3,551 research outputs found

    Government employment and pay : a global and regional perspective

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    The authors try to replace myths about government pay and employment with reliable facts from a survey for about 100 countries in the early 1900s. The study also outlines the general nature of civil service problems in the different regions. Nevertheless, while the facts are useful to"flag"possible problems and initiate a dialogue, recommendations for reform must be based on country-specific analysis. Globally, government employment is negatively associated with wages, and positively with the fiscal deficit (although the availability of financing is more important) and with per capita income (confirming"Wagner's Law"). But the global results stem almost entirely from strong results for Africa and Latin America. Civil service reform has suffered in the past from an overemphasis on retrenchment for fiscal reasons. Its true objective, for each country, is to achieve a civil service of the size and skill-mix, incentives, professional ethos, and accountability needed to provide public goods, help formulate and enforce the rules, and intervene to remedy market failures -as these government roles happen to be defined in the country in question. Civil service reform can begin with various diagnostic and fact-finding activities. The key measures concern rightsizing, incentives, and accountability. These are all relative notions: the right size of the workforce depends on the roles assigned to government; wage adequacy depends on private compensation levels; and strengthening of accountability must define accountability for what and to whom. When retrenchment is warranted, it must be carried out with great care to avoid skill reduction, demoralization, and lower-quality service. Adequate compensation is a must, and wage compression isto be avoided. But performance bonuses, popular in some advanced countries, have been only marginally effective in improving performance in developing countries, even in the private sector. And they can be dangerous in countries with ethnic, clan, or religious conflicts. Finally, improvements in accountability will most often require greater external openness and systematic feedback from service users.Banks&Banking Reform,Enterprise Development&Reform,Municipal Financial Management,Decentralization,Environmental Economics&Policies,National Governance,Banks&Banking Reform,Municipal Financial Management,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Policy, Institutions and Governance

    Developing Guiding Options for Educational Curriculum for Public Administrators in Tajikistan

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    Since freeing itself from the autocratic control of the former Communist regime, the republic of Tajikistan has confronted numerous problems of underdevelopment which threaten to sink the republic in a new wave of authoritarianism and misery. Implementing democratic reforms aimed at modernizing a developing country requires a cadre of competent and professionally trained public administrators who understand and are committed to basic democratic values and sound administrative principles. Unfortunately, such a cadre does not now exist in Tajikistan and no educational program has yet been introduced to develop such a cadre. The answer does not lie in attempting to transfer a model of public service education developed in a liberal democracy such as the United States to a still-developing country such as Tajikistan. It is for this reason that the presented study seeks to develop options for educational curriculum for public administrators in Tajikistan that is simultaneously well suited to the unique characteristics of Tajikistan\u27s social and political institutions and the special challenges faced by developing countries in general. It is expected that the results of the study will have significant positive impacts as Tajikistan seeks to develop its capacities and transition successfully from autocracy to democracy. It is hoped that the options for educational curricula developed in this study will encourage Tajikistan\u27s national universities to implement graduate level degree programs in public administration. Tajikistan will benefit from the study in the short-term through the development of its human capital and in the long-term through the study\u27s contribution to the establishment of democracy, greater economic prosperity, and greater personal security for its citizens. If prospective public administrators can be well-trained in the best practices of public administration, the positive impacts for society will be truly significant

