46 research outputs found

    Chromatic PAC-Bayes Bounds for Non-IID Data: Applications to Ranking and Stationary β\beta-Mixing Processes

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    Pac-Bayes bounds are among the most accurate generalization bounds for classifiers learned from independently and identically distributed (IID) data, and it is particularly so for margin classifiers: there have been recent contributions showing how practical these bounds can be either to perform model selection (Ambroladze et al., 2007) or even to directly guide the learning of linear classifiers (Germain et al., 2009). However, there are many practical situations where the training data show some dependencies and where the traditional IID assumption does not hold. Stating generalization bounds for such frameworks is therefore of the utmost interest, both from theoretical and practical standpoints. In this work, we propose the first - to the best of our knowledge - Pac-Bayes generalization bounds for classifiers trained on data exhibiting interdependencies. The approach undertaken to establish our results is based on the decomposition of a so-called dependency graph that encodes the dependencies within the data, in sets of independent data, thanks to graph fractional covers. Our bounds are very general, since being able to find an upper bound on the fractional chromatic number of the dependency graph is sufficient to get new Pac-Bayes bounds for specific settings. We show how our results can be used to derive bounds for ranking statistics (such as Auc) and classifiers trained on data distributed according to a stationary {\ss}-mixing process. In the way, we show how our approach seemlessly allows us to deal with U-processes. As a side note, we also provide a Pac-Bayes generalization bound for classifiers learned on data from stationary φ\varphi-mixing distributions.Comment: Long version of the AISTATS 09 paper: http://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/proceedings/papers/v5/ralaivola09a/ralaivola09a.pd

    Learning from networked examples

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    Many machine learning algorithms are based on the assumption that training examples are drawn independently. However, this assumption does not hold anymore when learning from a networked sample because two or more training examples may share some common objects, and hence share the features of these shared objects. We show that the classic approach of ignoring this problem potentially can have a harmful effect on the accuracy of statistics, and then consider alternatives. One of these is to only use independent examples, discarding other information. However, this is clearly suboptimal. We analyze sample error bounds in this networked setting, providing significantly improved results. An important component of our approach is formed by efficient sample weighting schemes, which leads to novel concentration inequalities

    PAC-Bayesian Analysis of Martingales and Multiarmed Bandits

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    We present two alternative ways to apply PAC-Bayesian analysis to sequences of dependent random variables. The first is based on a new lemma that enables to bound expectations of convex functions of certain dependent random variables by expectations of the same functions of independent Bernoulli random variables. This lemma provides an alternative tool to Hoeffding-Azuma inequality to bound concentration of martingale values. Our second approach is based on integration of Hoeffding-Azuma inequality with PAC-Bayesian analysis. We also introduce a way to apply PAC-Bayesian analysis in situation of limited feedback. We combine the new tools to derive PAC-Bayesian generalization and regret bounds for the multiarmed bandit problem. Although our regret bound is not yet as tight as state-of-the-art regret bounds based on other well-established techniques, our results significantly expand the range of potential applications of PAC-Bayesian analysis and introduce a new analysis tool to reinforcement learning and many other fields, where martingales and limited feedback are encountered

    On the ERM Principle with Networked Data

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    Networked data, in which every training example involves two objects and may share some common objects with others, is used in many machine learning tasks such as learning to rank and link prediction. A challenge of learning from networked examples is that target values are not known for some pairs of objects. In this case, neither the classical i.i.d.\ assumption nor techniques based on complete U-statistics can be used. Most existing theoretical results of this problem only deal with the classical empirical risk minimization (ERM) principle that always weights every example equally, but this strategy leads to unsatisfactory bounds. We consider general weighted ERM and show new universal risk bounds for this problem. These new bounds naturally define an optimization problem which leads to appropriate weights for networked examples. Though this optimization problem is not convex in general, we devise a new fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) to solve it.Comment: accepted by AAAI. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:math/0702683 by other author

    Unsupervised Coupled Metric Similarity for Non-IID Categorical Data

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    © 1989-2012 IEEE. Appropriate similarity measures always play a critical role in data analytics, learning, and processing. Measuring the intrinsic similarity of categorical data for unsupervised learning has not been substantially addressed, and even less effort has been made for the similarity analysis of categorical data that is not independent and identically distributed (non-IID). In this work, a Coupled Metric Similarity (CMS) is defined for unsupervised learning which flexibly captures the value-to-attribute-to-object heterogeneous coupling relationships. CMS learns the similarities in terms of intrinsic heterogeneous intra-and inter-attribute couplings and attribute-to-object couplings in categorical data. The CMS validity is guaranteed by satisfying metric properties and conditions, and CMS can flexibly adapt to IID to non-IID data. CMS is incorporated into spectral clustering and k-modes clustering and compared with relevant state-of-the-art similarity measures that are not necessarily metrics. The experimental results and theoretical analysis show the CMS effectiveness of capturing independent and coupled data characteristics, which significantly outperforms other similarity measures on most datasets