2,277 research outputs found

    Epitaxial designs for maximizing efficiency in resonant tunnelling diode based terahertz emitters

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    We discuss the modelling of high current density InGaAs/AlAs/InP resonant tunneling diodes to maximize their efficiency as THz emitters. A figure of merit which contributes to the wall plug efficiency, the intrinsic resonator efficiency, is used for the development of epitaxial designs. With the contribution of key parameters identified, we analyze the limitations of accumulated stress to assess the manufacturability of such designs. Optimal epitaxial designs are revealed, utilizing thin barriers, with a wide and shallow quantum well that satisfies the strained layer epitaxy constraint. We then assess the advantages to epitaxial perfection and electrical characteristics provided by devices with a narrow InAs sub-well inside a lattice-matched InGaAs alloy. These new structures will assist in the realization of the next-generation submillimeter emitters

    High efficiency and high frequency resonant tunneling diode sources

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    Terahertz (THz) technology has been generating a lot of interest due to the numerous potential applications for systems working in this previously unexplored frequency range. THz radiation has unique properties suited for high capacity communication systems and non-invasive, non-ionizing properties that when coupled with a fairly good spatial resolution are unparalleled in its sensing capabilities for use in biomedical, industrial and security fields. However, in order to achieve this potential, effective and efficient ways of generating THz radiation are required. Devices which exhibit negative differential resistance (NDR) in their current-voltage (I – V) characteristics can be used for the generation of these radio frequency (RF) signals. Among them, the resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) is considered to be one of the most promising solid-state sources for millimeter and submillimeter wave radiation, which can operate at room temperature. However, the main limitations of RTD oscillators are producing high output power and increasing the DC-to-RF conversion efficiency. Although oscillation frequencies of up to 1.98 THz have been already reported, the output power is in the range of micro-Watts and conversion efficiencies are under 1 %. This thesis describes the systematic work done on the design, fabrication, and characterization of RTD-based oscillators in monolithic microwave/millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMIC) that can produce high output power and have a high conversion efficiency at the same time. At the device level, parasitic oscillations caused by the biasing line inductance when the diode is biased in the NDR region prevents accurate characterization and compromises the maximum RF power output. In order to stabilise the NDR devices, a common method is the use of a suitable resistor connected across the device, to make the differential resistance in the NDR region positive. However, this approach severely hinders the diode’s performance in terms of DC-to-RF conversion efficiency. In this work, a new DC bias decoupling circuit topology has been developed to enable accurate, direct measurements of the device’s NDR characteristic and when implemented in an oscillator design provides over a 10-fold improvement in DC-to-RF conversion efficiency. The proposed method can be adapted for higher frequency and higher power devices and could have a major impact with regards to the adoption of RTD technology, especially for portable devices where power consumption must be taken into consideration. RF and DC characterization of the device were used in the realization on an accurate large-signal model of the RTD. S-parameter measurements were used to determine an accurate small-signal model for the device’s capacitance and inductance, while the extracted DC characteristics where used to replicate the I-V characteristics. The model is able to replicate the non-stable behavior of RTD devices when biased in the NDR region and the RF characteristics seen in oscillator circuits. It is expected that the developed model will serve in future optimization processes of RTD devices in millimeter and submillimeter wave applications. Finally, a wireless data transmission link operating in the Ka-band (26.5 GHz – – 40 GHz) using two RTDs operating as a transmitter and receiver is presented in this thesis. Wireless error-free data transfer of up to 2 gigabits per second (Gbit/s) was achieved at a transmission distance of 15 cm. In summary, this work makes important contributions to the accurate characterization, and modeling of RTDs and demonstrates the feasibility of this technology for use in future portable wireless communication systems and imaging setups

