275 research outputs found

    Parallelisable Existential Rules: a Story of Pieces

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    International audienceIn this paper, we consider existential rules, an expressive formalism well suited to the representation of ontological knowledge and data-to-ontology mappings in the context of ontology-based data integration. The chase is a fundamental tool to do reasoning with existential rules as it computes all the facts entailed by the rules from a database instance. We introduce parallelisable sets of existential rules, for which the chase can be computed in a single breadth-first step from any instance. The question we investigate is the characterization of such rule sets. We show that parallelisable rule sets are exactly those rule sets both bounded for the chase and belonging to a novel class of rules, called pieceful. The pieceful class includes in particular frontier-guarded existential rules and (plain) datalog. We also give another characterization of parallelisable rule sets in terms of rule composition based on rewriting

    Parallelisable Existential Rules: a Story of Pieces

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    National audienceIn this paper, we consider existential rules, an expressive formalism well suited to the representation of ontological knowledge and data-to-ontology mappings in the context of ontology-based data integration. The chase is a fundamental tool to do reasoning with existential rules as it computes all the facts entailed by the rules from a database instance. We introduce parallelisable sets of existential rules, for which the chase can be computed in a single breadth-first step from any instance. The question we investigate is the characterization of such rule sets. We show that parallelisable rule sets are exactly those rule sets both bounded for the chase and belonging to a novel class of rules, called pieceful. The pieceful class includes in particular frontier-guarded existential rules and (plain) datalog. We also give another characterization of parallelisable rule sets in terms of rule composition based on rewriting

    Good, great, or lucky? Screening for firms with sustained superior performance using heavy-tailed priors

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    This paper examines historical patterns of ROA (return on assets) for a cohort of 53,038 publicly traded firms across 93 countries, measured over the past 45 years. Our goal is to screen for firms whose ROA trajectories suggest that they have systematically outperformed their peer groups over time. Such a project faces at least three statistical difficulties: adjustment for relevant covariates, massive multiplicity, and longitudinal dependence. We conclude that, once these difficulties are taken into account, demonstrably superior performance appears to be quite rare. We compare our findings with other recent management studies on the same subject, and with the popular literature on corporate success. Our methodological contribution is to propose a new class of priors for use in large-scale simultaneous testing. These priors are based on the hypergeometric inverted-beta family, and have two main attractive features: heavy tails and computational tractability. The family is a four-parameter generalization of the normal/inverted-beta prior, and is the natural conjugate prior for shrinkage coefficients in a hierarchical normal model. Our results emphasize the usefulness of these heavy-tailed priors in large multiple-testing problems, as they have a mild rate of tail decay in the marginal likelihood m(y)m(y)---a property long recognized to be important in testing.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS512 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Online Data Cleaning

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    Data-centric applications have never been more ubiquitous in our lives, e.g., search engines, route navigation and social media. This has brought along a new age where digital data is at the core of many decisions we make as individuals, e.g., looking for the most scenic route to plan a road trip, or as professionals, e.g., analysing customers’ transactions to predict the best time to restock different products. However, the surge in data generation has also led to creating massive amounts of dirty data, i.e., inaccurate or redundant data. Using dirty data to inform business decisions comes with dire consequences, for instance, an IBM report estimates that dirty data costs the U.S. $3.1 trillion a year. Dirty data is the product of many factors which include data entry errors and integration of several data sources. Data integration of multiple sources is especially prone to producing dirty data. For instance, while individual sources may not have redundant data, they often carry redundant data across each other. Furthermore, different data sources may obey different business rules (sometimes not even known) which makes it challenging to reconcile the integrated data. Even if the data is clean at the time of the integration, data updates would compromise its quality over time. There is a wide spectrum of errors that can be found in the data, e,g, duplicate records, missing values, obsolete data, etc. To address these problems, several data cleaning efforts have been proposed, e.g., record linkage to identify duplicate records, data fusion to fuse duplicate data items into a single representation and enforcing integrity constraints on the data. However, most existing efforts make two key assumptions: (1) Data cleaning is done in one shot; and (2) The data is available in its entirety. Those two assumptions do not hold in our age where data is highly volatile and integrated from several sources. This calls for a paradigm shift in approaching data cleaning: it has to be made iterative where data comes in chunks and not all at once. Consequently, cleaning the data should not be repeated from scratch whenever the data changes, but instead, should be done only for data items affected by the updates. Moreover, the repair should be computed effciently to support applications where cleaning is performed online (e.g. query time data cleaning). In this dissertation, we present several proposals to realize this paradigm for two major types of data errors: duplicates and integrity constraint violations. We frst present a framework that supports online record linkage and fusion over Web databases. Our system processes queries posted to Web databases. Query results are deduplicated, fused and then stored in a cache for future reference. The cache is updated iteratively with new query results. This effort makes it possible to perform record linkage and fusion effciently, but also effectively, i.e., the cache contains data items seen in previous queries which are jointly cleaned with incoming query results. To address integrity constraints violations, we propose a novel way to approach Functional Dependency repairs, develop a new class of repairs and then demonstrate it is superior to existing efforts, in runtime and accuracy. We then show how our framework can be easily tuned to work iteratively to support online applications. We implement a proof-ofconcept query answering system to demonstrate the iterative capability of our system

    Scalar Verb Classes

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    This monograph discusses scalar verb classes. It tests theories of linguistic form and meaning, arguments and thematic roles, using Estonian data. The analyses help to understand the aspectual structure of Estonian. In Estonian, transitive verbs fall into aspectual classes based on the type of case-marking of objects and adjuncts. The book relates the morphosyntactic frames of verbs to properties typically associated with adjectives and nouns: scalarity and boundedness. Verbs are divided according to how their aspect is composed. Some verbs lexicalize a scale, which can be bounded either lexically or compositionally. Aspectual composition involves the unification of features. Compositionally derived structures differ according to which of the aspectually relevant dimensions are bounded
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