168 research outputs found

    Volume 2015 - Issue 2 - Spring, 2015

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    A framework to achieve mobile business success

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    Num contexto de sociedade que continua a evoluir cada vez mais rápido, é apenas natural que o comércio acompanhe. Note-se a evolução etimológica que acompanha a palavra inglesa para negócio: business; e-business, m-business. A Internet trouxe um grande leque de possibilidades de sucesso para as organizações, empreendedores, equipas de gestão e consumidores. Em paralelo com a facilidade de acesso que esta nova cultura trouxe, nasce também uma nova personalidade associada aos consumidores, uma personalidade mais exigente. As possibilidades infinitas da Internet faz com que, para empreendedores e equipas de gestão, o estudo de mercado tenha de ser constante. Por isso mesmo, hoje, quais são os fatores chave de sucesso para o m-business? Quais são os fatores mais importantes na mente da amostra considerada neste estudo da comunidade online? Será que esses fatores estão correlacionados? E como? Quais são os fatores a que se deve prestar atenção? Os resultados mostram que há um conjunto de funcionalidades que se agrupam em três fatores principais: “confiança no negócio em si”; serviço ao cliente”; “trabalho de desenvolvimento web”. São ainda apresentadas diferentes correlações entre as variáveis, a ter em conta aquando da entrada no m-business.Following in the footsteps of society’s rapid evolution, business is undergoing a dramatic transformation of its own: from business, to e-business and now, mobile business. The Internet has brought forth a new and broad possibility of success to organizations, business owners, management teams and consumers. Furthermore, the accessibility to information has also created an increasing amount of consumers who are more informed and enlightened, and demand accountability and integrity. The infinite possibilities of the Internet for business entrepreneurs and management teams require more frequent studies for this market. The emerging questions are: what are really the key factors for the success of mobile business? What are the most important factors to a studied sample from the online community? Are any of those factors correlated, and if so, how? What factors should business pay close attention to? The results show that there are three main factors grouping the different features of mobile business and apps: trust for the business itself, costumer care, and web development work. Furthermore, different correlations are presented between the variables, which are essential to consider when entering m-business

    Understanding Contextual Factors of Bring Your Own Device and Employee Information Security Behaviors from the Work-Life Domain Perspective

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    Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is no longer the exception, but rather the norm. Most prior research on employees’ compliance with organizational security policies has been primarily conducted with the assumption that work takes place in a specified workplace, not remotely. However, due to advances in technology, almost every employee brings his or her own device(s) to work. Further, particularly as a result of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, remote working has become very popular, with many employees using their own devices for work- related activities. BYOD brings new challenges in ensuring employees’ compliance with information security rules and policies by creating a gray area between the work and life domains as it diminishes the boundaries that separate them and thus affects employees’ perception of them. As yet, little is known about how BYOD changes individuals’ perception of work-life domains and how such perception may subsequently affect their compliance behavior. Building on prior research on information security behaviors and work-life domain management, this thesis investigates the possible effects of BYOD on employees’ compliance behavior through the changes it brings about in their work-life domain perspective. It extends existing border theory by identifying and empirically validating new border marking factors— namely, device ownership and data sensitivity—in employees’ interpretation of their work and life domains. Subsequently, protection motivation theory, a theory widely used in explaining employees’ compliance behavior, was used to examine why and how the perception of work- life domains is relevant and necessary to consider in examining employees’ intention to comply with information security policies

    Analysis of a voyage plan from Barcelona to Las Palmas

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    Impact of portable piloting units on the situation awareness of maritime pilots perspectives of Danish and West African pilots

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    Missouri S&T Magazine Spring 2002

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    Missouri S&T Magazine Spring 2002

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    December 11, 1986

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    The Breeze is the student newspaper of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

    Spirits of Liberty: The Contradictions of an Intoxicating Inheritance

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    This extensive historical analysis traces the complex, multifaceted roles of alcohol across American history, from the colonial era and early national period through the temperance movement culminating in national Prohibition during the early twentieth century. It explores the cultural, social, economic, and moral dimensions circumscribing societal attitudes and regulatory policies toward alcohol over time. The thesis examines how alcohol served as a tool of conquest and oppression during the colonial era, facilitating the subjugation of Native populations and fueling the transatlantic slave trade. It delves into the complex dynamics of alcohol consumption and regulation in the early republic, highlighting the tensions between individual liberty, economic interests, societal stability. The analysis then traces the rise of the temperance movement in the 19th century, exploring the diverse motivations and strategies of reformers, from religious revival to women\u27s suffrage. Particular attention is paid to the intersections of race, class, and gender within the temperance movement, revealing the limitations and contradictions that structured temperance organizations. The thesis ends with a chronicle of the extraordinary rise of the Anti-Saloon League as the driving force behind the passage of national Prohibition and delves into the sophisticated techniques of pressure politics and propaganda that spearheaded the deployment of national fear tactics, thereby catalyzing the noble experiment.” Through this sweeping exploration of alcohol\u27s central roles in shaping American history and identity, the thesis offers a meditation on the nation\u27s unfinished struggle to reconcile the competing imperatives of liberty and order, vice and virtue, that lie at the heart of the American experiment

    The Heart and Spirit of Transformational Leadership A Qualitative Case Study of Herb Kelleher’s Passion for Southwest Airlines

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    The notion of transformational leadership as developed by James MacGregor Burns has contributed significantly to a new consensus in the literature regarding the nature of leadership. Burns introduced the concept of transformational leadership, suggesting that leaders are individuals who transform their institutions by embracing competition and conflict, meeting the mutual goals of both leader and followers, successfully articulating their values to followers and drawing them into a common purpose and a shared vision, using power resources and politics to satisfy their followers’ needs and wants, and raising the moral aspirations of both leaders and led. While the contemporary literature on leadership has done much to further our understanding about the nature of transformational leadership, very few works provide us with case study examples of transformational leaders. Missing is an understanding of what leaders actually do in the process of leading followers and transforming organizations. The present study sought to provide a descriptive analysis of how one leader in charge of a major American corporation has shaped and transformed his institution. Through open-ended interviews and direct observation, this study examined Herbert D. Kelleher, the Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Southwest Airlines, a Dallas, Texas-based corporation that has a 15- year history, approximately 5,000 employees, and one billion dollars in assets. Key informant interviews were held with Kelleher and Southwest Airlines employees from different levels and a variety of positions within the corporation to determine the degree to which Kelleher personifies transformational leadership. This case study presents Herb Kelleher as an individual who has affected significant institutional change at Southwest Airlines by satisfying the wants and needs of his followers and by raising them to higher levels of motivation and morality. It was determined that Kelleher\u27s ability to successfully change his organization and meet the needs of his people is because he clearly demonstrates the qualities of transformational leadership
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