    GaN and SiC Device Characterization by a Dedicated Embedded Measurement System

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    This work proposes a comparison among GaN and SiC device main parameters measured with a dedicated and low-cost embedded system, employing an STM32 microcontroller designed to the purpose. The system has the advantage to avoid the use of expensive laboratory measurement equipment to test the devices, allowing to obtain their behavior in operating conditions. The following KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are measured and critically compared: threshold voltage, on-resistance and input capacitance. All the measurements are carried out in a short time interval and on a wide range of switching frequencies, ranging from 10 kHz to 1 MHz. This investigation is focused on the deviation of the figures of merit when the switching frequency changes, since it is crucial for wide-bandgap devices. The devised, low-cost, microcontroller unit allows high flexibility and system portability, while the employed equivalent-time sampling technique overcomes some issues related to the need of high sampling frequency. It allows good performances with common microcontroller embedded AD converters. To validate the proposed system, the obtained results have been compared with the time-domain waveforms acquired with a traditional laboratory oscilloscope and a study of the system’s measurement errors has been carried out. Results show that GaN devices achieve a higher efficiency with respect to SiC devices in the considered range of switching frequencies. The on-resistance exhibited by GaN devices shows, as expected, an increase with frequency, which happens to switching losses, too. On the other hand, GaN devices are more sensitive to parasitic effects and the high dV/dt, due to the reduced switching times, can excite unwanted ringing phenomena

    IR detection and energy harvesting using antenna coupled MIM tunnel diodes

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    The infrared (IR) spectrum lies between the microwave and optical frequency ranges, which are well suited for communication and energy harvesting purposes, respectively. The long wavelength IR (LWIR) spectrum, corresponding to wavelengths from 8um to 15um, includes the thermal radiation emitted by objects at room temperature and the Earth's terrestrial radiation. Therefore, LWIR detectors are very appealing for thermal imaging purposes. Thermal detectors developed so far either demand cryogenic operation for fast detection, or they rely on the accumulation of thermal energy in their mass and subsequent measurable changes in material properties. Therefore, they are relatively slow. Quantum detectors allow for tunable and instantaneous detection but are expensive and require complex processes for fabrication. Bolometer detectors are simple and cheap but do not allow for tunability or for rapid detection. Harvesting the LWIR radiation energy sourced by the Earth's heating/cooling cycle is very important for the development of mobile energy resources. While speed is not as significant an issue here, conversion efficiency is an eminent problem for cheap, large area energy transduction. This dissertation addresses the development of tunable, fast, and low cost wave detectors that can operate at room temperature and, when produced in large array format, can harvest Earth's terrestrial radiation energy. This dissertation demonstrates the design, fabrication and testing of Antenna Coupled Metal-Insulator-Metal (ACMIM) tunnel diodes optimized for 10um wavelength radiation detection. ACMIM tunnel diodes operate as electromagnetic wave detectors: the incident radiation is coupled by an antenna and converted into a 30 terahertz signal that is rectified by a fast tunneling MIM diode. For efficient IR radiation coupling, the antenna geometry and its critical dimensions are studied using a commercial finite-element based multi-physics simulation tool, and the half-wave dipole-like bow-tie antennas are fabricated using simulation-optimized geometries. The major challenge of this work is designing and fabricating MIM diodes and coupled antennas with internal capacitances and resistances small enough to allow response in the desired frequency range (~30 THz) and yet capable of efficiently coupling to the incident radiation. It is crucial to keep the RC time constant of the tunnel junction small to achieve the requisite cut-off frequency and adequate rectification efficiency. Moreover, a low junction resistance is necessary to load the coupled AC power across the MIM junction. For energy harvesting applications, the device has to operate without an external bias, which requires asymmetry at the zero bias operation point. To address these requirements, the MIM tunnel junction is established so that one electrode has a field enhancing sharp tip (cathode) and the other is a rectangular patch. This asymmetric geometry not only offers asymmetric current-voltage behavior at the zero bias point, but also it decouples the junction resistance and capacitance by concentrating the charge transport in a small volume around the tip. Various fabrication methods are developed in order to create small junction area (= low parasitic capacitance), low junction resistance (= effective power coupling through antenna), asymmetry (= zero bias operation), high fabrication yield and low cost ACMIM tunnel diodes. High resolution fabrication needs are accomplished by electron beam lithography and nano-accuracy in the junction area is achieved by employing dose modifying proximity effect correction and critical alignment methods. Our Ni/NiOx/Ni ACMIM diodes with an optimized insulation layer created with O2 plasma oxidation are the most successful devices presented to date. A novel fabrication technique called "strain assisted self lift-off process" is used to achieve small junction area devices without relying on lithographic resolution. This technique eliminates the rival parasitic capacitance issue of today's ACMIM tunnel diodes and does not rely on extreme-high resolution lithography technologies


