271 research outputs found

    Characterization and measurements of advanced vertically aligned carbon nanotube based thermal interface materials

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    It has been known that a significant part of the thermal budget of an electronic package is occupied by the thermal interface material which is used to join different materials. Research in reducing this resistance through the use of vertically aligned multiwall carbon nanotube based thermal interface materials is presented. Transferred arrays anchored to substrates using thermal conductive adhesive and solder was analyzed through a steady-state infrared measurement technique. The thermal performance of the arrays as characterized through the measurement system is shown to be comparable and better than currently available interface material alternatives. Furthermore, a developed parametric model of the thermal conductive adhesive anchoring scheme demonstrates even greater potential for improved thermal resistances. Additionally, a developed transient infrared measurement system based on single point high speed temperature measurements and full temperature mappings is shown to give increased information into the thermophysical properties of a multilayer sample than other steady-state techniques.Ph.D


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    Thermal interface materials (TIMs) are used to reduce the interfacial thermal resistance between the chip and the heat sink, which has become a bottleneck to heat removal in a variety of electronic applications. Degradation in thermal performance of the TIM can contribute to unacceptably high chip temperatures, which can significantly impact device or system performance during operation. While progress has been made in recent years in the development of tools to measure beginning-of-life thermal performance, characterizing the long-term performance of the TIM can be crucial from a life cycle stand point since TIMs may experience harsh operating conditions, including high temperature and high humidity, for extended periods of time in typical applications. The laser flash method is one approach for measuring thermal conductivity that has an advantage over more commonly used techniques because of the non-contact nature of the measurement. This technique was applied to 3-layer structures to investigate the effects of thermal cycling and elevated temperature/humidity on the thermal performance of select polymer TIMs in pad form, as well as an adhesive and a gel. While most samples showed little change (less than 10% in thermal resistance) or slight improvement in the thermal performance, one thermal putty material showed degradation due to temperature cycling resulting from bulk material changes near the glass transition temperature. Scanning acoustic microscope images revealed delamination in one group of gap pad samples and cracking in some putty samples due to temperature cycling. Finite element simulations and laser flash measurements performed to validate the laser flash data indicated that sample holder plate heating, an effect previously unexamined in the literature, can lead to inaccurately high TIM thermal conductivity values due to suppression of the sample temperature rise during the laser flash measurement. This study proposed a semi-empirical methodology to correct for these effects. Simulated laser flash test specimens had bondlines that showed little thickness variation (usually within the measurement error) due to clamping by the sample holder plates. Future work was proposed to refine the laser flash sample holder design and perform additional validation studies using thermal test vehicles based on nonfunctional packages


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    Carbon nanomaterials, mainly including carbon nanotubes and graphene, have high potential for heat transfer applications at high temperatures because of their superb heat transport properties and good thermal stability. However, due to the small physical sizes of carbon nanomaterials, real-world applications often require an ensemble of them. The present study aims to characterizing the thermal properties of carbon nanomaterial ensembles and understanding the underlying mechanism with an emphasis on high temperature applications

    Thermal Interface Material Characterization Under Thermo-mechanical Stress of Induced Angle of Tilt

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    abstract: Thermal interface materials (TIMs) are extensively used in thermal management applications especially in the microelectronics industry. With the advancement in microprocessors design and speed, the thermal management is becoming more complex. With these advancements in microelectronics, there have been parallel advancements in thermal interface materials. Given the vast number of available TIM types, selection of the material for each specific application is crucial. Most of the metrologies currently available on the market are designed to qualify TIMs between two perfectly flat surfaces, mimicking an ideal scenario. However, in realistic applications parallel surfaces may not be the case. In this study, a unique characterization method is proposed to address the need for TIMs characterization between non-parallel surfaces. Two different metrologies are custom-designed and built to measure the impact of tilt angle on the performance of TIMs. The first metrology, Angular TIM Tester, is based on the ASTM D5470 standard with flexibility to perform characterization of the sample under induced tilt angle of the rods. The second metrology, Bare Die Tilting Metrology, is designed to validate the performance of TIM under induced tilt angle between the bare die and the cooling solution in an "in-situ" package testing format. Several types of off-the-shelf thermal interface materials were tested and the results are outlined in the study. Data were collected using both metrologies for all selected materials. It was found that small tilt angles, up to 0.6°, have an impact on thermal resistance of all materials especially for in-situ testing. In addition, resistance change between 0° and the selected tilt angle was found to be in close agreement between the two metrologies for paste-based materials and phase-change material. However, a clear difference in the thermal performance of the tested materials was observed between the two metrologies for the gap filler materials.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Mechanical Engineering 201

    From Field to Failure: Detecting and Understanding Reliability Defects in Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics

