of equations).Comment: 40 pages, this is version published in Acta Applicanda Mathematica
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