4,554 research outputs found

    Robust Face Representation and Recognition Under Low Resolution and Difficult Lighting Conditions

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    This dissertation focuses on different aspects of face image analysis for accurate face recognition under low resolution and poor lighting conditions. A novel resolution enhancement technique is proposed for enhancing a low resolution face image into a high resolution image for better visualization and improved feature extraction, especially in a video surveillance environment. This method performs kernel regression and component feature learning in local neighborhood of the face images. It uses directional Fourier phase feature component to adaptively lean the regression kernel based on local covariance to estimate the high resolution image. For each patch in the neighborhood, four directional variances are estimated to adapt the interpolated pixels. A Modified Local Binary Pattern (MLBP) methodology for feature extraction is proposed to obtain robust face recognition under varying lighting conditions. Original LBP operator compares pixels in a local neighborhood with the center pixel and converts the resultant binary string to 8-bit integer value. So, it is less effective under difficult lighting conditions where variation between pixels is negligible. The proposed MLBP uses a two stage encoding procedure which is more robust in detecting this variation in a local patch. A novel dimensionality reduction technique called Marginality Preserving Embedding (MPE) is also proposed for enhancing the face recognition accuracy. Unlike Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), which project data in a global sense, MPE seeks for a local structure in the manifold. This is similar to other subspace learning techniques but the difference with other manifold learning is that MPE preserves marginality in local reconstruction. Hence it provides better representation in low dimensional space and achieves lower error rates in face recognition. Two new concepts for robust face recognition are also presented in this dissertation. In the first approach, a neural network is used for training the system where input vectors are created by measuring distance from each input to its class mean. In the second approach, half-face symmetry is used, realizing the fact that the face images may contain various expressions such as open/close eye, open/close mouth etc., and classify the top half and bottom half separately and finally fuse the two results. By performing experiments on several standard face datasets, improved results were observed in all the new proposed methodologies. Research is progressing in developing a unified approach for the extraction of features suitable for accurate face recognition in a long range video sequence in complex environments


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    Face recognition has been a long standing problem in computer vision. General face recognition is challenging because of large appearance variability due to factors including pose, ambient lighting, expression, size of the face, age, and distance from the camera, etc. There are very accurate techniques to perform face recognition in controlled environments, especially when large numbers of samples are available for each face (individual). However, face identification under uncontrolled( unconstrained) environments or with limited training data is still an unsolved problem. There are two face recognition tasks: face identification (who is who in a probe face set, given a gallery face set) and face verification (same or not, given two faces). In this work, we study both face identification and verification in unconstrained environments. Firstly, we propose a face verification framework that combines Partial Least Squares (PLS) and the One-Shot similarity model[1]. The idea is to describe a face with a large feature set combining shape, texture and color information. PLS regression is applied to perform multi-channel feature weighting on this large feature set. Finally the PLS regression is used to compute the similarity score of an image pair by One-Shot learning (using a fixed negative set). Secondly, we study face identification with image sets, where the gallery and probe are sets of face images of an individual. We model a face set by its covariance matrix (COV) which is a natural 2nd-order statistic of a sample set.By exploring an efficient metric for the SPD matrices, i.e., Log-Euclidean Distance (LED), we derive a kernel function that explicitly maps the covariance matrix from the Riemannian manifold to Euclidean space. Then, discriminative learning is performed on the COV manifold: the learning aims to maximize the between-class COV distance and minimize the within-class COV distance. Sparse representation and dictionary learning have been widely used in face recognition, especially when large numbers of samples are available for each face (individual). Sparse coding is promising since it provides a more stable and discriminative face representation. In the last part of our work, we explore sparse coding and dictionary learning for face verification application. More specifically, in one approach, we apply sparse representations to face verification in two ways via a fix reference set as dictionary. In the other approach, we propose a dictionary learning framework with explicit pairwise constraints, which unifies the discriminative dictionary learning for pair matching (face verification) and classification (face recognition) problems

    Advances of Robust Subspace Face Recognition

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    Face recognition has been widely applied in fast video surveillance and security systems and smart home services in our daily lives. Over past years, subspace projection methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), are the well-known algorithms for face recognition. Recently, linear regression classification (LRC) is one of the most popular approaches through subspace projection optimizations. However, there are still many problems unsolved in severe conditions with different environments and various applications. In this chapter, the practical problems including partial occlusion, illumination variation, different expression, pose variation, and low resolution are addressed and solved by several improved subspace projection methods including robust linear regression classification (RLRC), ridge regression (RR), improved principal component regression (IPCR), unitary regression classification (URC), linear discriminant regression classification (LDRC), generalized linear regression classification (GLRC) and trimmed linear regression (TLR). Experimental results show that these methods can perform well and possess high robustness against problems of partial occlusion, illumination variation, different expression, pose variation and low resolution

    Entropy Projection Curved Gabor with Random Forest and SVM for Face Recognition

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    In this work, we propose a workflow for face recognition under occlusion using the entropy projection from the curved Gabor filter, and create a representative and compact features vector that describes a face. Despite the reduced vector obtained by the entropy projection, it still presents opportunity for further dimensionality reduction. Therefore, we use a Random Forest classifier as an attribute selector, providing a 97% reduction of the original vector while keeping suitable accuracy. A set of experiments using three public image databases: AR Face, Extended Yale B with occlusion and FERET illustrates the proposed methodology, evaluated using the SVM classifier. The results obtained in the experiments show promising results when compared to the available approaches in the literature, obtaining 98.05% accuracy for the complete AR Face, 97.26% for FERET and 81.66% with Yale with 50% occlusion
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