7 research outputs found

    Impact of the Information and Communication Technologies on the Education of Students with Down Syndrome: a Bibliometric Study (2008- 2018)

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    This article analyzes the impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on students with Down syndrome through the consult of scientific articles published during the 2008 to 2018 period, in five scientific journal databases utilized in the academic world. Through a descriptive and quantitative methodology, the most significant bibliometric data according to citation index is shown. Likewise, a methodology based on the analysis of co-words and clustering techniques is applied through a bibliometric maps, in order to determine the fields of scientific study. The results show that articles published have a medium-low index of impact. There are linked with the importance of using ICT with these students, from educational inclusion and accessibility perspective

    Integrated analysis of indicators for relationship studies between Science and Technology: co-activities between papers and patents

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    Presents results of research that had as main objective test the proposed integrated analysis of the distinct Science and Technology outputs (papers and patents) and simultaneously investigate the potential contribution of co-occurrences indicators - co-activity - between different actors in the innovation system of countries organizations and their typologies to better understand the contexts of generation and use of both productions, as well as the dynamic relationship between Science and Technology. It was used as empirical object, the Scientific and Technological Production in the biodiesel field. It was identified 885 published papers and 612 patents. It was found that 80% of the countries that produced patent also produce papers, with strong positive correlation (0.832). A number of organizations that have published papers in the period were 547 and the number of registered patents that was the total of 319. There is co-occurrence in 7% of organizations, which have 25% of total papers and 22% of patents. These co-active organizations are more productive than others (non co-active). With respect to the registration of patents, Companies and Private Research Institutes, co-active registered 7% and Educational Institutes and Public Research Institutes 15%, proving to be more productive

    Bibliometrics and scientometrics in India: An overview of studies during 1995-2014Part II: Contents of the articles in terms of disciplines and their bibliometric aspects

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    This part of the study highlights the contents of the published articles in terms of various disciplines or sub-disciplines and the bibliometric aspects discussed in these articles. The analysis of 902 papers published by Indian scholars during1995-2014 indicates that the main focus of bibliometrics/scientometrics is on assessment of science and technology in India in different sub-disciplines including contributions by Indian states and other individual countries followed by bibliometric analysis of individual journals. Papers dealing with bibliometric laws received a low priority as compared to other subdisciplines of bibliometrics/scientometrics. The analysis of data indicates that the share of theoretical studies using mathematical and statistical techniques which were missing in the earlier period (1970-1994) has increased during 1995-2014. The field of medicine as a discipline received the highest attention as compared to other disciplines

    Análise da produção científica e tecnológica em melhoramento genético de plantas: o desenvolvimento de cultivar na UFRGS

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    A produção científica e tecnológica no desenvolvimento de novas variedade de plantas cultivadas, tem como finalidade a produção de cultivares. Esse estudo, tem como objetivo investigar a interação da produção Ciência, Tecnologia e de Inovação no desenvolvimento de cultivares no contexto da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Apresenta como objetivos específicos, identificar o panorama mundial, brasileiro e da UFRGS na produção científica sobre cultivar, identificar a representatividade mundial, brasileira e da UFRGS no desenvolvimento tecnológico de cultivar e analisar a relação entre a produção científica e tecnológica dos pesquisadores da UFRGS que desenvolvem cultivares. O estudo se caracteriza como descritivo, com a utilização de técnicas bibliométricas e cientométricas para auxiliar a análise e interpretação das informações. Realizou-se a análise da produção científica em publicações científicas no âmbito internacional na base de dados Scopus, e análise de registros de proteção de cultivar nas bases Pluto, CultivarWeb, e de patentes na Patentscope. A análise dos dados obtidos, abrangendo a totalidade dos registros recuperados e a relação entre os diferentes tipos de documentos foi aprofundada a partir da análise métrica de documentos, evolução ao longo do tempo, frequência de termos e relação autoria versos colaboração entre os documentos. A partir desse estudo, identificou-se o panorama da produção científica e tecnológica sobre cultivar no âmbito mundial, brasileiro e da UFRGS, e analisou-se as interações entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. O Brasil é um dos países que mais produzem artigos sobre o cultivar, principalmente na área do conhecimento das Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas, e destaca-se na área de Ciências dos Materiais. No entanto, o número de registro de cultivares no país é pouco representativo comparado aos registros dos países mais produtivos, apesar do Brasil ocupar a quarta posição entre os países com maior número de registros de cultivar de soja Glycine Max (L.) Merr. A Embrapa destacase tanto na produção científica quando na produção tecnológica brasileira sobre cultivares, assim como entre as instituições financiadoras em artigos científicos. A análise da produção tecnológica da UFRGS, evidenciou a universidade como a maior detentora de registros de cultivares de aveia Avena Sativa L. no Brasil.The scientific and technological production in the development of new varieties of cultivated plants, aims at the production of cultivars. This study aims to investigate the interaction Science, Technology and Innovation in the development of cultivars in the context of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). It presents as specific objectives, to identify the world, Brazilian and UFRGS panorama in scientific production on cultivar, to identify the worldwide, Brazilian and UFRGS representativeness in the technological development of cultivating and analyzing the relationship between scientific and technological production of ufrgs researchers who develop cultivars. The study is characterized as descriptive, with the use of bibliometric and scientometric techniques to assist in the analysis and interpretation of information. The analysis of scientific production in scientific publications at the international level in the Scopus database, and analysis of cultivar protection records in the Pluto, CultivarWeb, and patent databases at Patentscope. The analysis of the obtained data, covering all the records retrieved, and the relationship between the different types of documents, was deepened from the metric analysis of documents, evolution over time, frequency of terms and relationship authorship and collaboration between the documents. From this study, we identified the panorama of scientific and technological production on cultivar at the world, Brazilian and UFRGS, and analyzed the interactions between Science, Technology and Innovation. Brazil is one of the countries that produce the most articles on the cultivar, mainly in the area of knowledge of Agrarian and Biological Sciences and stands out in the area of Materials Sciences. However, the country's technological production is poorly representative compared to the most productive countries, although Brazil occupies the fourth position among the countries with the highest number of records of soybean cultivar Glycine Max (L.) Merr. Embrapa stands out both in scientific production and in Brazilian technological production, as well as among the funding institutions in scientific articles. The analysis of the technological production of UFRGS highlights the university as the largest holder of records of oat cultivars Avena Sativa L. in Brazil

