281,877 research outputs found

    Plasma antioxidants from chocolate

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    There is some speculation that dietary flavonoids from chocolate, in particular (-)epicatechin, may promote cardiovascular health as a result of direct antioxidant effects or through antithrombotic mechanisms. Here we show that consumption of plain, dark chocolate results in an increase in both the total antioxidant capacity and the (-)epicatechin content of blood plasma, but that these effects are markedly reduced when the chocolate is consumed with milk or if milk is incorporated as milk chocolate. Our findings indicate that milk may interfere with the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate in vivo and may therefore negate the potential health benefits that can be derived from eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate

    Bonbons and Bolsheviks: The Stigmatization of Chocolate in Revolutionary Russia

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    This essay examines how and why how the official Party attitude toward chocolate changed rather dramatically during the first two decades of Communist rule. In the immediate aftermath of the October 1917 Revolution, zealous and idealistic Bolsheviks, inspired in part by the ascetic model provided by Lenin himself, condemned chocolate throughout most of the 1920s as a decadent luxury food item that they associated closely with the self-indulgent consumerism and egoistic, philistine way of life enjoyed by their hated class enemy, the bourgeoisie. With the onset of Stalin’s cultural revolution in the late 1920s and early 1930s, however, chocolate suddenly became transformed into a positive symbol of the economic prosperity, material abundance, and cultural progress that the building of socialism, it was claimed, had finally achieved in Soviet Russia. My essay explores some of the reasons not just for the initial Bolshevik stigmatization of chocolate, but also for this dramatic turn around in the way chocolate was perceived subsequently by the Stalinist leadership. The focus is centered mainly on the way chocolate was represented in works of Soviet literature during both decades

    “Pemanfaatan Tepung Sukun Pada Pembuatan Cake Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Citra Pangan Lokal”

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk : 1) Menemukan resep yang tepat untuk menghasilkan white forest pie, mini chocolate cake dan roll cake motif berbahan tepung sukun sehingga menghasilkan produk yang disukai oleh masyarakat.2) Menemukan teknik pengolahan cake berbahan tepung sukun.3) Menemukan teknik penyajian white forest pie, mini chocolate cake dan roll cake motif berbahan tepung sukun yang menarik 4) Mengetahui penerimaan masyarakat akan white forest pie, mini chocolate cake dan roll cake motif berbahan tepung sukun. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Juni di Laboratorium Boga, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Boga dan Busana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan produk ini adalah ADDIE melalui beberapa tahap yaitu,1) Menganalisis resep, 2) Merancang resep baru pengembangan genoise cake kombinasi pie (white forest pie), cake teknik creaming (mini chocolate cake), sponge cake (roll cake motif) subtitusi tepung sukun, 3) Melakukan pra eksperimen pembuatan produk, selanjutnya melakukan pembuatan produk untuk uji coba produk pertama (Validasi I) dan uji coba produk kedua (Validasi II), 4)Melakukan uji panelis dan pameran untuk mengetahui daya terima konsumen terhadap produk pengembangan.5) Melakukan analisis data dari penerimaan panelis semi terlatih dan masyarakat terhadap produk secara deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh : 1) Resep yang tepat white forest pie dengan substitusi tepung sukun adalah perbandingan 50:50(tepung terigu:tepung sukun), resep yang tepat roll cake motif dengan substitusi tepung sukun adalah 50:50 (tepung terigu:tepung sukun), resep yang tepat mini chocolate cake dengan substitusi tepung sukun adalah 50:50(tepung terigu:tepung sukun).2) Teknik olah pembuatan white forest pie adalah genoise method dan baking atau memanggang, teknik olah pembuatan roll cake motif adalah sponge method dan baking atau memanggang, dan teknik olah pembuatan mini chocolate cake adalah creaming method dan baking atau memanggang 3) Penyajian pada white forest pie adalah dibuat berukuran kecil, diberi topping butter cream dan white chocolate, mini chocolate cake diberi topping berupa pastry cream dan dihias dengan cokelat, penyajian roll cake motif adalah digulung, bagian tengah bermotif kotak coklat putih dan diberi topping butter cream. Berdasarkan uji penerimaan produk terhadap produk cake tepung sukun yang paling disukai oleh panelis yaitu produk roll cake motif tepung sukun dengan persentase 100% dari total panelis, untuk genoise cake yaitu 93% dan produk mini chocolate cake yaitu 93%

    Palm Based Mono-Diacylglyceride as an Emulsifier in Producing Chocolate with Cocoa Butter Substitute

