12 research outputs found

    Chosen IV Cryptanalysis on Reduced Round ChaCha and Salsa

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    Recently, ChaCha20 (the stream cipher ChaCha with 20 rounds) is in the process of being a standard and thus it attracts serious interest in cryptanalysis. The most significant effort to analyse Salsa and ChaCha had been explained by Aumasson et al long back (FSE 2008) and further, only minor improvements could be achieved. In this paper, first we revisit the work of Aumasson et al to provide a clearer insight of the existing attack (2^{248} complexity for ChaCha7, i.e., 7 rounds) and showing certain improvements (complexity around 2^{243}) by exploiting additional Probabilistic Neutral Bits. More importantly, we describe a novel idea that explores proper choice of IVs corresponding to the keys, for which the complexity can be improved further (2^{239}). The choice of IVs corresponding to the keys is the prime observation of this work. We systematically show how a single difference propagates after one round and how the differences can be reduced with proper choices of IVs. For Salsa too (Salsa20/8, i.e., 8 rounds), we get improvement in complexity, reducing it to 2^{245.5} from 2^{247.2} reported by Aumasson et al

    A Hardware Perspective on the ChaCha Ciphers: Scalable Chacha8/12/20 Implementations Ranging from 476 Slices to Bitrates of 175 Gbit/s

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    AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) accelerators are commonly used in high-throughput applications, but they have notable resource requirements. We investigate replacing the AES cipher with ChaCha ciphers and propose the first ChaCha FPGA implementations optimized for data throughput. In consequence, we compare implementations of three different system architectures and analyze which aspects dominate the performance of those.Our experimental results indicate that a bandwidth of 175 Gbit/s can be reached with as little as 2982 slices, whereas comparable state of the art AES accelerators require 10 times as many slices. Taking advantage of the flexibility inherent in the ChaCha cipher, we also demonstrate how our implementation scales to even higher throughputs or lower resource usage (down to 476 slices), benefiting applications which previously could not employ cryptography because of resource limitations

    Deriving ChaCha20 Key Streams From Targeted Memory Analysis

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    There can be performance and vulnerability concerns with block ciphers, thus stream ciphers can used as an alternative. Although many symmetric key stream ciphers are fairly resistant to side-channel attacks, cryptographic artefacts may exist in memory. This paper identifies a significant vulnerability within OpenSSH and OpenSSL and which involves the discovery of cryptographic artefacts used within the ChaCha20 cipher. This can allow for the cracking of tunneled data using a single targeted memory extraction. With this, law enforcement agencies and/or malicious agents could use the vulnerability to take copies of the encryption keys used for each tunnelled connection. The user of a virtual machine would not be alerted to the capturing of the encryption key, as the method runs from an extraction of the running memory. Methods of mitigation include making cryptographic artefacts difficult to discover and limiting memory access

    MemShield: GPU-assisted software memory encryption

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    Cryptographic algorithm implementations are vulnerable to Cold Boot attacks, which consist in exploiting the persistence of RAM cells across reboots or power down cycles to read the memory contents and recover precious sensitive data. The principal defensive weapon against Cold Boot attacks is memory encryption. In this work we propose MemShield, a memory encryption framework for user space applications that exploits a GPU to safely store the master key and perform the encryption/decryption operations. We developed a prototype that is completely transparent to existing applications and does not require changes to the OS kernel. We discuss the design, the related works, the implementation, the security analysis, and the performances of MemShield.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. In proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, ACNS 2020, October 19-22 2020, Rome, Ital

    A Survey of ARX-based Symmetric-key Primitives

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    Addition Rotation XOR is suitable for fast implementation symmetric –key primitives, such as stream and block ciphers. This paper presents a review of several block and stream ciphers based on ARX construction followed by the discussion on the security analysis of symmetric key primitives where the best attack for every cipher was carried out. We benchmark the implementation on software and hardware according to the evaluation metrics. Therefore, this paper aims at providing a reference for a better selection of ARX design strategy

    Bricklayer Attack: A Side-Channel Analysis on the ChaCha Quarter Round

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    ChaCha is a family of stream ciphers that are very efficient on constrainted platforms. In this paper, we present electromagnetic side-channel analyses for two different software implementations of ChaCha20 on a 32-bit architecture: one compiled and another one directly written in assembly. On the device under test, practical experiments show that they have different levels of resistance to side-channel attacks. For the most leakage-resilient implementation, an analysis of the whole quarter round is required. To overcome this complication, we introduce an optimized attack based on a divide-and-conquer strategy named bricklayer attack

    Adiantum: length-preserving encryption for entry-level processors

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    We present HBSH, a simple construction for tweakable length-preserving encryption which supports the fastest options for hashing and stream encryption for processors without AES or other crypto instructions, with a provable quadratic advantage bound. Our composition Adiantum uses NH, Poly1305, XChaCha12, and a single AES invocation. On an ARM Cortex-A7 processor, Adiantum decrypts 4096-byte messages at 10.6 cycles per byte, over five times faster than AES-256-XTS, with a constant-time implementation. We also define HPolyC which is simpler and has excellent key agility at 13.6 cycles per byte

    Revamped Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis on Reduced Round ChaCha

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    In this paper, we provide several improvements over the existing differential-linear attacks on ChaCha. ChaCha is a stream cipher which has 2020 rounds. At CRYPTO 20202020, Beierle et al. observed a differential in the 3.53.5-th round if the right pairs are chosen. They produced an improved attack using this, but showed that to achieve a right pair, we need 252^5 iterations on average. In this direction, we provide a technique to find the right pairs with the help of listing. Also, we provide a strategical improvement in PNB construction, modification of complexity calculation and an alternative attack method using two input-output pairs. Using these, we improve the time complexity, reducing it to 2221.952^{221.95} from 2230.862^{230.86} reported by Beierle et al. for 256256 bit version of ChaCha. Also, after a decade, we improve existing complexity (Shi et al: ICISC 2012) for a 66-round of 128128 bit version of ChaCha by more than 11 million times and produce the first-ever attack on 6.5-round ChaCha128128 with time complexity $2^{123.04}.

    Improved Differential-Linear Attacks with Applications to ARX Ciphers

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    We present several improvements to the framework of differential-linear attacks with a special focus on ARX ciphers. As a demonstration of their impact, we apply them to Chaskey and ChaCha and we are able to significantly improve upon the best attacks published so far

    Improved Linear Approximations to ARX Ciphers and Attacks Against ChaCha

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    In this paper, we present a new technique which can be used to find better linear approximations in ARX ciphers. Using this technique, we present the first explicitly derived linear approximations for 3 and 4 rounds of ChaCha and, as a consequence, it enables us to improve the recent attacks against ChaCha. Additionally, we present new differentials for 3 and 3.5 rounds of ChaCha that, when combined with the proposed technique, lead to further improvement in the complexity of the Differential-Linear attacks against ChaCha