348 research outputs found

    Characterization of the second- and third-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities of monolayer MoS2_2 using multiphoton microscopy

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    We report second- and third-harmonic generation in monolayer MoS2_\mathrm{2} as a tool for imaging and accurately characterizing the material's nonlinear optical properties under 1560 nm excitation. Using a surface nonlinear optics treatment, we derive expressions relating experimental measurements to second- and third-order nonlinear sheet susceptibility magnitudes, obtaining values of χs(2)=2.0×1020|\chi_s^{(2)}|=2.0\times10^{-20} m2^2 V1^{-1} and for the first time for monolayer MoS2_\mathrm{2}, χs(3)=1.7×1028|\chi_s^{(3)}|=1.7\times10^{-28} m3^3 V2^{-2}. These sheet susceptibilities correspond to effective bulk nonlinear susceptibility values of χb(2)=2.9×1011|\chi_{b}^{(2)}|=2.9\times10^{-11} m V1^{-1} and χb(3)=2.4×1019|\chi_{b}^{(3)}|=2.4\times10^{-19} m2^2 V2^{-2}, accounting for the sheet thickness. Experimental comparisons between MoS2_\mathrm{2} and graphene are also performed, demonstrating \sim3.4 times stronger third-order sheet nonlinearity in monolayer MoS2_\mathrm{2}, highlighting the material's potential for nonlinear photonics in the telecommunications C band.Comment: Accepted by 2D Materials, 28th Oct 201

    Second harmonic microscopy of monolayer MoS2

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    We show that the lack of inversion symmetry in monolayer MoS2 allows strong optical second harmonic generation. Second harmonic of an 810-nm pulse is generated in a mechanically exfoliated monolayer, with a nonlinear susceptibility on the order of 1E-7 m/V. The susceptibility reduces by a factor of seven in trilayers, and by about two orders of magnitude in even layers. A proof-of-principle second harmonic microscopy measurement is performed on samples grown by chemical vapor deposition, which illustrates potential applications of this effect in fast and non-invasive detection of crystalline orientation, thickness uniformity, layer stacking, and single-crystal domain size of atomically thin films of MoS2 and similar materials.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Characterization of the second- and third-harmonic optical susceptibilities of atomically thin tungsten diselenide

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    Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-28374-1We report the first detailed characterization of the sheet third-harmonic optical susceptibility, χ(3)s, of tungsten diselenide (WSe2). With a home-built multiphoton microscope setup developed to study harmonics generation, we map the second and third-harmonic intensities as a function of position in the sample, pump power and polarization angle, for single- and few-layers flakes of WSe2. We register a value of |χ(3)s| ≈ 0.9 × 10-28 m3 V-2 at a fundamental excitation frequency of ℏω = 0.8 eV, which is comparable in magnitude to the third-harmonic susceptibility of other group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides. The simultaneously recorded sheet second-harmonic susceptibility is found to be |χ(2)s| ≈ 0.7 × 10-19 m2 V-1 in very good agreement on the order of magnitude with recent reports for WSe2, which asserts the robustness of our values for |χ(3)s|.Y.W.H. acknowledges scholarship support from NGS. G.E. acknowledges financial support from National Research Foundation of Singapore (NRF Research Fellowship NRF-NRFF2011-02 and medium-sized centre programme) and Ministry of Education of Singapore (AcRF Tier 2 MOE2015-T2-2-123). V. M. P. acknowledges fnancial support from Ministry of Education of Singapore (FRC AcRF Tier 1 R-144-000-386-114). J.C.V.G. acknowledges fnancial support from CA2DM through National Research Foundation of Singapore (NRF-CRP Grant No. R-144-000-295-281)

    Ultra-strong nonlinear optical processes and trigonal warping in MoS2 layers

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    Nonlinear optical processes, such as harmonic generation, are of great interest for various applications, e.g., microscopy, therapy, and frequency conversion. However, high-order harmonic conversion is typically much less efficient than low-order, due to the weak intrinsic response of the higher-order nonlinear processes. Here we report ultra-strong optical nonlinearities in monolayer MoS2 (1L-MoS2): the third harmonic is 30 times stronger than the second, and the fourth is comparable to the second. The third harmonic generation efficiency for 1L-MoS2 is approximately three times higher than that for graphene, which was reported to have a large χ (3). We explain this by calculating the nonlinear response functions of 1L-MoS2 with a continuum-model Hamiltonian and quantum mechanical diagrammatic perturbation theory, highlighting the role of trigonal warping. A similar effect is expected in all other transition-metal dichalcogenides. Our results pave the way for efficient harmonic generation based on layered materials for applications such as microscopy and imaging.We acknowledge funding from the Academy of Finland (Nos: 276376, 284548, 295777, 298297, and 304666), TEKES (NP-Nano, OPEC), Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Research Fellowships, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, the Graphene Flagship, ERC grants Hetero2D, Nokia Foundation, EPSRC Grants EP/K01711X/1, EP/K017144/1, EP/L016087/1, AFOSR COMAS MURI (FA9550-10-1-0558), ONR NECom MURI, CIAN NSF ERC under Grant EEC-0812072, and TRIF Photonics funding from the state of Arizona and the Micronova, Nanofabrication Centre of Aalto University

