39 research outputs found

    Local convergence of random graph colorings

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    Let G=G(n,m)G=G(n,m) be a random graph whose average degree d=2m/nd=2m/n is below the kk-colorability threshold. If we sample a kk-coloring σ\sigma of GG uniformly at random, what can we say about the correlations between the colors assigned to vertices that are far apart? According to a prediction from statistical physics, for average degrees below the so-called {\em condensation threshold} dc(k)d_c(k), the colors assigned to far away vertices are asymptotically independent [Krzakala et al.: Proc. National Academy of Sciences 2007]. We prove this conjecture for kk exceeding a certain constant k0k_0. More generally, we investigate the joint distribution of the kk-colorings that σ\sigma induces locally on the bounded-depth neighborhoods of any fixed number of vertices. In addition, we point out an implication on the reconstruction problem

    On the Power of Choice for k-Colorability of Random Graphs

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    In an r-choice Achlioptas process, random edges are generated r at a time, and an online strategy is used to select one of them for inclusion in a graph. We investigate the problem of whether such a selection strategy can shift the k-colorability transition; that is, the number of edges at which the graph goes from being k-colorable to non-k-colorable. We show that, for k ? 9, two choices suffice to delay the k-colorability threshold, and that for every k ? 2, six choices suffice

    The condensation phase transition in random graph coloring

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    Based on a non-rigorous formalism called the "cavity method", physicists have put forward intriguing predictions on phase transitions in discrete structures. One of the most remarkable ones is that in problems such as random kk-SAT or random graph kk-coloring, very shortly before the threshold for the existence of solutions there occurs another phase transition called "condensation" [Krzakala et al., PNAS 2007]. The existence of this phase transition appears to be intimately related to the difficulty of proving precise results on, e.g., the kk-colorability threshold as well as to the performance of message passing algorithms. In random graph kk-coloring, there is a precise conjecture as to the location of the condensation phase transition in terms of a distributional fixed point problem. In this paper we prove this conjecture for kk exceeding a certain constant k0k_0