7 research outputs found

    A Computational Design Method for Tucking Axisymmetric Origami Consisting of Triangular Facets

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    Three-dimensional (3D) origami, which can generate a structure through folding a crease pattern on a flat sheet of paper, has received considerable attention in art, mathematics, and engineering. With consideration of symmetry, the user can efficiently generate a rational crease pattern and make the fabricated shape stable. In this paper, we focus on a category of axisymmetric origami consisting of triangular facets and edit the origami in 3D space for expanding its variations. However, it is difficult to retain the developability, which requires the sum of the angles around each interior vertex needing to equal 360 degrees, for designing origami. Intersections occur between crease lines when such a value is larger than 360 degrees. On the other hand, blank spaces (unfolded areas) emerge in the crease pattern when the value is less than 360 degrees. The former case is difficult to generate a realizable shape due to the crease lines are intersected with each other. For the latter case, however, blank spaces can be filled with crease lines and become a part of the origami through tucking. Here, we propose a computational method to add flaps or tucks on the 3D shape, which contains non-developable interior vertices, for achieving the resulting origami. Finally, on the application side, we describe a load-bearing experiment on a stool shape-like origami to demonstrate the potential usage

    Shape Reconstruction of Trapezoidal Surfaces

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    A smooth T-surface can be thought of as a generalization of a surface of revolution in such a way that the axis of rotation is not fixed at one point but rather traces a smooth path on the base plane. Furthermore, the action, by which the aforementioned surface is obtained does not need to be merely rotation but any ``suitable" planar equiform transformation applied to the points of a certain smooth profile curve. In analogy to the smooth setting, if the axis footpoints sweep a polyline on the base plane and if the profile curve is discretely chosen then a T-hedra (discrete T-surface) with trapezoidal faces is obtained. The goal of this article is to reconstruct a T-hedron from an already given point cloud of a T-surface. In doing so, a kinematic approach is taken into account, where the algorithm at first tries to find the aforementioned axis direction associated with the point cloud. Then the algorithm finds a polygonal path through which the axis footpoint moves. Finally, by properly cutting the point cloud with the planes passing through the axis and its footpoints, it reconstructs the surface. The presented method is demonstrated on base of examples. From an applied point of view, the straightforwardness of the generation of these surfaces predestines them for building and design processes. In fact, one can find many built objects belonging to the sub-classes of T-surfaces such as \emph{surfaces of revolution} and \emph{moulding surfaces}. Furthermore, the planarity of the faces of the discrete version paves the way for steel/glass construction in industry. Finally, these surfaces are also suitable for transformable designs as they allow an isometric deformation

    Characterizing envelopes of moving rotational cones and applications in CNC machining

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    Motivated by applications in CNC machining, we provide a characterization of surfaces which are enveloped by a one-parametric family of congruent rotational cones. As limit cases, we also address ruled surfaces and their offsets. The characterizations are higher order nonlinear PDEs generalizing the ones by Gauss and Monge for developable surfaces and ruled surfaces, respectively. The derivation includes results on local approximations of a surface by cones of revolution, which are expressed by contact order in the space of planes. To this purpose, the isotropic model of Laguerre geometry is used as there rotational cones correspond to curves (isotropic circles) and higher order contact is computed with respect to the image of the input surface in the isotropic model. Therefore, one studies curve-surface contact that is conceptually simpler than the surface-surface case. We show that, in a generic case, there exist at most six positions of a fixed rotational cone that have third order contact with the input surface. These results are themselves of interest in geometric computing, for example in cutter selection and positioning for flank CNC machining.RYC-2017-2264

    3D Modelling with C2 Continuous PDE Surface Patches

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    In this paper, we present a new modelling method to create 3D models. First, characteristic cross section curves are generated and approximated by generalized elliptic curves. Then, a vector-valued sixth-order partial differential equation is proposed, and its closed form solution is derived to create PDE surface patches from cross section curves where two adjacent PDE-surface patches are automatically stitched together. With the approach presented in this paper, C2 continuity between adjacent surface patches is well-maintained. Since surface creation of the model is transformed into the generation of cross sectional curves and few undetermined constants are required to describe cross sectional curves accurately, the proposed approach can save manual operations, reduce information storage, and generate 3D models quickly