106 research outputs found

    A review of technologies and design techniques of millimeter-wave power amplifiers

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    his article reviews the state-of-the-art millimeter-wave (mm-wave) power amplifiers (PAs), focusing on broadband design techniques. An overview of the main solid-state technologies is provided, including Si, gallium arsenide (GaAs), GaN, and other III-V materials, and both field-effect and bipolar transistors. The most popular broadband design techniques are introduced, before critically comparing through the most relevant design examples found in the scientific literature. Given the wide breadth of applications that are foreseen to exploit the mm-wave spectrum, this contribution will represent a valuable guide for designers who need a single reference before adventuring in the challenging task of the mm-wave PA design

    Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Signal Power Generation

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    Development and integration of silicon-germanium front-end electronics for active phased-array antennas

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    The research presented in this thesis leverages silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) technology to develop microwave front-end electronics for active phased-array antennas. The highly integrated electronics will reduce costs and improve the feasibility of snow measurements from airborne and space-borne platforms. Chapter 1 presents the motivation of this research, focusing on the technological needs of snow measurement missions. The fundamentals and benefits of SiGe HBTs and phased-array antennas for these missions are discussed as well. Chapter 2 discusses SiGe power amplifier design considerations for radar systems. Basic power amplifier design concepts, power limitations in SiGe HBTs, and techniques for increasing the output power of SiGe HBT PAs are reviewed. Chapter 3 presents the design and characterization of a robust medium power X-band SiGe power amplifier for integration into a SiGe transmit/receive module. The PA design process applies the concepts presented in Chapter 2. A detailed investigation into measurement-to-simulation discrepancies is outlined as well. Chapter 4 discusses the development and characterization of a single-chip X-band SiGe T/R module for integration into a very thin, lightweight active phased array antenna panel. The system-on-package antenna combines the high performance and integration potential of SiGe technologies with advanced substrates and packaging techniques to develop a high performance scalable antenna panel using relatively low-cost materials and silicon-based electronics. The antenna panel presented in this chapter will enable airborne SCLP measurements and advance the technology towards an eventual space-based SCLP measurement instrument that will satisfy a critical Earth science need. Finally, Chapter 5 provides concluding remarks and discusses future research directions.M.S

    Design of SiGe HBT power amplifiers for microwave radar applications

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    A novel modification to the standard cascode amplifier architecture is presented in SiGe which allows for an optimal separation of gain and breakdown functions through the mixed breakdown cascade architecture, opening the door for moderate power amplifiers in SiGe. Utilizing this technique, a two-stage, high-gain amplifier operating at X-Band is fabricated and measured. The 20 dB of gain per stage represents the highest gain at X-Band at the time of publication. Additionally, a near one Watt power amplifier is designed and fabricated at X-Band, which represents the highest output power in SiGe at X-Band at time of publication. Related to the power amplifier design, thermal considerations are also investigated. The validity of utilizing lumped mutual thermal coupling in SiGe devices is presented. Using this finding, a thermal coupling model and network which are compliant for use with commonly available HBT models and circuit simulators is presented. This model and network is used to thermally optimize SiGe PA cells based upon layout spacing.Ph.D.Committee Member: John Cressler; Committee Member: John Papapolymerou; Committee Member: Joy Laskar; Committee Member: Thomas Morley; Committee Member: William Hun

    Millimeter-Wave Concurrent Dual-Band BiCMOS RFIC Transmitter for Radar and Communication Systems

