4,293 research outputs found

    Beyond the Circle of Life

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    It seems certain to me that I will die and stay dead. By “I”, I mean me, Greg Nixon, this person, this self-identity. I am so intertwined with the chiasmus of lives, bodies, ecosystems, symbolic intersubjectivity, and life on this particular planet that I cannot imagine this identity continuing alone without them. However, one may survive one’s life by believing in universal awareness, perfection, and the peace that passes all understanding. Perhaps, we bring this back with us to the Source from which we began, changing it, enriching it. Once we have lived – if we don’t choose the eternal silence of oblivion by life denial, vanity, indifference, or simple weariness – the Source learns and we awaken within it. Awareness, consciousness, is universal – it comes with the territory – so maybe you will be one of the few prepared to become unexpectedly enlightened after the loss of body and self. You may discover your own apotheosis – something you always were, but after a lifetime of primate experience, now much more. Since you are of the Source and since you have changed from life experience and yet retained the dream of ultimate awakening, plus you have brought those chaotic emotions and memories back to the Source with you (though no longer yours), your life & memories will have mattered. Those who awaken beyond the death of self will have changed Reality

    Circle of Life

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    O ( Circle of Life)

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    The Circle of Life

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    Fusion: The Circle of Life

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    Through naturalistic observation and analyses of the powwow dance, I was able to witness Native epistemology, first hand. In this paper, I will explore this epistemology. The teaching method of Native culture is their ontology, and has been passed from generation-to-generation, and is their way of life; it is a way of showing and doing—providing essential life skills. This practice—a way of living—emphasized the importance of communication, cooperation, and interaction. In that sense, there are other underlying dynamics—the energy—presenting itself to enhance peoples’ wellbeing through their interrelatedness, their interdependence, and their interconnection. In their ceremony, nothing is as it seems; the energy generated underneath, while dancing, brought the Indigenous people together in unity. And, from another perspective, the reuniting of the people fulfilled, through action, psychological needs by conversion of energy. Native epistemology also permits children to discover life for themselves—to explore and create their own paradise, in conformity with the Sacred Circle, like their ancestors—dancing and creating their own universe

    Butterfly, Dogwood Linked in Circle of Life

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    What would it be like to live on a diet of nothing but flowers? From the perspective of human nutrition, conventional wisdom suggests that it would be difficult to obtain a well-balanced diet from flowers alone. We do, however, have the legend of the lotus-eaters, people encountered by Odysseus and his crew on their epic return journey from Troy. As recounted in the Odyssey, lotus-eaters lived life in a perpetual stupor, and the two crew members who sampled lotus flowers immediately lost all interest in returning to their homes in Ithaca. Upon seeing the danger of consuming these flowers—the botanical identity of which is the subject of some debate—Odysseus hastily departed the strange land of lotus-eaters. That story, of course, is legend, and I doubt that there have been any successful human cultures that have subsisted entirely on flowers


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan meneliti pengaruh dari green perceived value, green perceived risk, green trust terhadap green purchase behavior pada konsumen Circle of Life Roastery. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan menggunakan data hasil observasi, studi literatur dan penyebaran angket atau kuesioner. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang pernah mengkonsumsi dan melakukan pembelian produk circle of life roasterty. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner online kepada 100 responden menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling (purposive sampling). alat analisis data dengan SPSS versi 24.0 for windows. Hail penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa green perceived value, green perceived risk, green trust terhadap green purchase behavior dalam kategori kuat dan menunjukan adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan sebesar 64,9%. Penelitian ini menghasilkan implikasi yaitu pengelola Circle of Life Roatery dapat mengedukasi kepada konsumen mengenai konsep green marketing pentingnya memiliki kesadaran dalam perilaku pembelian yang ramah lingkungan, lalu mampu menyesuaikan strategi pemasaran dengan kebutuhan sosial ekonomi agar dapat meningkatkan penilaian baik dari konsumen dan memperluas hubungan dengan perusahaan lain maupun pemerintahan untuk menigkatkan kesadaran tanggung jawab pada konsumen

    \u27Earth Mother and Circles of Life\u27 Exhibit at UD\u27s Marian Library

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    News release announces that a contemporary art exhibit, Earth Mother and Circle of Life, is on display at the University of Dayton\u27s Marian Library

    The Circle of Life: The Mathematics of Predator-Prey Dynamics

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    Some animals hunt other animals to feed themselves; these animals are called predators. Animals who are hunted and eaten are known as prey. What do you think would happen if a predator were introduced to an ecosystem where the prey previously lived without fear of being hunted? Would the new predator eat all the prey animals until they go extinct? Actually, the relationship between predator and prey is far more interesting than this. In this article, we show what the predator-prey relationship looks like over time and explain how scientists can make predictions about future population levels, all using basic mathematics like addition, subtraction, and multiplication
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