5 research outputs found

    Multiple intermediate structure deforestation by shortcut fusion

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    Shortcut fusion is a well-known optimization technique for functional programs. Its aim is to transform multi-pass algorithms into single pass ones, achieving deforestation of the intermediate structures that multi-pass algorithms need to construct. Shortcut fusion has already been extended in several ways. It can be applied to monadic programs, maintaining the global effects, and also to obtain circular and higher-order programs. The techniques proposed so far, however, only consider programs defined as the composition of a single producer with a single consumer. In this paper, we analyse shortcut fusion laws to deal with programs consisting of an arbitrary number of function compositions. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their detailed and helpful comments. This work was partially funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020532 and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022701

    Algebras for weighted search

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    Weighted search is an essential component of many fundamental and useful algorithms. Despite this, it is relatively under explored as a computational effect, receiving not nearly as much attention as either depth- or breadth-first search. This paper explores the algebraic underpinning of weighted search, and demonstrates how to implement it as a monad transformer. The development first explores breadth-first search, which can be expressed as a polynomial over semirings. These polynomials are generalised to the free semi module monad to capture a wide range of applications, including probability monads, polynomial monads, and monads for weighted search. Finally, a monad trans-former based on the free semi module monad is introduced. Applying optimisations to this type yields an implementation of pairing heaps, which is then used to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm and efficient probabilistic sampling. The construction is formalised in Cubical Agda and implemented in Haskell

    Parallel evaluation strategies for lazy data structures in Haskell

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    Conventional parallel programming is complex and error prone. To improve programmer productivity, we need to raise the level of abstraction with a higher-level programming model that hides many parallel coordination aspects. Evaluation strategies use non-strictness to separate the coordination and computation aspects of a Glasgow parallel Haskell (GpH) program. This allows the specification of high level parallel programs, eliminating the low-level complexity of synchronisation and communication associated with parallel programming. This thesis employs a data-structure-driven approach for parallelism derived through generic parallel traversal and evaluation of sub-components of data structures. We focus on evaluation strategies over list, tree and graph data structures, allowing re-use across applications with minimal changes to the sequential algorithm. In particular, we develop novel evaluation strategies for tree data structures, using core functional programming techniques for coordination control, achieving more flexible parallelism. We use non-strictness to control parallelism more flexibly. We apply the notion of fuel as a resource that dictates parallelism generation, in particular, the bi-directional flow of fuel, implemented using a circular program definition, in a tree structure as a novel way of controlling parallel evaluation. This is the first use of circular programming in evaluation strategies and is complemented by a lazy function for bounding the size of sub-trees. We extend these control mechanisms to graph structures and demonstrate performance improvements on several parallel graph traversals. We combine circularity for control for improved performance of strategies with circularity for computation using circular data structures. In particular, we develop a hybrid traversal strategy for graphs, exploiting breadth-first order for exposing parallelism initially, and then proceeding with a depth-first order to minimise overhead associated with a full parallel breadth-first traversal. The efficiency of the tree strategies is evaluated on a benchmark program, and two non-trivial case studies: a Barnes-Hut algorithm for the n-body problem and sparse matrix multiplication, both using quad-trees. We also evaluate a graph search algorithm implemented using the various traversal strategies. We demonstrate improved performance on a server-class multicore machine with up to 48 cores, with the advanced fuel splitting mechanisms proving to be more flexible in throttling parallelism. To guide the behaviour of the strategies, we develop heuristics-based parameter selection to select their specific control parameters

    Graphical application and visualization of lazy functional computation.

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    Mere academic toys or the tools of the future? Lazy functional programming languages have undoubted attractive properties. This thesis explores their potential, from the programmer's point of view, for implementing interactive and graphical applications to which they do not seem immediately suited. The discussion is centred round two example applications. One is a graphical design program based on an idea of the artist M. C. Escher. The thesis argues that the graphical user interface may be encapsulated in an "interpret " function that when applied by a mouse click to an interface of appropriate type yields the required behaviour. The second example is a monitoring interpreter for a functional language. The idea is that if the mechanics of the reduction are presented at a suitable level of abstraction, this may be used to give insight into what is going on. On the basis of this the programmer might modify the code so that a program runs more efficiently in terms of speed and memory requirements. Problems of displaying the reduction are addressed, and solutions proposed for overcoming these: displaying the graph as a spanning tree, to ensure planarity, with extra leave