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    This dissertation presents new circuit architectures and techniques for improving the performance of several key BiCMOS RFIC building blocks used in radar and wireless communication systems operating up to millimeter-wave frequencies, and the development of an advanced, low-cost and miniature millimeter-wave concurrent dual-band transmitter for short-range, high-resolution radar and high-rate communication systems. A new type of low-power active balun consisting of a common emitter amplifier with degenerative inductor and a common collector amplifier is proposed. The parasitic neutralization and compensation techniques are used to keep the balun well balanced at very high frequencies and across an ultra-wide bandwidth. A novel RF switch architecture with ultra-high isolation and possible gain is proposed, analyzed and demonstrated. The new RF switch architecture achieves an ultra-high isolation through implementation of a new RF leaking cancellation technique. A new class of concurrent dual-band impedance matching networks and technique for synthesizing them are presented together with a 25.5/37-GHz concurrent dual-band PA. These matching networks enable simultaneous matching of two arbitrary loads to two arbitrary sources at two different frequencies, utilizing the impedance-equivalence properties of LC networks that any LC network can be equivalent to an inductor, capacitor, open or short at different frequencies. K- and Ka-band ultra-low-leakage RF-pulse formers capable of producing very narrow RF pulses in the order of 200 ps with small rising and falling time for short-range high-resolution radar and high-data-rate communication systems are also developed. The complete transmitter exhibiting unique characteristics obtained from capabilities of producing very narrow and tunable RF pulses with extremely RF leakage and working concurrently in dual bands at 24.5 and 35 GHz was designed. Capability of generating narrow and tunable RF pulses allows the radar system to flexibly work at high and multiple range resolutions. The extremely low RF leakage allows the transmitter to share one antenna system with receiver, turn on the PA at all time, comply the transmitting spectrum requirements, increase the system dynamic range, avoid harming to other systems; hence improving system size, cost and performance. High data-rate in communication systems is achieved as the consequence of transmitting very narrow RF pulses at high rates. In addition, the dissertation demonstrates a design approach for low chip-area, cost and power consumption systems in which a single dual-band component (power amplifier) is designed to operate with two RF signals simultaneously

    Design of wideband silicon-germanium RF front end circuits for broadband communications systems

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    This thesis discusses the design of wideband front-end circuits for broadband communications systems, designed in silicon-germanium technology. The bandwidths of these circuits cover from 2 GHz to 18 GHz. In Chapter 1, an introduction to wideband communications systems is presented. In addition, a brief summary of phased array radars and the need for wideband radars are discussed. Also, an overview of Silicon-Germanium technology and its advantages in the context of wideband circuit design are discussed. In Chapter 2, the design challenges associated with wideband RF front-end circuits are presented. In particular, the design space of wideband power amplifiers and low-noise amplifiers is discussed. Both the active and passive circuit design difficulties for each circuit are evaluated. In addition, traditional approaches to amplifier design and their drawbacks for wideband circuits are explained. In Chapter 3, the design of a wideband 1-20 GHz Silicon-Germanium power amplifier is discussed. In this design, a distributed amplifier topology is utilized with transistor stacking to simultaneously achieve high output power and wideband impedance matching. This amplifier is designed in a highly scaled 90 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. Measurement results and a comparison to state-of-the-art wideband power amplifiers are shown. This work, ”A 1-20 GHz Distributed, Stacked SiGe Power Amplifier” was published in the 2018 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium [1]. In Chapter 4, the design of a wideband 1-18 GHz Silicon-Germanium low noise ampli- fier is presented. A resistive feedback topology is used to achieve wideband operation with moderate gain and low noise figure. In addition, a cryogenic characterization of this amplifier is conducted with measurements of S-parameters, 1 dB compression point, and noise over temperature. A comparison to state-of-the-art cryogenic amplifiers is shown. Furthermore, the demonstration and explanation of an on-wafer cryogenic noise measurement scheme are presented. This work, ”A Low Power, Wideband SiGe Low Noise Amplifier for Cryogenic Temperature Operation” will be submitted to the 2019 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS). In Chapter 5, a summary of the achieved results is shown. In addition, future research directions are discussed.M.S

