641 research outputs found

    Land cover classification using fuzzy rules and aggregation of contextual information through evidence theory

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    Land cover classification using multispectral satellite image is a very challenging task with numerous practical applications. We propose a multi-stage classifier that involves fuzzy rule extraction from the training data and then generation of a possibilistic label vector for each pixel using the fuzzy rule base. To exploit the spatial correlation of land cover types we propose four different information aggregation methods which use the possibilistic class label of a pixel and those of its eight spatial neighbors for making the final classification decision. Three of the aggregation methods use Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence while the remaining one is modeled after the fuzzy k-NN rule. The proposed methods are tested with two benchmark seven channel satellite images and the results are found to be quite satisfactory. They are also compared with a Markov random field (MRF) model-based contextual classification method and found to perform consistently better.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Fuzzy decision-making fuser (FDMF) for integrating human-machine autonomous (HMA) systems with adaptive evidence sources

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    © 2017 Liu, Pal, Marathe, Wang and Lin. A brain-computer interface (BCI) creates a direct communication pathway between the human brain and an external device or system. In contrast to patient-oriented BCIs, which are intended to restore inoperative or malfunctioning aspects of the nervous system, a growing number of BCI studies focus on designing auxiliary systems that are intended for everyday use. The goal of building these BCIs is to provide capabilities that augment existing intact physical and mental capabilities. However, a key challenge to BCI research is human variability; factors such as fatigue, inattention, and stress vary both across different individuals and for the same individual over time. If these issues are addressed, autonomous systems may provide additional benefits that enhance system performance and prevent problems introduced by individual human variability. This study proposes a human-machine autonomous (HMA) system that simultaneously aggregates human and machine knowledge to recognize targets in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. The HMA focuses on integrating an RSVP BCI with computer vision techniques in an image-labeling domain. A fuzzy decision-making fuser (FDMF) is then applied in the HMA system to provide a natural adaptive framework for evidence-based inference by incorporating an integrated summary of the available evidence (i.e., human and machine decisions) and associated uncertainty. Consequently, the HMA system dynamically aggregates decisions involving uncertainties from both human and autonomous agents. The collaborative decisions made by an HMA system can achieve and maintain superior performance more efficiently than either the human or autonomous agents can achieve independently. The experimental results shown in this study suggest that the proposed HMA system with the FDMF can effectively fuse decisions from human brain activities and the computer vision techniques to improve overall performance on the RSVP recognition task. This conclusion demonstrates the potential benefits of integrating autonomous systems with BCI systems

    Uncertainty-guided Boundary Learning for Imbalanced Social Event Detection

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    Real-world social events typically exhibit a severe class-imbalance distribution, which makes the trained detection model encounter a serious generalization challenge. Most studies solve this problem from the frequency perspective and emphasize the representation or classifier learning for tail classes. While in our observation, compared to the rarity of classes, the calibrated uncertainty estimated from well-trained evidential deep learning networks better reflects model performance. To this end, we propose a novel uncertainty-guided class imbalance learning framework - UCLSED_{SED}, and its variant - UCL-ECSED_{SED}, for imbalanced social event detection tasks. We aim to improve the overall model performance by enhancing model generalization to those uncertain classes. Considering performance degradation usually comes from misclassifying samples as their confusing neighboring classes, we focus on boundary learning in latent space and classifier learning with high-quality uncertainty estimation. First, we design a novel uncertainty-guided contrastive learning loss, namely UCL and its variant - UCL-EC, to manipulate distinguishable representation distribution for imbalanced data. During training, they force all classes, especially uncertain ones, to adaptively adjust a clear separable boundary in the feature space. Second, to obtain more robust and accurate class uncertainty, we combine the results of multi-view evidential classifiers via the Dempster-Shafer theory under the supervision of an additional calibration method. We conduct experiments on three severely imbalanced social event datasets including Events2012\_100, Events2018\_100, and CrisisLexT\_7. Our model significantly improves social event representation and classification tasks in almost all classes, especially those uncertain ones.Comment: Accepted by TKDE 202

    Multiple-model based update of belgian reference road data

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    This paper describes a semi-automatic system for road update based on high resolution orthophotos and 3D surface models. Potential update regions are identified by an object-wise verification of all existing database records, followed by a scene-wide detection of redevelopment regions. The proposed system combines several road detection and road verification approaches from current literature to form a more general solution. Each road detection / verification approach is realized as an independent module representing a unique road model combined with a corresponding processing strategy. The object-wise verification result of each module is formulated as a binary decision between the classes "correct road" and "incorrect road". These individual decisions are combined by Dempster-Shafer fusion, which provides tools for dealing with uncertain and incomplete knowledge about the statistical properties of the data. For each road detection / verification module a confidence function for the result is introduced that reflects the degree of correspondence of an actual test situation with an optimal situation according to the underlying road model of that module. Experimental results achieved with data from the national Belgian road database in a test site of about 134 km(2) demonstrate the potential of the method

