7 research outputs found

    Neural Class-Specific Regression for face verification

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    Face verification is a problem approached in the literature mainly using nonlinear class-specific subspace learning techniques. While it has been shown that kernel-based Class-Specific Discriminant Analysis is able to provide excellent performance in small- and medium-scale face verification problems, its application in today's large-scale problems is difficult due to its training space and computational requirements. In this paper, generalizing our previous work on kernel-based class-specific discriminant analysis, we show that class-specific subspace learning can be cast as a regression problem. This allows us to derive linear, (reduced) kernel and neural network-based class-specific discriminant analysis methods using efficient batch and/or iterative training schemes, suited for large-scale learning problems. We test the performance of these methods in two datasets describing medium- and large-scale face verification problems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A review of approximate methods for kernel-based big media data analysis

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    Subspace Support Vector Data Description

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    This paper proposes a novel method for solving one-class classification problems. The proposed approach, namely Subspace Support Vector Data Description, maps the data to a subspace that is optimized for one-class classification. In that feature space, the optimal hypersphere enclosing the target class is then determined. The method iteratively optimizes the data mapping along with data description in order to define a compact class representation in a low-dimensional feature space. We provide both linear and non-linear mappings for the proposed method. Experiments on 14 publicly available datasets indicate that the proposed Subspace Support Vector Data Description provides better performance compared to baselines and other recently proposed one-class classification methods.Comment: 6 pages, submitted/accepted, ICPR 201

    Интеллектуальный видеоанализ опасных ситуаций

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 17-20-03034). ABSTRACT The article is devoted to development of a system for the intelligent analysis of video recordings of external surveillance cameras, which makes it possible to identify dangerous situations at railway facilities using the example of detection of falls in the track area. A method of preprocessing a video for the purpose of forming a feature space based on the use of background subtraction using the Gaussian mixture method, followed by tracking the movement of a person with the help of the Kalman filter and deformation of the shape of the mobile object as a result of applying the procrustean analysis is proposed. The selection of the optimal composition of the feature space and additional heuristics providing the isolation of episodes of falls from video recording with an average quality of the Cohen’s kappa 0,62 is compared with the visual analysis by the operator. Keywords: railway, safety, video surveillance, intelligent video analysis, motion recognition, machine learning, form analysis.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (грант № 17-20-03034). Статья посвящена разработке системы интеллектуального анализа видеозаписей камер наружного наблюдения, позволяющей выявлять опасные ситуации на объектах железных дорог на примере детекции падений в зоне пути. Предложен метод предобработки видеоряда с целью формирования пространства признаков, основанный на использовании вычитания фона по методу гауссовой смеси, последующем отслеживании перемещения человека при помощи фильтра Калмана и деформации формы подвижного объекта в результате применения прокрустова анализа. Обоснован подбор оптимального состава пространства признаков и дополнительных эвристик, обеспечивающих выделение эпизодов падений по видеозаписи со средним качеством каппы Коэна 0,62 по сравнению с визуальным анализом оператором