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    Emulsifier used in the preparation of chocolate has the function to stabilize fat and water that can prevent the occurrence of blooming. Emulsifier generallyused in the preparation of chocolate is lecithin. However as an alternative monodiacylglycerol (MDAG) can be used. MDAG can be synthesized from vegetableoil such as palm oil and its fraction. This research was conducted to study the effect of palm MDAG and variation of its concentration on quality of chocolate. The palm MDAG used was palm kernel oil MDAG (MDAG PKO), palm oleinMDAG (MDAG POL), palm stearin MDAG (MDAG PS) at the concentration between 0.3 to 0.9%. Results of the study showed that chocolate which usedpalm MDAG did not cause blooming. Increase of MDAG concentration tended to increase fat content but the reverse result was observed in the case of lecithin.The melting point of chocolate tended to increase with increasing concentration of MDAG POL and MDAG PS but the reverse result was observed in lecithin,meanwhile for MDAG PKO similar result was observed. The protein content of chocolate tended to decrease with increasing MDAG concentration but thereverseresult was observed in lecithin. Viscosity of chocolate with lecithin, MDAG PKO and MDAG POL decreased in accordance with increasing concentration,meanwhile in MDAG PS at the concentration of 0.3% in the beginning viscosity decreasedbut later on increased with increasing concentration. The use of emulsifierat the concentration of 0.3–0.9% did not have significant effect on fat content, melting point of fat and protein content, but it had significant effect on viscosity.Results of organoleptic testing showed that the use of palm MDAG have not significant effect on texture, taste, and appearance of chocolate. Types and concentrations of palm MDAG which were highly accepted by the panelist there wereMDAG PS and MDAG PKO with concentration 0.3% and 0.5%, respectively

    Pengembangan Produk Pie Chocolate Cake, Cheese Straw, dan Sus Buah dengan Subtitusi Tepung Jagung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1)Mengembangkan produk pie chocolate cake, cheese straw, dan sus buah dengan penambahan tepung jagung dilihat dari formula dan teknik olah 2)Mengetahui pengembangan tampilan produk pie chocolate cake, cheese straw, dan sus buah dengan orientasi 3)Mengetahui daya terima masyarakat terhadap pie chocolate cake, cheese straw, dan sus buah dengan bahan tepung jagung. Metode yang digunakan dalam Penelitian dan Pengembangan Produk (R & D) dengan tahapan-tahapan: 1)Menganalisis resep 2)Merancang formula baru pengembangan produk pastry tepung jagung 3)Pengujian produk menggunakan Expert Judsment (Tenaga Ahli) dilakukan 2(dua) kali dan melalui uji panelis terlatih dengan instrument yang diujikan rasa, tekstur, warna, aroma, dan penyajian serta uji daya terima produk. Analisis data secara deskriptif, kualitatif, dan kuantitatif. Hasil pengembangan diperoleh : 1)Formula yang tepat pie chocolate cake dan cheese straw dengan subtitusi tepung jagung adalah 80:20(tepung terigu:tepung jagung) sedangkan formula yang tepat sus buah adalah 70:30(tepung terigu:tepung jagung). Teknik olah pembuatan produk pastry tepung jagung adalah baking atau memanggang untuk pie chocolate cake dan cheese straw, boiling atau merebus dan baking atau memanggang untuk produk sus buah 2)Pengembangan tampilan produk pie chocolate cake kombinasi pie dengan sponge cake hiasan topping butter cream, potongan cokelat blok, dan cherry merah. Produk cheese straw dikembangkan dengan 3(tiga) variasi rasa dihidangkan dengan gelas panjang dan diberi hiasan peterseli. Produk sus buah dikembangkan bentuk seperti keranjang yang diisi dengan vanilla sauce dan potongan buah 3)Tingkat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap produk pie chocolate cake adalah 100%, cheese straw tepung jagung adalah 97%, dan produk sus buah adalah 90% panelis menerima produk tersebut

    Effects of Chocolate Milk Prior to Exercise

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    Many researchers have studied the effects of chocolate milk on the body after exercise and how it helps aid in the recovery and repair of muscle; but little research has been done on whether chocolate milk is beneficial prior to exercise. For this reason, I will select ten individuals and have them undergo a VO2 max (maximal oxygen consumption) walking test with each person consuming Gatorade, chocolate milk, and water before each separate test. Each test will be conducted with the same diet and amount of sleep the night before to ensure that no outside factors influence the results except for the effects of the substance used. The VO2 max testing equipment will be used to collect data and the data will be analyzed using ANOVA statistical methods. This research will serve to give more insight into the uses of chocolate milk and whether it’s not only beneficial for after exercising, but also before. By also using Gatorade and water, it could be found that chocolate milk is more effective than either of these typical drinks when used before exercising

    Chocolate Star

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