3,330 research outputs found

    Joint topology optimization, power control and spectrum allocation for intra-vehicular multi-hop sensor networks using dandelion-encoded heuristics

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    In the last years the interest in multi-hop communications has gained momentum within the research community due to the challenging characteristics of the intra-vehicular radio environment and the stringent robustness imposed on critical sensors within the vehicle. As opposed to point-to-point network topologies, multi-hop networking allows for an enhanced communication reliability at the cost of an additional processing overhead. In this context this manuscript poses a novel bi-objective optimization problem aimed at jointly minimizing (1) the average Bit Error Rate (BER) of sensing nodes under a majority fusion rule at the central data collection unit; and (2) the mean delay experienced by packets forwarded by such nodes due to multi-hop networking, frequency channel switching time multiplexing at intermediate nodes. The formulated paradigm is shown to be computationally tractable via a combination of evolutionary meta-heuristic algorithms and Dandelion codes, the latter capable of representing tree-like structures like those modeling the multi-hop routing approach. Simulations are carried out for realistic values of intra-vehicular radio channels and co-channel interference due to nearby IEEE 802.11 signals. The obtained results are promising and pave the way towards assessing the practical performance of the proposed scheme in real setups

    Integrating wireless technologies into intra-vehicular communication

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    With the emergence of connected and autonomous vehicles, sensors are increasingly deployed within car. Traffic generated by these sensors congest traditional intra-vehicular networks, such as CAN buses. Furthermore, the large amount of wires needed to connect sensors makes it hard to design cars in a modular way. These limitations have created impetus to use wireless technologies to support intra-vehicular communication. In this dissertation, we tackle the challenge of designing and evaluating data collection protocols for intra-car networks that can operate reliably and efficiently under dynamic channel conditions. First, we evaluate the feasibility of deploying an intra-car wireless network based on the Backpressure Collection Protocol (BCP), which is theoretically proven to be throughput-optimal. We uncover a surprising behavior in which, under certain dynamic channel conditions, the average packet delay of BCP decreases with the traffic load. We propose and analyze a queueing-theoretic model to shed light into the observed phenomenon. As a solution, we propose a new protocol, called replication-based LIFO-backpressure (RBL). Analytical and simulation results indicate that RBL dramatically reduces the delay of BCP at low load, while maintaining its high throughput performance. Next, we propose and implement a hybrid wired/wireless architecture, in which each node is connected to either a wired interface or a wireless interface or both. We propose a new protocol, called Hybrid-Backpressure Collection Protocol (Hybrid-BCP), for the intra-car hybrid networks. Our testbed implementation, based on CAN and ZigBee transceivers, demonstrates the load balancing and routing functionalities of Hybrid-BCP and its resilience to DoS attacks. We further provide simulation results, obtained based on real intra-car RSSI traces, showing that Hybrid-BCP can achieve the same performance as a tree-based protocol while reducing the radio transmission power by a factor of 10. Finally, we present TeaCP, a prototype Toolkit for the evaluation and analysis of Collection Protocols in both simulation and experimental environments. TeaCP evaluates a wide range of standard performance metrics, such as reliability, throughput, and latency. TeaCP further allows visualization of routes and network topology evolution. Through simulation of an intra-car WSN and real lab experiments, we demonstrate the functionality of TeaCP for comparing different collection protocols

    On the analogy between vehicle and vehicle-like cavities with reverberation chambers

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    Deploying wireless systems in vehicles is an area of current interest. Often, it is implicitly assumed that the electromagnetic environment in vehicle cavities is analogous to that in reverberation chambers, it is therefore important to assess to what extent this analogy is valid. Specifically, the cavity time constant, electromagnetic isolation and electric field uniformity are investigated for typical vehicle and vehicle-like cavities. It is found that the time constant is a global property of the cavity (i.e., it is the same for all links). This is important, as it means that the root mean square delay spread for any link is also a property of the cavity, and thus so is the coherence bandwidth. These properties could be exploited by wireless sytems deployed in vehicles. It is also found that the field distribution is not homogeneous (and is therefore not uniform), but can be isotropic. For situations where the field distribution is isotropic, the spatial coherence is well defined, and therefore Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output antenna arrays can be used to improve performance of wireless systems. For situations where the field distribution is not isotropic, the angular spread is not uniform, and therefore beam-forming can be used to improve performance of wireless systems.This is the author's accepted manuscript and will be under embargo until publication. The final version is available from IEEE at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=692843

    On feedback-based rateless codes for data collection in vehicular networks

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    The ability to transfer data reliably and with low delay over an unreliable service is intrinsic to a number of emerging technologies, including digital video broadcasting, over-the-air software updates, public/private cloud storage, and, recently, wireless vehicular networks. In particular, modern vehicles incorporate tens of sensors to provide vital sensor information to electronic control units (ECUs). In the current architecture, vehicle sensors are connected to ECUs via physical wires, which increase the cost, weight and maintenance effort of the car, especially as the number of electronic components keeps increasing. To mitigate the issues with physical wires, wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been contemplated for replacing the current wires with wireless links, making modern cars cheaper, lighter, and more efficient. However, the ability to reliably communicate with the ECUs is complicated by the dynamic channel properties that the car experiences as it travels through areas with different radio interference patterns, such as urban versus highway driving, or even different road quality, which may physically perturb the wireless sensors. This thesis develops a suite of reliable and efficient communication schemes built upon feedback-based rateless codes, and with a target application of vehicular networks. In particular, we first investigate the feasibility of multi-hop networking for intra-car WSN, and illustrate the potential gains of using the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), the current state of the art in multi-hop data aggregation. Our results demonstrate, for example, that the packet delivery rate of a node using a single-hop topology protocol can be below 80% in practical scenarios, whereas CTP improves reliability performance beyond 95% across all nodes while simultaneously reducing radio energy consumption. Next, in order to migrate from a wired intra-car network to a wireless system, we consider an intermediate step to deploy a hybrid communication structure, wherein wired and wireless networks coexist. Towards this goal, we design a hybrid link scheduling algorithm that guarantees reliability and robustness under harsh vehicular environments. We further enhance the hybrid link scheduler with the rateless codes such that information leakage to an eavesdropper is almost zero for finite block lengths. In addition to reliability, one key requirement for coded communication schemes is to achieve a fast decoding rate. This feature is vital in a wide spectrum of communication systems, including multimedia and streaming applications (possibly inside vehicles) with real-time playback requirements, and delay-sensitive services, where the receiver needs to recover some data symbols before the recovery of entire frame. To address this issue, we develop feedback-based rateless codes with dynamically-adjusted nonuniform symbol selection distributions. Our simulation results, backed by analysis, show that feedback information paired with a nonuniform distribution significantly improves the decoding rate compared with the state of the art algorithms. We further demonstrate that amount of feedback sent can be tuned to the specific transmission properties of a given feedback channel
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