647 research outputs found

    The Influence of Offshore Development on Strategies for Developing China\u27s Software Industry

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    This article recommends strategies to develop China\u27s software industry, based on our analysis of the recent technology transfer to Chinese software firms from Japan. Li and Gao (2003) recommended that the Chinese software industry focus on its domestic software service market. However, since the end of the 1990s, Chinese software firms have obtained a significant amount of technology contract work from Japan, including coding, testing, and design. Chinese firms have been increasing their design skills through this joint software development with Japan. As a result, offshore software development from Japan has helped Chinese software firms acquire advanced technology. We conclude that the Chinese software industry should focus on both its domestic software service market and the export of software services

    Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth of China after Economic Reform

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    After the reformation and open-door policy, the economic and financial expansion of China has been faster than before. This study examines the impact of FDI on economic growth in China empirically. The paper uses time-series data over a period spanning from 1982 – 2019. From the results, FDI and trade have a positive impact on the GDP growth rate. The effects of each of the endogenous variables are examined via the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The study shows that there exist long-run associations between the FDI and the growth of GDP in China and short-run causality is found between them Research paper Keywords: FDI; Economic Growth; VECM Model; Economic Reform Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Majumder, S. H., & Rahman, M. H. (2020). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth of China after Economic Reform, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 8(2), 120–153.      &nbsp

    Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth of China after Economic Reform

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    After the reformation and open-door policy, the economic and financial expansion of China has been faster than before. This study examines the impact of FDI on economic growth in China empirically. The paper uses time-series data over a period spanning from 1982 – 2019. From the results, FDI and trade have a positive impact on the GDP growth rate. The effects of each of the endogenous variables are examined via the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The study shows that there exist long-run associations between the FDI and the growth of GDP in China and short-run causality is found between them Research paper Keywords: FDI; Economic Growth; VECM Model; Economic Reform Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Majumder, S. H., & Rahman, M. H. (2020). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth of China after Economic Reform, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 8(2), 120–153.      &nbsp

    Revving the Innovation Engine in China, Japan, and the United States

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    Excutive Summary: In the early 1980s when IBM launched the Personal Computer, senior executives of many multinational corporations (MNCs) demonstrated little initial interest in reaping the returns on investments promised by budding technology pundits. Corporate adoption of subsequent advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have since promulgated worldwide. Today, MNC managers have come to regard ICT as a key differentiator of their competitive advantage. Drawing from metrics produced by the World Economic Forum, this paper comparatively assesses the viability of Chinese, Japanese, and U.S. firms as they increasingly compete for global market share, relying on technology as a critical success facto

    Why Are PPP Projects Stagnating in China? An Evolutionary Analysis of China's PPP Policies

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    The Public–Private Partnership (PPP) model has significantly contributed to global infrastructure and public service provision. The evolution of the PPP model closely aligns with policy directives. China’s PPP policy evolution has included five stages: budding (1986–2000), fluctuating (2001–2008), steady (2009–2012), expanding (2013–2018), and stagnating (2019–present). This study em-ploys bibliometric analysis and co-word analysis to examine 407 policies enacted by the Chinese government from 1986 to 2018. By extracting policy text keywords at various stages and constructing a co-word network matrix, this study delineates the distinctive characteristics of Chinese PPP policies across different epochs. It can be found that critical areas such as “government credit”, “contract spirit”, and “power supervision” are still underappreciated. The challenges confronting China’s PPP model are multi-faceted, stemming from policy gaps that have led to substantial project difficulties. Although the government proposed a new mechanism for franchising in 2023, the new mechanism is only for new PPP projects, and the difficulties of existing PPP projects have not been solved. This study advocates for enhancements in project bankability, regulatory clarity, institutional environment improvement, contract spirit defense, and the development of the PPP-REITs model to address these issue

    CHINA'S K12 ONLINE EDUCATION RESEARCH UNDER THE EPIDEMIC : Satisfaction Analysis on K12 Distance Learning

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    The value that the Internet brings to the K12 education industry is reflected in four aspects: supply chain, efficiency improvement, experience optimization and clear output. In this research, we first briefly introduce the K12 online education and its history of development. Additionally, we discuss the general features of the online educations according to analyzing the comments under the relevant applications. Then we analyze the market of K12 online education in China, including the dominant applications in the current market, the business model, and the supply chain of the online education. Next, we analyze the evaluation framework for online education which is proposed by Quality Matters as a model. Even though it is still very difficult to design a model that can perfectly evaluation the quality of online education, however, at least, according to the analysis, we see the possibility. To analyze the satisfaction of the distance learning in K12, we design a questionnaire and receive responses from 218 student and more than 100 responses from their parents. Based on the data, we find the result is relatively positive. Evidence shows the potential bright future of online education. Therefore, we use SWOT model to analyze and predict the future development of K12 online education from different dimensions. Finally conclude the research
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