196,658 research outputs found

    Mapping of Publications Productivity on Journal of Documentation 1989-2018: A Study Based on Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science Database

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    The Present Study analyzed research productivity in Journal of Documentation (JDoc) for a period of 30 years between 1989 and 2018. Web of Science database a service from Clarivate Analytics has been used to download citation and source data. Bibexcel and Histcite application software have been used to present the datasets. Analysis part focuses on the parameters like citation impact at local and global level, influential authors and their total output, ranking of contributing institutions and countries. In addition to this scientographical mapping of data is presented through graphs using VOSviewer software mapping technique

    Citation Analysis of Library and Information Science Masters Theses: A Tool for Collection Development in University Libraries

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    This study analyzes the citations of Masters Theses in Library and Information Science of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria submitted from 2011 to 2018 with a view to determining the format and age of materials used and most frequently cited journals. The document checklists were used for data collections and the citations were extracted from the title pages and reference lists of each of the theses. Data obtained from 48 Masters Theses were examined. The study found that 47.22% of cited items were monographs followed by journals - 31.21%, 8.5% were reports, 4.05% were web resources and 3.65% were conference proceedings. This is contrary with other citation analysis, which found that journals are the most frequently used format. The study also revealed that 21 journal titles were the most frequently cited journals by Library and information Science postgraduate students. The study discovered that the average age of materials used were 10- 20 years and that Library Philosophy Practice (e-journal) was the most cited journal title. The findings did show that citation analysis of theses is veritable tool for collections development. The implication of this study is that it could serve as a collection development tool that can be used as a model for the library to identify the primary sources for acquisitions and also as a guide for collection maintenance. It is based on this that it was recommended that university libraries should as a matter of professional responsibility ensure yearly analysis of theses as part of their documentation policies

    Fifty Years (1970-2019) Journey of \u27Journal of Documentation\u27: A Scientometric Analysis of Research Productivity and Publication Trends

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    Purpose In this study, we conducted quantitative analysis of 1706 scholarly literature published in Journal of Documentation during the period of 1970 to 2019 (fifty years) using a series of scientometric indicators. Annual scientific production, most local cited sources, the ranking of authors; profiles, contributions, correlation, collaboration and authorship pattern, most contributed countries, most cited articles, frequently used search terms/keywords, and the legend of historiographic mapping were analysed in detail to measure the impact of the source. Design/methodology/approach We used the Scopus database for retrieving the desired sample data. In total, 1,706 numbers of publications records were considered for the literature analysis considering their relevancy. Biblioshiny data visualization tool is used to create the various maps. Findings The present study found that annual scientific production and average citations constantly have had an uptrend. The journal\u27s had tremendous impact with an h-index of 80, with a g-index of 148, total citations of 37,161 within the studied period. Although Bawden D contributed the highest number of research papers (n=78), the work published by Hjørland B received the highest citations. Lotka\u27s Law reveals that about 75.04% of the authors (1319 authors) have one publication, and approximately 12.73% of the authors (225 authors) have two publications. The United Kingdom was the dominant country in terms of number of papers and citation count whereas University of Sheffield topped with 128 publications. The thematic map consists of eleven clusters and ‘information retrieval’ found to be the largest cluster comprehending 56 subthemes occurring 995 times. Co-citation network identified four clusters with revealing Wilson TD as the most cited authors. The study also indicates the most collaborative authors are from the United Kingdom. Research limitations/implications The study exclusively deals with 1732 published research literature indexed in the Scopus database covering a span of fifty years (from 1970 to 2019). Thus, documents which are not covered in Scopus are excluded from the purview of research. This study is significant in order to measure the impact of Journal of Documentation and useful to identify valuable research patterns from publications and of developments in the field of Information Science

    ANALISIS SITIRAN JURNAL PSIKOLOGI UGM TAHUN 1997-2006 Citation Analysis of Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006.