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    Napajanje elektronskih naprav v ekstremnih in industrijskih okoljih pogosto zahteva uporabo visoko zanesljivih električnih napajalnikov, imunih na raznovrstne okolijske in elektromagnete motenje. Zahtevane specifikacije takšnih napajalnikov je mogoče doseči z uporabo sistemov, ki za izvor energije uporabljajo svetlobo laserskih virov. Energija v obliki monokromatske svetlobe je na oddaljeno mesto vodena skozi električno neprevodni medij, s čimer je dosežena inherentna neobčutljivost takšnih napajalnih sistemov na vse vrste elektromagnetih motenj. Lasersko svetlobo vodimo bodisi brezkontaktno po zraku ali priporočljivejše po električno neprevodnem optičnem vlaknu. V slednjem govorimo o sistemih za prenos »moči po optičnem vlaknu« (ang. Power–over–Fiber systems, PoF). Monokromatsko svetlobo je za napajanje elektronskih naprav potrebno pretvoriti v enosmerno električno energijo, kar storimo s fotonapetostnimi pretvorniki optimiziranimi za pretvorbo monokromatske svetlobe laserskih virov – »pretvorniki laserske moči« (ang. Laser Power Converter, LPC). PoF sistem je zaključen s priključitvijo podpornega elektronskega vezja na izhod pretvornika laserske moči, ki poskrbi za prilagoditev napetostnega nivoja za zanesljivo napajanje elektronskih naprav. PoF sistemi napajanja elektronskih naprav so našli svoje mesto v ekstremnih in industrijskih okoljih zaradi lastnosti kot so: • imunost na elektromagnetne motnje (enosmerna in izmenična električna in magnetna polja, razelektritve ozračja, radiofrekvenčne motnje, …), • velika prebojna trdnost med izvorom energije in napajano napravo, • majhna teža vodnikov energije (optična vlakna), • pri poškodbi vodnikov energije ne prihaja do iskrenja, … Zaradi omenjenih lastnosti so bili PoF sistemi razviti in uporabljeni za napajanje: • senzorjev za merjenje parametrov visokonapetostnih daljnovodov, • elektronskih merilnikov pod vodno gladino, • elektronskih podsklopov naprav za magnetno resonanco, • brezpilotnih letal, • elektronskih implantatov v človeškem telesu, • kontrolnih podsistemov v satelitih, • nadzornih video kamer, • merilnikov obratovalnih parametrov vetrnih turbin, … Kljub uspešni implementaciji PoF sistemov v nekaterih nišnih aplikacijah, je prenos energije z lasersko svetlobo še vedno razmeroma neznana tehnološka rešitev. Razlogov za to je veliko, verjetno pa je eden glavnih nizek izkoristek takšnega prenosa energije, ki se v praksi na sistemski ravni giblje nekje med 10 % in 30 %. Največ vložene energije se izgubi pri pretvorbi elektrike v svetlobo, pri čemer sodobne laserske diode dosegajo izkoristke med 40 % in 70 % ter nadalje pri pretvorbi laserske svetlobe nazaj v elektriko, pri čemer najboljši pretvorniki laserske moči dosegajo učinkovitost pretvorbe med 40 % in 60 %. V večini praktičnih aplikacij izgube pri prvotni pretvorbi energije iz elektrike v svetlobo s sistemskega vidika niso problematične, saj je laser postavljen na mestu, kjer je zagotovljena oskrba s potrebno električno energijo. Večje omejitve predstavljajo približno polovične izgube energije pri pretvorbi laserske svetlobe v električno energijo, preostanek energije pa je še dodatno zmanjšan za 10 % do 20 % zaradi izgub na podporni elektroniki. Tako v praksi izgube na sprejemni strani omejujejo največjo električno moč, ki jo lahko napajani napravi zanesljivo zagotovi en pretvornik laserske moči, na približno 1 W. Takšna omejitev največje dovedene moči ne predstavlja večjih problemov za napajanje nizkoenergijskih senzorjev, vendar omejuje doseg splošne uporabnosti PoF sistemov. V želji po razširitvi uporabnosti PoF sistemov se pričajoča doktorska naloga osredotoča na odkrivanje glavnih izgubnih mehanizmov v pretvornikih laserske moči in podporne elektronike. Rezultati sistematične analize in kvantitativnega ovrednotenja izgub so pripeljali do konceptualnih predlogov za izboljšanje sedanjih pretvornikov laserske moči.Electronic devices in extreme and industrial environments often require specialized power supplies immune to a variety of environmental and electromagnetic interferences. Such requirements can be met with power supplies that use lasers as an energy source. The laser light can be transmitted to a powered electronic device either wirelessly through the air or preferably through electrically nonconductive optical fiber. In the latter case, such power supplies are commonly known as Power–over–Fiber (PoF) systems. Energy in the form of monochromatic light must be transformed into electrical energy to power electronic devices. This energy transformation is achieved with photovoltaic (PV) devices optimized for conversion of monochromatic laser light called Laser Power Converters (LPC). Theoretically possible light-to-electricity conversion efficiency of LPCs is impaired by a variety of optical and electrical losses and light energy that is not converted into electrical energy results in energy loss, which in return reduces PoF systems efficiency. For high system efficiencies, LPCs must be made out of an appropriately selected high-quality III-V semiconductors and currently, the best manufactured LPCs exceed 60% conversion efficiency at strictly controlled laboratory conditions. Even thou such a figure is unheard of for the solar cells, an optimized PV converter illuminated with monochromatic light can theoretically convert more than 75% of impinged light to electricity, under the same conditions as the stated manufactured LPC. In this thesis, the reason for such a discrepancy between theoretical and practical conversion efficiency is studied in details and further, novel supporting electronics for LPCs in PoF systems are devised and analyzed in order to increase the system efficiency