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    Severe pollution levels and the growing influence of climate change have shown that dirty energy sources need renewable and sustainable replacements. The field of photovoltaics (PV) has grown substantially over the years from a niche space solar market to a commodity in large part due to improvements in reliability. Reliability of all materials in a PV module must be considered. The industry has seen an explosion of innovation in cell interconnection technologies with significant market penetration in the past several years. These emerging, less mature technologies require more reliability information to guide improvements. Degradation studies of long-term outdoor exposure and accelerated stress testing provide the samples, but a comprehensive characterization suite is necessary for impactful results. The state of the art for characterization is highly valuable yet incomplete. This work presents a multiscale, multicomponent process that provides information on device physics, polymer performance, thermal signatures, chemical composition, and degradation mechanisms, as well as advancements in electrical performance and defect localization. A comprehensive characterization suite is proposed which expands upon conventional one-sun current-voltage (I-V) and high injection electroluminescence (EL) imaging to multi-irradiance I-V, suns-Voc, multi-injection EL imaging and analysis, IR thermography, and UV fluorescence imaging. A database of over 1000 I-V curve, high-injection EL image pairs is presented for public use. An analysis and measurement technique is developed using EL images at multiple injection levels to non-destructively extract dark I-V curves for each cell. These curves can be analyzed to extract device properties. A machine learning model is developed using annotated EL images for automated defect detection. The training set of 17,064 cell EL images is publicized for the industry\u27s benefit. While applicable to all module technologies, the focus of this work is on applying this expansion on characterization to studying interconnection and contact degradation. Several interconnection technologies are studied with varying results. Each technology is shown to have distinct advantages and disadvantages with respect to performance and reliability. Modules are studied that have undergone accelerated tests and outdoor exposure. It is shown that full interconnection separation influences degradation differently depending on location of failure, though requires many failures before significant performance losses are evident. In another study, a model is developed for the mechanism behind front contact corrosion in damp heat degraded modules. A coring process is developed to extract cell samples which allows materials characterization. Results demonstrate that the primary mechanism is based on Sn diffusion from interconnection ribbons via acetic acid and moisture. One study examines a system of modules exposed in Florida for 10 years showing rear interconnect corrosion at the Ag/solder interface. Intermetallic compound formation led to reduced carrier transport and contact embrittlement leading to fatigue failure susceptibility. Another study investigates four different interconnection technologies before, during, and after stages of different accelerated stress protocols. Five-busbar ribbon, shingled, soldered wire, and laminated wire technologies underwent mechanical loading, humidity freeze, damp heat, and thermal cycling tests. Laminated wire performed the best overall though showed some features in EL imaging that have not yet been published. In the final study presented, a system of heterojunction modules from a system in Florida after 10 years exposure show resistive degradation. Device and materials characterization shows recombination and resistive losses, with resistive losses due corrosion at the intrinsic a-Si/c-Si interface

    Analysis of cell to module losses and UV radiation hardness for passivated emitter and rear cells and modules

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    This work presents an experimental analysis and analytical modeling of cell to module losses for passivated emitter and rear cells (PERC), which enables to build a PERC solar module with a record efficiency of 20.2%. Further, it examines the ultraviolet radiation hardness of solar modules employing crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells featuring dielectric passivation layers. Passivated emitter and rear cells are on the transition to mass production and expected to become the dominating c-Si solar cell technology in terms of market share in the next few years. Thus, it is of major importance to implement these high efficiency PERC into high efficiency solar modules. When transferring solar cells into a solar module additional recombination, optical, and resistive losses reduce the power of the solar module compared to the power of the solar cell, termed cell to module losses. In this work we study the individual recombination, optical, and resistive characteristics of various cell and module test samples. Based on our experimental results we develop an analytical model that allows to simulate the cell to module losses and reproduces the measurement results of test modules within the measurement uncertainty. We show that a reduction of the cell to module losses requires an adaptation of both, the solar cell as well as the solar module components. We employ the analytical model to improve the cell's front metalization, cell interconnection, light harvesting and cell spacing to reduce the cell to module losses for passivated emitter and rear cells and build an industrial like 60-cell sized solar module with a record power conversion efficiency of 20.2%. Besides the efficiency, the long-term reliability of solar modules is crucial and a performance degradation of new promising technologies can impair their importance for the industry. The application of new metalization pastes that enable to contact lowly doped emitters, increases the spectral response of a PERC in the UV wavelength range. This requires the application of new encapsulation materials with enhanced UV transmittance for PERC solar modules. We report on the UV radiation hardness of solar modules featuring PERC with various silicone nitride passivation layers and employing different encapsulation polymers. Our results reveal that employing polymers with increased UV transparency results in a solar module power loss of 14%. We show that the degradation in module power is due to a reduction of the module's open circuit voltage. This loss is related to an increased charge carrier recombination in the cell, which we ascribe to a degradation of the amorphous silicon nitride (SiN) surface passivation. We develop a novel analytical model to describe the effect of high energetic photons on the solar module performance with a critical energy to deteriorate the surface passivation