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    The study aims: (1 )to discover the foreign journal referred by the Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006, (2) to know the percentage of use of the subscribed foreign journal by the Faculty Library of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University founded in Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal from 1997 to 2006, (3) to know the relevancy and use of foreign journal by the scientific article in the Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006, (4) to know the currency of the foreign journal referred by Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006. The study is a descriptive research with the Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal by 1997-2006 as a subject, and the foreign journals referred in Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal by 1997-2006 as an object. Documentation, and interview are used as methods of collecting data, and citation analysis as an data analysis. The result of study: (1) There are 148 titles offoreign journal cited in Gadjah Mada University Journal of Psychology dating from 1997-2006, including 14 titles of the journal subscribed by Faculty Library of Gadjah Mada University, (2) The freguence of the citation of the 14 titles was that: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology by 68 times (39,76%), Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology by 23 (13,45%), Journal of Applied Psychology by 21 (12,28%), Psychological Bulletin by 11 (6,43%), Journal of Abnormal Psychology and Journal of Counseling Psychology by 9 respectively ( 5,26%), Journal of Educational Psychology by 8 (4,67%), Developmental Psychology by 7 (4,09%), Journal of Occupational Psychology by 5 (2,92%), Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology and Psychological Review by 3 respectively (1,75%), Journal of Experimental Psychology by 2 (1,16%), American Psychologist and Health Psychology by 1 each (0,58%). (3) There are also a relevancy between the scientific article and the foreign journal referred, in the Gadjah Mada University Psychology Journal dating from 1997 to 2006 (4) The foreign journal subscribed by the Faculty Library of Psychology Gadjah Mada University was included in a current category (52,77%), not current category (45,47%), and more than 30 years (1,76%). Key words: use of journal, citation analysi

    Artificial Intelligence in Concrete Materials: A Scientometric View

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative and versatile tool, breaking new frontiers across scientific domains. Among its most promising applications, AI research is blossoming in concrete science and engineering, where it has offered new insights towards mixture design optimization and service life prediction of cementitious systems. This chapter aims to uncover the main research interests and knowledge structure of the existing literature on AI for concrete materials. To begin with, a total of 389 journal articles published from 1990 to 2020 were retrieved from the Web of Science. Scientometric tools such as keyword co-occurrence analysis and documentation co-citation analysis were adopted to quantify features and characteristics of the research field. The findings bring to light pressing questions in data-driven concrete research and suggest future opportunities for the concrete community to fully utilize the capabilities of AI techniques.Comment: Book chapter in M. Z. Naser (Ed.), Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Management, and Safety of Infrastructure. CRC Pres

    Analisis sitiran dan pola produktivitas penulis Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia Perpustakaan IPB University tahun 2016-2020

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    Pendahuluan. Penelitian ini mengkaji perilaku penelitian (research behaviour) dari Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia (JPI) terbitan Perpustakaan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola sitiran karya ilmiah penulis jurnal JPI Metode Penelitian. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui pengambilan data artikel Jurnal Pustakawan Indonesia dan observasi terhadap lima puluh satu artikel JPI. Data Analisis. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif. Analisis sitiran, produktivitas dan pola kepengarangan serta keusangan literatur dilakukan terhadap 51 artikel JPI. Ruang lingkup kajian dibatasi pada artikel JPI yang diterbitkan tahun 2016-2020. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa sitiran bahasa Indonesia merupakan sitiran terbanyak (62,39%) dibandingkan sitiran bahasa asing (37,61%). Jumlah penulis yang terlibat adalah 107 penulis. Produktivitas penulis tertinggi adalah yang menulis sebanyak enam artikel diikuti dengan lima artikel masing-masing satu orang. Karya tulis yang ditulis oleh penulis ganda sebanyak 69%. Indeks kolaborasi penulis sebesar 0,69. Literatur tertua yang digunakan oleh artikel adalah 50 tahun atau lebih, sedangkan yang termuda adalah dibawah lima tahun.ABSTRACT Introduction. This study examines the research behavior of the Indonesian Librarian Journal (JPI) published by the Bogor Agricultural University Library. Research methods. This study uses a descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach through data collection methods in the form of documentation and observation, twenty-one journal articles are observed and analysed in this study. Data analysis. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. The analysis of the study aims to determine the citation pattern of scientific works of JPI journal writers. Citation analysis of JPI journals is limited to five years (2016-2020) with a total of 9 issues. Results and Discussion. A study of JPI journals over the last five years found 51 articles with a total of 686 citations used in the bibliography used as citations. The most widely used type of language is Indonesian with 428 titles. The type of literature that is often used is 294 books. The Productivity of writers who produce 6 (six) articles and and 5 (five) articles are only written by one person. Total of 35 JPI articles or as much as 70% were written by multiple authors or teams. The writer's collaboration index at the Indonesian Librarian Journal is on average 2.10. The authors who are often cited are Sugiono; Saleh, Abdul Rahman; Sulistyo-Basuki

    How accurate is the neurosurgery literature? A review of references.

