1,505 research outputs found

    Circuit theoretic classification of parallel connected dc-dc converters

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    Author name used in this publication: Chi K. Tse2006-2007 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Circuit theoretic classification and performance comparison of parallel-connected switching converters

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    Author name used in this publication: Chi K. TseRefereed conference paper2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Classification of parallel dc/dc converters part I : circuit theory

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    Author name used in this publication: Chi K. TseRefereed conference paper2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Output Series-Parallel Connection of Passivity-Based Controlled DC-DC Converters: Generalization of Asymptotic Stability

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    The series-paralleling technique of dc-dc converters is utilized in various domains of electrical engineering for improved power conversion. Previous studies have proposed and classified the control schemes for the series-paralleled converters. However, they have several restrictions and lack diversity. The purpose of this paper is to propose passivity-based control (PBC) for the diverse output series-parallel connection of dc-dc converters. It is proved that the output series-paralleled converters regulated by PBC are asymptotically stable. The output series-paralleled converters are numerically simulated to confirm the asymptotic stability. PBC is shown to maintain the stability of the output series-paralleled converters with diverse circuit topologies, parameters, and steady-states. The result of this paper theoretically supports the numerical and experimental considerations in the previous studies and justifies the further extension of the series-parallel connection.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Paper

    Synthesis of dual-input single-output DC/DC converters

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    © 2019 IEEE This paper presents a topological study using power flow diagrams to derive all possible basic and non-isolated double-input single-output (DISO) converters. Unlike most reported DISO converters with one bidirectional port, this paper considers up to two bidirectional ports. The paper focuses on providing a general guideline of all power flow combinations and corresponding converter configurations. After eliminating the impractical configurations due to their indirect connection to some ports and their multiple conversion stages, three converter configurations have been identified and corresponding circuit realizations are demonstrated

    Current-sourced buck converter

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    Solar and magnetic energy harvesting may benefit from the use of current-sourced converters for interfacing those sources into the practical usage due to their current-source nature. The paper investigates the implementation and dynamics of such converters by means of a current-sourced buck converter. Duality concepts are applied to obtain the converter from the corresponding voltage-sourced buck converter. The dynamic analysis is carried out in continuous capacitor-voltage-mode under direct-duty-ratio control. The theoretical findings are verified by extracting the transfer functions from the Matlab™-Simulink-based switching models.reviewe

    Classification of parallel DC/DC converters part I: circuit theory

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    Реалізація концепції Smart Grid за рахунок використання програм з керування попиту і сучасних систем силової електроніки

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    Сучасні тенденції в мережах електропостачання спрямовані на інтелектуалізацію існуючих мереж енергопостачання та створення систем Smart Grid для забезпечення високого рівня надійності та якості електроенергії. В рамках програм з керування попитом, концепція Smart Grid відіграє важливу роль в рішенні технічних і технологічних проблем в процесі реалізації даної концепції. Мережа електропостачання повинна реалізувати низку програм керування попитом шляхом надання різних послуг в залежності від ситуації, вимог контрактів, прогнозування споживання / попиту і наявної інформації про рівень економії енергії. Це вимагає детального аналізу існуючих і розробки нових програм. Згідно концепції Smart Grid все більшого використання в розподільних мережах отримують сучасні устаткування силової електроніки. Дослідження існуючих моделей і конструкцій забезпечують базу для удосконалення існуючих конфігурацій та розуміння сучасних тенденції в галузі.Modern trends in electricity supply grids aimed on intellectualization of existing grids, energy supply and creating Smart Grid systems to ensure a high level of reliability and power quality. As part of the Smart Grid concept demand side management programs play an important role in solving technical and technological problems in concept implementation process. The grid must implement a catena of demand side management programs by providing various services according to the situation, requirement contracts, forecasting of consumption/demand and collect information about energy savings. This requires the study of existing and development of new programs. According to traditional grid in Smart Grid transformation appears the widespread use of modern power-electronic installations in electrical power grids. Research of existing models and structures provide base for installations improvements and trends understanding. Proposed practical solutions for power electronics arrangements, either dedicated or capable of adaptation to the distribution systems

    Control Strategies for Improving Reliability and Efficiency in Modular Power Converters

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    The significance of modular power converters has escalated drastically in various applications such as electrical energy distribution, industrial motor drives and More Electric Aircraft (MEA) owing to the benefits such as scalability, design flexibility, higher degree of fault tolerance and better maintenance. One of the main advantages of modular systems is the ability to replace the faulty converter cells during maintenance instead of the entire system. However, such maintenance cycles can result in a system of converter cells with different aging. A system with cells having different aging arises the threats of multiple maintenance, lower reliability and availability, and high maintenance costs. For controlling the thermal-stress based aging of modular power converters, power routing strategy was proposed. The thesis focuses on the different implementation strategies of power routing for modular converters. Power semiconductors are one of the most reliability critical components in power converters, and thermal-stress has been identified as the main cause of their failure. This thesis work concentrates on the power semiconductor reliability improvement algorithms. For improving system lifetime, virtual resistor based power routing algorithms for single stage and multi-stage modular architectures have been investigated through simulations and validated with experiment. A unified framework for routing the power in complex modular converter architectures is defined based on graph theory. Popular converter architectures for Smart Transformer (ST) and MEA applications are modeled as graphs to serve as the basis for developing power flow optimization. The effectiveness of graph theory for optimizing the power flow in modular systems is demonstrated with the help of proposed algorithms