    An X-Band power amplifier design for on-chip RADAR applications

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    Tremendous growth of RAdio Detecting And Ranging (RADAR) and communication electronics require low manufacturing cost, excellent performance, minimum area and highly integrated solutions for transmitter/receiver (T/R) modules, which are one of the most important blocks of RADAR systems. New circuit topologies and process technologies are investigated to fulfill these requirements of next generation RADAR systems. With the recent improvements, Silicon-Germanium Bipolar CMOS technology became a good candidate for recently used III-V technologies, such as GaAs, InP, and GaN, to meet high speed and performance requirements of present RADAR applications. As new process technologies are used, new solutions and circuit architectures have to be provided while taking into account the advantages and disadvantageous of used technologies. In this thesis, a new T/R module system architecture is presented for single/onchip X-Band phased array RADAR applications. On-chip T/R module consists of five blocks; T/R switch, single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch, low noise amplifier (LNA), power amplifier (PA), and phase shifter. As the main focus of this thesis, a two-stage power amplifier is realized, discussed and measured. Designed in IHP's 0.25 [micrometer] SiGe BiCMOS process technology, the power amplifier operates in Class-A mode to achieve high linearity and presents a measured small-signal gain of 25 dB at 10 GHz. While achieving an output power of 22 dBm, the power amplifier has drain efficiency of 30 % in saturation. The total die area is 1 [square millimeters], including RF and DC pads. To our knowledge, these results are comparable to and/or better than those reported in the literature

    High-Efficiency Millimeter-Wave Front-Ends for Large Phased-Array Transmitters

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    The ever-increasing demand for wireless broadband connectivity requires infrastructure capable of supporting data transfer rates at multi-Gbps. To accommodate such heavy traffic, the channel capacity for the given spectrum must be utilized as efficiently as possible. Wideband millimeter-wave phased-array systems can enhance the capacity of the channel by providing multiple steerable directional beams. However the cost, complexity, and high power consumption of phased-array systems are key barriers to the commercialization of such technology. Silicon-based beam-former chips and scalable phased-array technology offer promising solutions to lower the cost of phased-array systems. However, the implementation of low-power phased-array architectures is still a challenge. Millimeter-wave power generation in silicon beam-formers suffers from low efficiency. The stringent linearity requirements for multi-beam wideband arrays further limits the achievable efficiency. In scalable phased-arrays, each module consists of an antenna sub-array and a beam-former chip that feeds the antenna elements. To improve efficiency, a design methodology that considers the beam-former chip and the antenna array as one entity is necessary. In this thesis, power-efficient solutions for a millimeter-wave phased-array transmitter are studied and different high-efficiency power amplifier structures for broadband applications are proposed. Initially, the design of a novel 27-30 GHz RF front-end consisting of a variable gain amplifier, a 360 degree phase shifter, and a two-stage linear power amplifier with output power of 12 dBm is described. It is fabricated using 0.13 ÎŒm\mu m SiGe technology. This chip serves as the RF core of a beam-former chip with eight outputs for feeding a 2×\times2 dual-feed sub-array. Such sub-arrays are used as part of large phased-arrays for SATCOM infrastructure. Measurement results show 26.7 \% total efficiency for the designed chip. The chip achieves the highest efficiency among Ka-band phased-array transmitters reported in the literature. In addition, original transformer-based output matching structures are proposed for harmonic-tuned power amplifiers. Harmonic-tuned power amplifiers have high peak-efficiency but their complicated output matching structure can limit their use in beam-former RF front-ends. The proposed output matching structures have the layout footprint of a transformer, making their use in beam-former chips feasible. A 26-38 GHz power amplifier based on a non-inverting 1:1 transformer is fabricated. A measured efficiency of more than 27 \% is achieved across the band with an output power of 12 dBm. Furthermore, two continuous class F−1F^{-1} power amplifiers using 1:1 inverting transformers are described. Simulation results show a peak-efficiency of 35 \% and output power of 12 dBm from 24 to 30 GHz. A common-base power amplifier with inverting transformer output matching is also demonstrated. This amplifier achieves a peak-efficiency of 42 \% and peak output power of 16 dBm. Finally, a low-loss Ka-band re-configurable output matching structure based on tunable lines is proposed and implemented. A double-stub matching structure with three tunable segments is proposed to maximize the impedance matching coverage. This structure can potentially compensate for the antenna impedance variation in phased-array antennas