    Développement d’un système intelligent de reconnaissance automatisée pour la caractérisation des états de surface de la chaussée en temps réel par une approche multicapteurs

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    Le rôle d’un service dédié à l’analyse de la météo routière est d’émettre des prévisions et des avertissements aux usagers quant à l’état de la chaussée, permettant ainsi d’anticiper les conditions de circulations dangereuses, notamment en période hivernale. Il est donc important de définir l’état de chaussée en tout temps. L’objectif de ce projet est donc de développer un système de détection multicapteurs automatisée pour la caractérisation en temps réel des états de surface de la chaussée (neige, glace, humide, sec). Ce mémoire se focalise donc sur le développement d’une méthode de fusion de données images et sons par apprentissage profond basée sur la théorie de Dempster-Shafer. Les mesures directes pour l’acquisition des données qui ont servi à l’entrainement du modèle de fusion ont été effectuées à l’aide de deux capteurs à faible coût disponibles dans le commerce. Le premier capteur est une caméra pour enregistrer des vidéos de la surface de la route. Le second capteur est un microphone pour enregistrer le bruit de l’interaction pneu-chaussée qui caractérise chaque état de surface. La finalité de ce système est de pouvoir fonctionner sur un nano-ordinateur pour l’acquisition, le traitement et la diffusion de l’information en temps réel afin d’avertir les services d’entretien routier ainsi que les usagers de la route. De façon précise, le système se présente comme suit :1) une architecture d’apprentissage profond classifiant chaque état de surface à partir des images issues de la vidéo sous forme de probabilités ; 2) une architecture d’apprentissage profond classifiant chaque état de surface à partir du son sous forme de probabilités ; 3) les probabilités issues de chaque architecture ont été ensuite introduites dans le modèle de fusion pour obtenir la décision finale. Afin que le système soit léger et moins coûteux, il a été développé à partir d’architectures alliant légèreté et précision à savoir Squeeznet pour les images et M5 pour le son. Lors de la validation, le système a démontré une bonne performance pour la détection des états surface avec notamment 87,9 % pour la glace noire et 97 % pour la neige fondante

    A Framework for Decision Fusion in Image Forensics Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence

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    In this work, we present a decision fusion strategy for image forensics. We define a framework that exploits information provided by available forensic tools to yield a global judgment about the authenticity of an image. Sources of information are modeled and fused using Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence, since this theory allows us to handle uncertain answers from tools and lack of knowledge about prior probabilities better than the classical Bayesian approach. The proposed framework permits us to exploit any available information about tools reliability and about the compatibility between the traces the forensic tools look for. The framework is easily extendable: new tools can be added incrementally with a little effort. Comparison with logical disjunction- and SVM-based fusion approaches shows an improvement in classification accuracy, particularly when strong generalization capabilities are neede

    Multi-sensor fusion based on multiple classifier systems for human activity identification

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    Multimodal sensors in healthcare applications have been increasingly researched because it facilitates automatic and comprehensive monitoring of human behaviors, high-intensity sports management, energy expenditure estimation, and postural detection. Recent studies have shown the importance of multi-sensor fusion to achieve robustness, high-performance generalization, provide diversity and tackle challenging issue that maybe difficult with single sensor values. The aim of this study is to propose an innovative multi-sensor fusion framework to improve human activity detection performances and reduce misrecognition rate. The study proposes a multi-view ensemble algorithm to integrate predicted values of different motion sensors. To this end, computationally efficient classification algorithms such as decision tree, logistic regression and k-Nearest Neighbors were used to implement diverse, flexible and dynamic human activity detection systems. To provide compact feature vector representation, we studied hybrid bio-inspired evolutionary search algorithm and correlation-based feature selection method and evaluate their impact on extracted feature vectors from individual sensor modality. Furthermore, we utilized Synthetic Over-sampling minority Techniques (SMOTE) algorithm to reduce the impact of class imbalance and improve performance results. With the above methods, this paper provides unified framework to resolve major challenges in human activity identification. The performance results obtained using two publicly available datasets showed significant improvement over baseline methods in the detection of specific activity details and reduced error rate. The performance results of our evaluation showed 3% to 24% improvement in accuracy, recall, precision, F-measure and detection ability (AUC) compared to single sensors and feature-level fusion. The benefit of the proposed multi-sensor fusion is the ability to utilize distinct feature characteristics of individual sensor and multiple classifier systems to improve recognition accuracy. In addition, the study suggests a promising potential of hybrid feature selection approach, diversity-based multiple classifier systems to improve mobile and wearable sensor-based human activity detection and health monitoring system. - 2019, The Author(s).This research is supported by University of Malaya BKP Special Grant no vote BKS006-2018.Scopu
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