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    BACKGROUND: The reference list is an important part of academic manuscripts. The goal of this study is to evaluate the reference accuracy in the field of neurosurgery. METHODS: This study examines four major peer-reviewed neurosurgery journals, chosen based on their clinical impact factor: Neurosurgery, J Neurosurg, World Neurosurg, and Acta Neurochir. For each of the four journals, five articles from each of the journal\u27s 12 issues published in 2019 were randomly selected using an online generator. This resulted in a total of 240 articles, 60 from each journal. Additionally, from each article\u27s list of references, one reference was again randomly selected and checked for a citation or quotation error. The chi-square test was used to analyze the association between the occurrence of citation and quotation errors and the presence of hypothesized risk factors that could impact reference accuracy. RESULTS: 62.1% of articles had a minor citation error, 8.33% had a major citation error, 12.1% had a minor quotation error, and 5.8% of articles had a major quotation error. Overall, Acta Neurochir presented with the fewest quotation errors compared with the other journals evaluated. The only association between the frequency of errors and potential markers of reference mistakes was with the length of the bibliography. Surprisingly, this correlation indicated that the articles with longer reference lists had fewer citation errors (p \u3c 0.01). Statistical significance was found between the occurrence of citation errors and the journals of publication (p \u3c 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In order to advance medical treatment and patient care in neurosurgery, detailed documentation and attention to detail are necessary. The results from this analysis illustrate that improved reference accuracy is required

    The Matthew effect in environmental science publication: A bibliometric analysis of chemical substances in journal articles

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While environmental research addresses scientific questions of possible societal relevance, it is unclear to what degree research focuses on environmental chemicals in need of documentation for risk assessment purposes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a bibliometric analysis, we used SciFinder to extract Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers for chemicals addressed by publications in the 78 major environmental science journals during 2000-2009. The Web of Science was used to conduct title searches to determine long-term trends for prominent substances and substances considered in need of research attention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 119,636 journal articles found had 760,056 CAS number links during 2000-2009. The top-20 environmental chemicals consisted of metals, (chlorinated) biphenyls, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, and ethanol and contributed 12% toward the total number of links- Each of the top-20 substances was covered by 2,000-10,000 articles during the decade. The numbers for the 10-year period were similar to the total numbers of pre-2000 articles on the same chemicals. However, substances considered a high priority from a regulatory viewpoint, due to lack of documentation, showed very low publication rates. The persistence in the scientific literature of the top-20 chemicals was only weakly related to their publication in journals with a high impact factor, but some substances achieved high citation rates.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The persistence of some environmental chemicals in the scientific literature may be due to a 'Matthew' principle of maintaining prominence for the very reason of having been well researched. Such bias detracts from the societal needs for documentation on less well known environmental hazards, and it may also impact negatively on the potentials for innovation and discovery in research.</p

    Pemanfaatan E-journal oleh Mahasiswa: Kajian Analisis Sitasi Terhadap Tesis Mahasiswa Klaster Saintek Universitas Gadjah Mada

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    Universitas Gadjah Mada Library provides various information resources either in printed or electronic formats. The Library has subscribed to electronic information resources in the form of ejournal databases. The availability and utilization of these resources need to be evaluated. This study is a citation analysis of theses of the students from science and technology cluster of Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2015. It is aimed at identifying: 1) types of information resources used by the students in thesis writing, 2)intensity of the utilization of e-journal information resources by the students, and 3) the availability of the required information in the databases subscribed by UGM Library. The object of the study consisted of 7,925 citation derived from 222 theses of the students from science and technology cluster UGM. Data were obtained from documentation. This study used citation analysis to analyze all citations. The result of the study showed types of information resources used by the students in thesis writing were books, journals, theses, websites, proceedings, government regulations/acts, others (maps, learning materials, guides to laboratory practice), research reports and dissertations and papers. Books were information resources mostly used. Journals utilized in thesis writing comprised as much as 25% (1,997 citations) and 84% (1,685 citations) of the journals were English. As many as 1,078 citations (64%) were available and 607 citations (36%) unavailable in the journals subscribed by UGM Library

    Stories of Community: The First Ten Years of Nike Women\u27s Advertising

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    This semiotic analysis of early Nike women\u27s advertising explores the evolution of the women\u27s brand from its launch in 1990 through 2000, and includes twenty-seven print campaigns. The semiotic analysis is enhanced by in-depth interviews of the creative team. The study is framed by a single research question. What symbolically ties these ten years of advertising into a cohesive whole and how? Ultimately, three distinct mediated communities emerge. The story behind these communities, expressed semiotically and orally, suggests that the power of this advertising lies in its mediated construction of community life. The resonance of these ads is rooted in the creatives\u27 ability to construct signifiers that reflect the cultural and social experiences of women, with storytelling as the single most binding force across this ten-year period