    Produção tecnológica e científica : panorama das patentes e artigos dos pesquisadores dos programas de pós-graduação do Instituto de Química da UFRGS

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    O presente estudo investiga o panorama da produção tecnológica e produção científica na área da Química, a partir de patentes e artigos dos pesquisadores coativos que fazem parte de quatro Programas de Pós-graduação do Instituto de Química (IQ) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Trata-se de pesquisa de caráter descritivo, que utiliza métodos estatísticos e patentométricos, bem como indicadores bibliométricos de produção, citação e ligação, para verificar o panorama de 206 patentes e 2.998 artigos indexados e coletados nas bases de dados Derwent Innovations Index e Web of Science, respectivamente, dos 68 pesquisadores coativos vinculados a quatro PPGs do IQ da UFRGS: PPGQ, PPGMicro, PPGCiMat e PPGNanoFarma. Quanto à produção tecnológica, constatou-se que a média de patentes por pesquisador coativo ficou em: 6,42 para o PPGNanoFarma, 4,5 para o PPGCiMat, 3,68 para o PPGQ e 3,63 para o PPGMicro. Em relação à média de artigos publicados pelos pesquisadores coativos, obteve-se 81 para o PPGCiMat, 70 para o PPGNanoFarma, 58 para o PPGQ e 46 para o PPGMicro. Observou-se que os dois pesquisadores coativos mais produtivos em patentes são, também, os mais produtivos em artigos científicos. Além disso, percebeu-se que ocorre equilíbrio entre as produções científicas e tecnológicas dos nove pesquisadores coativos mais produtivos. O número de depositantes encontrados nas patentes foi de 104, sendo 53 deles pessoas jurídicas (universidades, instituições de pesquisa e empresas) – classificadas por Instituições de Ensino e Institutos Públicos de Pesquisa e Empresas e Institutos Privados de Pesquisa – e 51 deles, pessoas físicas. Em relação as 25 principais pessoas jurídicas identificadas, destacam-se 13 universidades, 10 empresas e duas instituições de pesquisa. Das 25 principais instituições parceiras da UFRGS em publicações de artigos, encontram-se 23 universidades, uma empresa e instituição de pesquisa. Observa-se que houve crescimento na concentração dos depósitos de patentes e publicações de artigos a partir do ano 2006 (15 patentes e 127 artigos), caindo nos anos de 2014-2016 (17, oito e três patentes, respectivamente) e 2015-2017 (187, 175 e 139 artigos). No que concerne à Classificação Internacional de Patentes (CIP), constatou-se que as patentes estão classificadas em 5 grandes seções (A, B, C, G e H), sendo a principal classificação atribuída a A61K (Preparações para finalidades médicas, odontológicas ou higiênicas) com 33,49% das patentes. Já em relação aos assuntos dos artigos, destacam-se Físico-Química, Química Multidisciplinar e Ciência dos Materiais Multidisciplinar, totalizando 1.244 artigos. Nos escritórios e registros de patentes prioritários, figuraram o brasileiro, americano, OMPI, francês, australiano e alemão. No que concerne aos indicadores de citação, observou-se que o quantitativo de patentes citadas pelos examinadores e inventores figurou em 602 e 1.017 patentes; já em relação à literatura não patentária (NPL), na forma de artigos científicos, foram citados 90 pelos examinadores e 1.278 pelos inventores das patentes. As quatro revistas que estão no ranking dos periódicos mais utilizados para a publicação dos artigos científicos produzidos pelos pesquisadores coativos e, também, no núcleo das revistas que mais obtiveram citações nas patentes depositadas são: Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Química Nova, International Journal of Pharmaceutics e European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. Os indicadores de ligação demonstraram que há uma forte ligação entre a UFRGS e as empresas nos depósitos de patentes, sendo a Biolab e a Braskem as empresas com maior colaboração, com 6 patentes cada. Nas colaborações identificadas nas publicações de artigos, as universidades foram as que mais formaram parcerias, sendo identificada a colaboração com mais 52 países, além do Brasil. Identificou-se 5.345 assuntos nos 2.998 artigos analisados e 892 CIPs nas 206 patentes analisadas, de acordo com as categorias de Glänzel e Schubert (2003), perfazendo 0,967 de coeficiente de correlação dos assuntos e 93,62% de coeficiente de determinação. Conclui-se que é possível estabelecer relações entre C&T, utilizando indicadores cientométricos e bibliométricos nas análises integradas das produções tecnológicas e científicas.The present study investigates the overview of the technological production and scientific production in the Chemistry area, based on patents and articles of the coactive researchers that are part of four graduate programs of the Institute of Chemistry (IQ) at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). It is a descriptive research, using statistical and patentometric methods, as well as bibliometric indicators of production, citation and linking, to verify the interaction between 