    Systems integration of concentrator photovoltaics and thermoelectrics for enhanced energy harvesting

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    Alongside other photovoltaic technologies, Concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) capitalise on the recent progress for high-efficiency III:V based multi-junction photovoltaic cells, combining them with low cost optics for increased power production. Thermoelectrics are semiconductor devices that can act as solid-state heat pumps (Peltier mode) or to generate electrical power from temperature differentials (Seebeck effect). In this work, new designs for the integration of a thermoelectric module within a CPV cell receiver were proposed and substantiated as a reliable and accurate temperature control platform. The thermoelectric was used for accurate and repeatable cooling, exhibiting high temporal-thermal sensitivity. Testing was done under varying irradiance and temperature conditions. A novel Closed Loop Integrated Cooler (CLIC) technique was tested, demonstrated and validated as a useful experimental metrology tool for measuring sub-degree cell temperature within hybrid devices using the material properties of the thermoelectric module. Proof-of-concept circuitry and a LabVIEW based deployment of the technique were designed built and characterised. The technique was able to detect thermal anomalies and fluctuations present when undertaking an I-V curve, something otherwise infeasible with a standard k or t-type thermocouple. A full CPV-TE hybrid module with primary and secondary optical elements (POE-SOE-CPV-TE) was built using a further optimised receiver design and tested on-sun for evaluation under outdoor operation conditions in southern Spain. A unique TE-based “self-soldering” process was investigated to improve manufacture repeatability, reproducibility and minimise thermal resistance. A manually-tracked gyroscopic test rig was designed, built and used to gain valuable outdoor baseline comparison data for a commercially available CPV module and a Heterojunction Intrinsic Thinlayer (HIT) flat plate panel with the POE-SOE-CPV-TE hybrid device. An energetic break-even between the power consumed by the TE and the power gain of the CPV cell from induced temperature change was experimentally measured. This work demonstrated the unique functionalities a thermoelectric device can improve CPV power generation. The potential of a TEM to improve CPV power generation through active cooling was highlighted and quantified

    Développement de procédé d’assemblage flip chip de cellules solaires III-V/Ge standard pour des applications photovoltaïques à concentration

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    Le photovoltaïque à concentration (CPV) convertit l'irradiance solaire en électricité en utilisant des cellules photovoltaïques hautement efficaces et concentrant la lumière via des lentilles ou des miroirs. Les cellules solaires utilisées dans le CPV sont des cellules multijonction constituées généralement de matériaux III-V/Ge, optimisés pour la conversion de l’irradiance solaire. Bien qu’il détienne le record d'efficacité dans l'énergie solaire avec de 44.4% d’efficacité pour une cellule triple jonction (3J) sous une concentration de 302 soleils et 47.6% pour les cellules 4J sous une concentration de 665 soleils, le CPV peine à rivaliser avec le photovoltaïque au silicium, malgré la moindre efficacité de ce dernier due aux propriétés intrinsèques du silicium. Des contraintes, comme la complexité et la durée de l'assemblage des cellules solaire en module, entravent la compétitivité du CPV. L'actuelle méthode d'assemblage implique plusieurs étapes de connexion filaire (wire bonding et wedge bonding) et de placement de cellules solaires (pick and place), aboutissant à des temps d'assemblage prolongés et des risques de mauvais positionnement des cellules. L'approche flip chip qui est une technique de montage en surface de la microélectronique (SMT) pourrait offrir une alternative prometteuse, réduisant ces limitations. De plus, elle pourrait favoriser une meilleure dissipation thermique grâce au design de l'assemblage. Cette thèse se concentre sur la conception, la fabrication et la caractérisation d'un module photovoltaïque à concentration avec la technique flip chip, excluant le "wire bonding" et compatible avec les standards de fabrication microélectronique

    Laser processing of materials

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    Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (laser) is a coherent and monochromatic beam of electromagnetic radiation that can propagate in a straight line with negligible divergence and occur in a wide range of wave-length, energy/power and beam-modes/configurations. As a result, lasers find wide applications in the mundane to the most sophisticated devices, in commercial to purely scientific purposes, and in life-saving as well as life-threatening causes. In the present contribution, we provide an overview of the application of lasers for material processing. The processes covered are broadly divided into four major categories; namely, laser-assisted forming, joining, machining and surface engineering. Apart from briefly introducing the fundamentals of these operations, we present an updated review of the relevant literature to highlight the recent advances and open questions. We begin our discussion with the general applications of lasers, fundamentals of laser-matter interaction and classification of laser material processing. A major part of the discussion focuses on laser surface engineering that has attracted a good deal of attention from the scientific community for its technological significance and scientific challenges. In this regard, a special mention is made about laser surface vitrification or amorphization that remains a very attractive but unaccomplished proposition
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