    Decentralisation in Uganda : exploring the constraints for poverty reduction

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    It is often claimed that decentralisation is effective for the reduction of poverty due to inherent opportunities for higher popular participation and increased efficiency in public service delivery. This paper is a qualitative assessment of the potential of the Ugandan decentralisation reform for poverty alleviation. The Ugandan government initiated an ambitious decentralisation reform in 1992, which represents an example of full-fledged devolution with the transfer of far-reaching responsibilities to local governments. However, several shortcomings, such as low levels of accountability, insufficient human and financial resources, corruption, patronage, and central resistance to decentralisation, constrain the proper implementation of the reform, putting improvements in participation and efficiency at risk and ultimately jeopardising the intended impact on poverty.Es wird oft behauptet, dass Dezentralisierung durch die ihr inhĂ€renten Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung der Partizipation der Bevölkerung an öffentlichen Entscheidungsprozessen sowie zur Erhöhung der Effizienz in der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen effektiv zur Reduktion von Armut beitragen kann. Dieser Frage geht die vorliegende qualitative Studie am Fall der Dezentralisierung in Uganda nach. Die ugandische Regierung leitete im Jahr 1992 eine ehrgeizige Dezentralisierungsreform ein, die ein Beispiel fĂŒr konsequente Devolution mit der Übertragung weitgehender Rechte, Aufgaben und Finanzen an lokale Regierungen darstellt. Die Umsetzung dieser Reform leidet jedoch unter verschiedenen Restriktionen, so etwa niedriger Accountability, ungenĂŒgender Human- und finanzieller Ressourcen, Korruption, Patronage sowie anhaltender zentraler Einflussnahme auf die lokale Politik. Diese Defizite gefĂ€hrden ernsthaft die Erhöhung von Partizipation und Effizienz und damit letztendlich auch eine Reduktion der Armut

    Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options

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    This paper attempts to analyze governance systems in Southeast Asia and proposes some policy suggestions that can improve governance practices in the region. It also discusses the links between governance and official development assistance (ODA) and the role of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. To put the discussion on governance systems in a proper context, the paper discusses the governance and growth nexus in Southeast Asia; describes the operating governance systems in Southeast Asia; analyzes economic governance, more specifically in the areas of economic management and growth, revenue generation, social spending, access to services, cost of doing business, and corporate governance; and examines political governance, focusing on the rule of law and judicial independence, conflict management, and voice participation.governance, development program, corruption

    Moldova: Assessment of Civil Society and Democratic Institutions

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    Non governmental organizations have been active in Moldova since 1989, but a civil society started its today’s formation as a result of radical reforms in economic and political areas only after the country became independent in 1991. Since that time the establishment of a transitional civil society in Moldova is under way. However, starting from 2001, when the Communist Party won the general elections, development of the nongovernmental sector has become slower. Although several positive patterns evident at the end of the nineties indicate progress in the development of Moldovan non-governmental sector, there is a number of sensitive issues (e.g., freedom of media, human rights protection) in relation to which certain regress has been observed especially in the last two years. Media market in Moldova is far from being free, and protection of human rights remains to be a problem (in all respects, situation of non-governmental sector in Transnistria is much worse than in Moldova). Finally, it needs to be emphasized that critical socio-economic situation seems to be the main threat to democracy and the rule of law in the country. This is because further significant economic decline can provide fertile ground for non-democratic political forces and extremists. Economic collapse could be a real threat to the achievements in the area of democratization and civil society development. Thus, only results of a successful economic reform process may reverse undesirable patterns and change socio-economic situation in Moldova, increase income of population, decrease poverty, guarantee stability and irreversibility of Moldovan achievements in democratization and development of civil society.Moldova, Transnistria, civil society, democratic institutions

    Polish Best Practices on European Integration Process - Recommendations for Moldova

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    Moldova unilaterally declares its EU membership aspirations and started the process of economic, legal and institutional approximation targeted at establishing free market economy, stable democratic institutions and sound legal system. In the paper the authors made an attempt to assess the competitive and institutional capacity of Moldova in the context of EU membership requirements. It presents Polish achievements in European integration process as a CEE successful way towards full membership. The paper is devoted to transfer know how on Polish experience in EU integration at first stages of the process, with the emphasis on assessment of fulfillment of Copenhagen criteria and the role of association stage in the integration process as a whole. Basing on Poland's example, it provides the recommendations for Moldova on possible ways of integration with the EU so that Moldovan economy and society would be able to benefit most from the process - in other words, to successfully conclude the transformation of economy and adjust law and state institutions to European standards. The analysis does not cover the political aspects of Transdniestrian conflict as it is an important and broad issue that requires deep separate analysis. In the paper there is also no evaluation of cooperation within Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe since we consider Moldova as Eastern European country with clear geopolitical position neighboring Ukraine and Romania.European Union Integration, Trade and Trade Policy, Transition