206 patents and 2,998 articles indexed and collected in Derwent Innovations Index and Web of Science, respectively, of the 68 coactive researchers linked to four PPGs of the IQ at UFRGS: PPGQ, PPGMicro, PPGCiMat and PPGNanoFarma. About the technological production, it was found that the average number of patents per coactive researcher was: 6.42 for PPGNanoFarma, 4.5 for PPGCiMat, 3.68 for PPGQ and 3.63 for PPGMicro. In relation to the average of articles published by the coactive researchers, 81 were obtained for PPGCiMat, 70 for PPGNanoFarma, 58 for PPGQ and 46 for PPGMicro. It was observed that the two most productive coactive researchers in patents are also the most productive in scientific articles. In addition, it has been observed that there is a balance between the scientific and technological productions of the nine most productive coactive researchers. The number of depositors found in the patents was 104, of which 53 were legal entities (universities, research institutions and companies) — classified by Educational Institutions and Public Research Institutes and Private Research Institutes and Companies and 51 of them, individuals. In relation to the 25 main legal entities identified, 13 universities, 10 companies and 2 research institutions. Of the 25 main partner institutions of UFRGS in articles publications, there are 23 universities, 1 company and 1 research institution. It is observed that there was an increase in the concentration of patent deposits and publications of articles from 2006 (15 patents and 127 articles), falling in the years 2014-2016 (17, 8 and 3 patents, respectively) and 2015-2017 (187, 175 and 139 articles). With regard to the International Patent Classification (IPC), it has been found that patents are classified into 5 major sections (A, B, C, G and H), where the main classification is A61K (Preparations for medical, dental, or hygienic) with 33.49% of the patents. Regarding the subjects of the articles, we highlight Physics and Chemistry, Multidisciplinary Chemistry and Multidisciplinary Materials Science, totaling 1,244 articles. In the offices and registers of priority patents, there were Brazilian, American, OMPI, French, Australian and German. Regarding the citation indicators, it was observed that the number of patents cited by examiners and inventors was 602 and 1017 patents; in relation to the non-patent literature (NPL), in the form of scientific articles, it was cited 90 by the examiners and 1,278 by the inventors of the patents. The four journals that rank among the most used periodicals for the publication of the scientific articles produced by the coactive researchers, and also in the nuclei of the journals that have obtained the most quotations in the deposited patents, are Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Química Nova, International Journal of Pharmaceutics and European Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceutics. The linkage indicators showed that there is a strong link between UFRGS and the companies in the patent deposits — Biolab and Braskem being the most collaborating companies, with 6 patents each. Among the collaborations identified in the article publications, the universities were the ones that formed the most partnerships, being identified the collaboration with 52 other countries besides Brazil. A total of 5,345 subjects were identified in the 2,998 papers analyzed and 892 CIPs in the 206 patents analyzed, according to the categories of Glänzel and Schubert (2003), with a correlation coefficient of 0.967 and a coefficient of determination of 93.62%. It is concluded that it is possible to establish relationships between Science & Technology (S&T), using scientometric and bibliometric indicators in integrated analyzes of technological and scientific productions

    Characterizing Intellectual Spaces between Science and Technology

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    The paper presents a methodology for studying the interactions between science and technology. Our approach rests mostly on patent citation and co-word analysis. In particular, this study aims to delineate intellectual spaces in thin-film technology in terms of science/technology interaction. The universe of thin-film patents can be viewed as the macro-level and starting point of our analysis. Applying a bottom-up approach, intellectual spaces at the micro-level are defined by tracing prominent concepts in publications, patents, and their citations of scientific literature. In another step, co-word analysis is used to generate meso-level topics and sub-topics. Overlapping structures and specificities that emerge are explored in the light of theoretical understanding of science-technology interactions. In particular, one can distinguish prominent concepts among patent citations that either co-occur in both thin-film publications and patents or reach out to one of the two sides. Future research may address the question to what extent one can interpret directionality into this