12 research outputs found

    On-the-fly pipeline parallelism

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    Pipeline parallelism organizes a parallel program as a linear sequence of s stages. Each stage processes elements of a data stream, passing each processed data element to the next stage, and then taking on a new element before the subsequent stages have necessarily completed their processing. Pipeline parallelism is used especially in streaming applications that perform video, audio, and digital signal processing. Three out of 13 benchmarks in PARSEC, a popular software benchmark suite designed for shared-memory multiprocessors, can be expressed as pipeline parallelism. Whereas most concurrency platforms that support pipeline parallelism use a "construct-and-run" approach, this paper investigates "on-the-fly" pipeline parallelism, where the structure of the pipeline emerges as the program executes rather than being specified a priori. On-the-fly pipeline parallelism allows the number of stages to vary from iteration to iteration and dependencies to be data dependent. We propose simple linguistics for specifying on-the-fly pipeline parallelism and describe a provably efficient scheduling algorithm, the Piper algorithm, which integrates pipeline parallelism into a work-stealing scheduler, allowing pipeline and fork-join parallelism to be arbitrarily nested. The Piper algorithm automatically throttles the parallelism, precluding "runaway" pipelines. Given a pipeline computation with T[subscript 1] work and T[subscript ∞] span (critical-path length), Piper executes the computation on P processors in T[subscript P]≤ T[subscript 1]/P + O(T[subscript ∞] + lg P) expected time. Piper also limits stack space, ensuring that it does not grow unboundedly with running time. We have incorporated on-the-fly pipeline parallelism into a Cilk-based work-stealing runtime system. Our prototype Cilk-P implementation exploits optimizations such as lazy enabling and dependency folding. We have ported the three PARSEC benchmarks that exhibit pipeline parallelism to run on Cilk-P. One of these, x264, cannot readily be executed by systems that support only construct-and-run pipeline parallelism. Benchmark results indicate that Cilk-P has low serial overhead and good scalability. On x264, for example, Cilk-P exhibits a speedup of 13.87 over its respective serial counterpart when running on 16 processors.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1017058)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1162148)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowshi

    Provably and Practically Efficient Race Detection for Task-Parallel Code

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    Parallel systems are pervasive nowadays. Specifically, modern computers have embraced multicore architectures due to the difficulties of exploiting higher clock speeds on single-core CPUs. However, parallel programming is challenging. Determinacy race, in particular, is a common pitfall when writing task-parallel code. It can easily lead to non-deterministic behavior of the parallel program and therefore a determinacy race is often considered as a bug. Unfortunately, such bugs are hard to debug because they do not necessarily produce obvious failures in every single execution. To ease the debugging process of determinacy races in task-parallel code, this dissertation proposes several provably and practically efficient parallel race detection algorithms. Unlike prior works mostly target fork-join parallelism, we focus on less structured but important programming paradigms – pipeline parallelism and futures. In addition, we build an efficient runtime system for scheduling futures, which is not only a facility to study the race detection problem for futures but also useful in practice. Finally, this dissertation investigates mechanisms that optimize the access history of race detectors, which provides significant additional boost to the performance

    Capacity Augmentation Bound of Federated Scheduling for Parallel DAG Tasks

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    We present a novel federated scheduling approach for parallel real-time tasks under a general directed acyclic graph (DAG) model. We provide a capacity augmentation bound of 2 for hard real-time scheduling; here we use the worst-case execution time and critical-path length of tasks to determine schedulability. This is the best known capacity augmentation bound for parallel tasks. By constructing example task sets, we further show that the lower bound on capacity augmentation of federated scheduling is also 2 for any m \u3e 2. Hence, the gap is closed and bound 2 is a strict bound for federated scheduling. The federated scheduling algorithm is also a schedulability test that often admits task sets with utilization much greater than 50%m

    The Wellesley News (04-17-1930)

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    Locality-Aware Concurrency Platforms

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    Modern computing systems from all domains are becoming increasingly more parallel. Manufacturers are taking advantage of the increasing number of available transistors by packaging more and more computing resources together on a single chip or within a single system. These platforms generally contain many levels of private and shared caches in addition to physically distributed main memory. Therefore, some memory is more expensive to access than other and high-performance software must consider memory locality as one of the first level considerations. Memory locality is often difficult for application developers to consider directly, however, since many of these NUMA affects are invisible to the application programmer and only show up in low performance. Moreover, on parallel platforms, the performance depends on both locality and load balance and these two metrics are often at odds with each other. Therefore, directly considering locality and load balance at the application level may make the application much more complex to program. In this work, we develop locality-conscious concurrency platforms for multiple different structured parallel programming models, including streaming applications, task-graphs and parallel for loops. In all of this work, the idea is to minimally disrupt the application programming model so that the application developer is either unimpacted or must only provide high-level hints to the runtime system. The runtime system then schedules the application to provide good locality of access while, at the same time also providing good load balance. In particular, we address cache locality for streaming applications through static partitioning and developed an extensible platform to execute partitioned streaming applications. For task-graphs, we extend a task-graph scheduling library to guide scheduling decisions towards better NUMA locality with the help of user-provided locality hints. CilkPlus parallel for loops utilize a randomized dynamic scheduler to distribute work which, in many loop based applications, results in poor locality at all levels of the memory hierarchy. We address this issue with a novel parallel for loop implementation that can get good cache and NUMA locality while providing support to maintain good load balance dynamically

    MetaFork: A Compilation Framework for Concurrency Models Targeting Hardware Accelerators

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    Parallel programming is gaining ground in various domains due to the tremendous computational power that it brings; however, it also requires a substantial code crafting effort to achieve performance improvement. Unfortunately, in most cases, performance tuning has to be accomplished manually by programmers. We argue that automated tuning is necessary due to the combination of the following factors. First, code optimization is machine-dependent. That is, optimization preferred on one machine may be not suitable for another machine. Second, as the possible optimization search space increases, manually finding an optimized configuration is hard. Therefore, developing new compiler techniques for optimizing applications is of considerable interest. This thesis aims at generating new techniques that will help programmers develop efficient algorithms and code targeting hardware acceleration technologies, in a more effective manner. Our work is organized around a compilation framework, called MetaFork, for concurrency platforms and its application to automatic parallelization. MetaFork is a high-level programming language extending C/C++, which combines several models of concurrency including fork-join, SIMD and pipelining parallelism. MetaFork is also a compilation framework which aims at facilitating the design and implementation of concurrent programs through four key features which make MetaFork unique and novel: (1) Perform automatic code translation between concurrency platforms targeting multi-core architectures. (2) Provide a high-level language for expressing concurrency as in the fork-join model, the SIMD paradigm and the pipelining parallelism. (3) Generate parallel code from serial code with an emphasis on code depending on machine or program parameters (e.g. cache size, number of processors, number of threads per thread block). (4) Optimize code depending on parameters that are unknown at compile-time

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    Jmas: A Java-based Mobile Actor System for Heterogeneous Distributed Parallel Computing

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    Computer Scienc