5,690 research outputs found

    Cascaded Segmentation-Detection Networks for Word-Level Text Spotting

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    We introduce an algorithm for word-level text spotting that is able to accurately and reliably determine the bounding regions of individual words of text "in the wild". Our system is formed by the cascade of two convolutional neural networks. The first network is fully convolutional and is in charge of detecting areas containing text. This results in a very reliable but possibly inaccurate segmentation of the input image. The second network (inspired by the popular YOLO architecture) analyzes each segment produced in the first stage, and predicts oriented rectangular regions containing individual words. No post-processing (e.g. text line grouping) is necessary. With execution time of 450 ms for a 1000-by-560 image on a Titan X GPU, our system achieves the highest score to date among published algorithms on the ICDAR 2015 Incidental Scene Text dataset benchmark.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Learning Spatial-Semantic Context with Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition

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    Online handwritten Chinese text recognition (OHCTR) is a challenging problem as it involves a large-scale character set, ambiguous segmentation, and variable-length input sequences. In this paper, we exploit the outstanding capability of path signature to translate online pen-tip trajectories into informative signature feature maps using a sliding window-based method, successfully capturing the analytic and geometric properties of pen strokes with strong local invariance and robustness. A multi-spatial-context fully convolutional recurrent network (MCFCRN) is proposed to exploit the multiple spatial contexts from the signature feature maps and generate a prediction sequence while completely avoiding the difficult segmentation problem. Furthermore, an implicit language model is developed to make predictions based on semantic context within a predicting feature sequence, providing a new perspective for incorporating lexicon constraints and prior knowledge about a certain language in the recognition procedure. Experiments on two standard benchmarks, Dataset-CASIA and Dataset-ICDAR, yielded outstanding results, with correct rates of 97.10% and 97.15%, respectively, which are significantly better than the best result reported thus far in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    WordFences: Text localization and recognition

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    En col·laboració amb la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) i la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)In recent years, text recognition has achieved remarkable success in recognizing scanned document text. However, word recognition in natural images is still an open problem, which generally requires time consuming post-processing steps. We present a novel architecture for individual word detection in scene images based on semantic segmentation. Our contributions are twofold: the concept of WordFence, which detects border areas surrounding each individual word and a unique pixelwise weighted softmax loss function which penalizes background and emphasizes small text regions. WordFence ensures that each word is detected individually, and the new loss function provides a strong training signal to both text and word border localization. The proposed technique avoids intensive post-processing by combining semantic word segmentation with a voting scheme for merging segmentations of multiple scales, producing an end-to-end word detection system. We achieve superior localization recall on common benchmark datasets - 92% recall on ICDAR11 and ICDAR13 and 63% recall on SVT. Furthermore, end-to-end word recognition achieves state-of-the-art 86% F-Score on ICDAR13
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