    How strong is the Second Harmonic Generation in single-layer monochalcogenides? A response from first-principles real-time simulations

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    Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of single-layer monochalcogenides, such as GaSe and InSe, has been recently reported [2D Mater. 5 (2018) 025019; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 79947997] to be extremely strong with respect to bulk and multilayer forms. To clarify the origin of this strong SHG signal, we perform first-principles real-time simulations of linear and non-linear optical properties of these two-dimensional semiconducting materials. The simulations, based on ab-initio many-body theory, accurately treat the electron-hole correlation and capture excitonic effects that are deemed important to correctly predict the optical properties of such systems. We find indeed that, as observed for other 2D systems, the SHG intensity is redistributed at excitonic resonances. The obtained theoretical SHG intensity is an order of magnitude smaller than that reported at the experimental level. This result is in substantial agreement with previously published simulations which neglected the electron-hole correlation, demonstrating that many-body interactions are not at the origin of the strong SHG measured. We then show that the experimental data can be reconciled with the theoretical prediction when a single layer model, rather than a bulk one, is used to extract the SHG coefficient from the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Tungsten disulfide-gold nanohole hybrid metasurfaces for nonlinear metalens in the visible region

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    Recently, nonlinear hybrid metasurface comes into an attractive new concept in the research of nanophotonics and nanotechnology. It is composed of semiconductors with an intrinsically large nonlinear susceptibility and traditional plasmonic metasurfaces, offering opportunities for efficiently generating and manipulating nonlinear optical responses. A high second-harmonic generation (SHG) conversion efficiency has been demonstrated in the mid-infrared region by using multi-quantum-well (MQW) based plasmonic metasurfaces. However, it has yet to be demonstrated in the visible region. Here we present a new type of nonlinear hybrid metasurfaces for the visible region, which consists of a single layer of tungsten disulfide (WS2) and a phased gold nanohole array. The results indicate that a large SHG susceptibility of ~0.1 nm/V at 810 nm is achieved, which is 2~3 orders of magnitude larger than that of typical plasmonic metasurfaces. Nonlinear metalenses with the focal lengths of 30 {\mu}m, 50 {\mu}m and 100 {\mu}m are demonstrated experimentally, providing a direct evidence for both generating and manipulating SH signals based on the nonlinear hybrid metasurfaces. It shows great potential applications in designing of integrated, ultra-thin, compacted and efficient nonlinear optical devices, such as frequency converters, nonlinear holography and generation of nonlinear optical vortex beam

    Infrared Energy Conversion in Plasmonic Fields at Two-Dimensional Semiconductors

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    Conversion of infrared energy within plasmonic fields at two-dimensional, semiconductive transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) through plasmonic hot electron transport and nonlinear frequency mixing has important implications in next-generation optoelectronics. Drude-Lorentz theory and approximate discrete dipole (DDA) solutions to Maxwell’s equations guided metal nanoantenna design towards strong infrared localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). Excitation and damping dynamics of LSPR in heterostructures of noble metal nanoantennas and molybdenum- or tungsten-disulfide (MoS2; WS2) monolayers were examined by parallel synthesis of (i) DDA electrodynamic simulations and (ii) near-field electron energy loss (EELS) and far-field optical transmission UV-vis spectroscopic measurements. Susceptibility to second-order nonlinear frequency conversion processes, X(2), for monolayer MoS2 and WS2 were measured to be 660±130 pm V-1 and 280±18 pm V-1, respectively, by Hyper Rayleigh Scattering. Femtosecond conversion of resonant irradiation to injection of plasmonic hot electrons into the TMD were measured in EELS at a maximum of 11±5% quantum efficiency for an optimized physicochemical Au-WS2 junction. Measured nonlinear second harmonic generation (SHG) from a ca. 1 μm MoS2 monolayer was enhanced 17-84% by local electric field augmentation from a single 150 nm Au nanoshell to a conversion efficiency of up to 0.023% W-1. Capacitive coupling between nanoshells arranged into dimers further augmented SHG activity from MoS2. New theoretical and experimental insights into energy conversion interactions between coupled plasmonic and excitonic materials spanning the linear and nonlinear optical regimes were established towards their implementation as an optoelectronic platform

    Direct Observationof DegenerateTwo-Photon Absorption and Its Saturation in WS2 and MoS2 Monolayer and Few-Layer Films

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    The optical nonlinearity of WS2, MoS2 monolayer and few-layer films was investigated using the Z-scan technique with femtosecond pulses from the visible to the near infrared. The dependence of nonlinear absorption of the WS2 and MoS2 films on layer number and excitation wavelength was studied systematically. WS2 with 1~3 layers exhibits a giant two-photon absorption (TPA) coefficient. Saturation of TPA for WS2 with 1~3 layers and MoS2 with 25~27 layers was observed. The giant nonlinearity of WS2 and MoS2 is attributed to two dimensional confinement, a giant exciton effect and the band edge resonance of TPA