    Progress in THz Rectifier Technology: Research and Perspectives

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    Schottky diode (SD) has seen great improvements in the past few decades and, for many THz applications, it is the most useful device. However, the use and recycling of forms of energy such as solar energy and the infrared thermal radiation that the Earth continuously emits represent one of the most relevant and critical issues for this diode, which is unable to rectify signals above 5 THz. The goal is to develop highly efficient diodes capable of converting radiation from IR spectra to visible ones in direct current (DC). A set of performance criteria is investigated to select some of the most prominent materials required for developing innovative types of electrodes, but also a wide variety of insulator layers is required for the rectification process, which can affect the performance of the device. The current rectifying devices are here reviewed according to the defined performance criteria. The main aim of this review is to provide a wide overview of recent research progress, specific issues, performance, and future directions in THz rectifier technology based on quantum mechanical tunneling and asymmetric structure


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    This research work is concerned with the study, design and fabrication of an energy harvester for converting radiant heat to electricity using rectenna technology, with key application being on the automobiles. A review of previous works of other researchers is presented, and the main limitations hindering the realisation of a practical and functional rectenna device as well as the main factors for optimising device performance highlighted. The temperature profile of an automobile engine and exhaust was measured in order to determine the operable temperature ranges, which is a key factor when determining the optimum device dimension. The contact angles made by a 5μl drop of water on surfaces coated with different self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) were measured in order to determining the hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of the surfaces. This gives an idea the surface energy of the dielectric films, thus giving an indication of how uniform a surface coated with such dielectric film will be. Finally, a setup for the low frequency characterisation of the diode was made and validated using ordinary diodes