5 research outputs found

    QoE-Aware Resource Allocation For Crowdsourced Live Streaming: A Machine Learning Approach

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    In the last decade, empowered by the technological advancements of mobile devices and the revolution of wireless mobile network access, the world has witnessed an explosion in crowdsourced live streaming. Ensuring a stable high-quality playback experience is compulsory to maximize the viewers’ Quality of Experience and the content providers’ profits. This can be achieved by advocating a geo-distributed cloud infrastructure to allocate the multimedia resources as close as possible to viewers, in order to minimize the access delay and video stalls. Additionally, because of the instability of network condition and the heterogeneity of the end-users capabilities, transcoding the original video into multiple bitrates is required. Video transcoding is a computationally expensive process, where generally a single cloud instance needs to be reserved to produce one single video bitrate representation. On demand renting of resources or inadequate resources reservation may cause delay of the video playback or serving the viewers with a lower quality. On the other hand, if resources provisioning is much higher than the required, the extra resources will be wasted. In this thesis, we introduce a prediction-driven resource allocation framework, to maximize the QoE of viewers and minimize the resources allocation cost. First, by exploiting the viewers’ locations available in our unique dataset, we implement a machine learning model to predict the viewers’ number near each geo-distributed cloud site. Second, based on the predicted results that showed to be close to the actual values, we formulate an optimization problem to proactively allocate resources at the viewers’ proximity. Additionally, we will present a trade-off between the video access delay and the cost of resource allocation. Considering the complexity and infeasibility of our offline optimization to respond to the volume of viewing requests in real-time, we further extend our work, by introducing a resources forecasting and reservation framework for geo-distributed cloud sites. First, we formulate an offline optimization problem to allocate transcoding resources at the viewers’ proximity, while creating a tradeoff between the network cost and viewers QoE. Second, based on the optimizer resource allocation decisions on historical live videos, we create our time series datasets containing historical records of the optimal resources needed at each geo-distributed cloud site. Finally, we adopt machine learning to build our distributed time series forecasting models to proactively forecast the exact needed transcoding resources ahead of time at each geo-distributed cloud site. The results showed that the predicted number of transcoding resources needed in each cloud site is close to the optimal number of transcoding resources

    Evolução do comportamento dos usuários em serviços de streaming de vídeo em larga escala

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    Video streaming is responsible for most of the traffic flowing on the Internet nowadays, which leads to massive investments in the infrastructure from the main content providers like Netflix, Youtube, and Hulu. In the past few years, these investments generated multiple changes in the transmission infrastructure, improving the content delivery networks (CDN), enhancing the computer processing power and changing the transmission technology used. The ultimate goal of the content providers when making these investments is to transmit streaming video over the Internet with the best quality as possible to please their clients and stand out from their competitors. In this sense, it is necessary to have metrics capable of capturing the impact imposed on the servers, user behavior, and in the quality of the video to know how changes in the transmission infrastructure affect user engagement. In this context, in this work, we characterize the evolution of transmission infrastructure, user behavior, and quality of experience from live video streaming systems over the Internet, using for this purpose the logs generated from the transmission of the 2014 and 2018 FIFA World Cups that were transmitted by the biggest content provider located in Brazil. Some of the results in this work show that traffic has increased more than 300% and the average public increased about 175%. The arrival rate also changed and now it is more concentrated at the beginning of the 1st and 2nd half of the match. Besides that, user engagement was evaluated using different metrics and, in general, it has increased in the 2018 tournament for all metrics.Streaming de vídeo é o responsável pela maior parte do tráfego na Internet atualmente, o que gera investimentos massivos em infraestrutura por parte dos principais provedores de conteúdo como Netflix, Youtube e Hulu. Ao longo dos últimos anos, esses investimentos geraram diversas modificações na infraestrutura de transmissão como melhora nas redes de distribuição de conteúdo (CDN), aumento do poder computacional e mudanças na tecnologia de transmissão. O objetivo final dos provedores de serviço ao realizar todos esses investimentos é ser capaz de realizar uma transmissão com a maior qualidade possível para agradar seus clientes, de modo que suas plataformas se destaquem de seus concorrentes. Nesse sentido, é necessário ter métricas que representem questões como o impacto causado nos servidores por conta da quantidade grande de clientes, o padrão de comportamento desses clientes e a qualidade do vídeo que está sendo assistido, para que seja possível saber os efeitos das mudanças de infraestrutura no engajamento final do cliente. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho avalia a evolução da infraestrutura de transmissão, do comportamento do cliente e da experiência do usuário de sistemas de streaming ao vivo na Internet, utilizando como objeto de estudo os registros de acesso das transmissões das Copas do Mundo da FIFA de 2014 e 2018 realizadas pelo maior provedor de conteúdo do Brasil. Alguns dos resultados obtidos mostram que o tráfego gerado cresceu mais de 300% e o público médio cerca de 175% nos quatro anos entre os eventos. A taxa de chegada também mudou e passou a ser mais concentrada no início do 1º e 2º tempo do jogo. Além disso, em relação ao engajamento do usuário, foram avaliadas diferentes métricas e, em geral, o engajamento aumentou no torneio de 2018 para todas as métricas utilizadas

    Characterizing QoE in Large-Scale Live Streaming

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    Understanding the impact of performance degradation on users' QoE during live Internet streaming is key to maximize the audience and increase content providers' revenues. It is known that some problems have a strong correlation with low QoE--e.g., users experiencing video stalls tend to leave video sessions earlier. It is, however, mostly unknown whether such observations hold for live streaming of large-scale events (e.g., the FIFA World Cup). Such events are particular due to the widespread interest in the streamed content, reaching an impressively high audience worldwide. We study whether and to what extent performance degradation during live streaming of large-scale events affects users' QoE. We leverage a unique dataset collected from a major content provider in South America during the 2014 FIFA Soccer World Cup. We first extract performance metrics from the logs: stream bitrate, bitrate switches, playback stalls, and playback startup latency. We then correlate these performance metrics with session duration, which we use as a QoE indicator. We confirm the strong correlations between the metrics and QoE indicators; in particular, frequent stalls are often accompanied by higher probability of early session termination. Moreover, we quantify how such correlations vary according to broadcast matches and client terminals. Some of our findings challenge intuition--e.g., we find that PC users seem more tolerant to problems than users on mobile terminals. Our results provide better understanding of user QoE and are an important step towards user QoE models in large-scale events