4 research outputs found

    VR-CHEM Developing a virtual reality interface for molecular modelling

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    VR-CHEM is a prototype for a virtual reality molecular modelling program with a modern 3D user interface. In this thesis, the author discusses the research behind the development of the prototype, provides a detailed description of the program and its features, and reports on the user tests. The research includes reviewing previous programs of a similar category that have appeared in studies in the literature. Some of these are related to chemistry and molecular modelling while others focus on 3D input techniques. Consequently, the prototype contributes by exploring the design of the user interface and how it can affect productivity in this category of programs. The prototype is subjected to a pilot user test to evaluate what further developments are required. Based on this, the thesis proposes that 3D interfaces, while capable of several unique tasks, are yet to overcome some significant drawbacks such as limitations in accuracy and precision. It also suggests that virtual reality can aid in spatial understanding but virtual hands and controllers are far inferior to real hands for even basic tasks due to a lack of tactile feedback

    Investigating User Experience Using Gesture-based and Immersive-based Interfaces on Animation Learners

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    Creating animation is a very exciting activity. However, the long and laborious process can be extremely challenging. Keyframe animation is a complex technique that takes a long time to complete, as the procedure involves changing the poses of characters through modifying the time and space of an action, called frame-by-frame animation. This involves the laborious, repetitive process of constantly reviewing results of the animation in order to make sure the movement-timing is accurate. A new approach to animation is required in order to provide a more intuitive animating experience. With the evolution of interaction design and the Natural User Interface (NUI) becoming widespread in recent years, a NUI-based animation system is expected to allow better usability and efficiency that would benefit animation. This thesis investigates the effectiveness of gesture-based and immersive-based interfaces as part of animation systems. A practice-based element of this research is a prototype of the hand gesture interface, which was created based on experiences from reflective practices. An experimental design is employed to investigate the usability and efficiency of gesture-based and immersive-based interfaces in comparison to the conventional GUI/WIMP interface application. The findings showed that gesture-based and immersive-based interfaces are able to attract animators in terms of the efficiency of the system. However, there was no difference in their preference for usability with the two interfaces. Most of our participants are pleasant with NUI interfaces and new technologies used in the animation process, but for detailed work and taking control of the application, the conventional GUI/WIMP is preferable. Despite the awkwardness of devising gesture-based and immersive-based interfaces for animation, the concept of the system showed potential for a faster animation process, an enjoyable learning system, and stimulating interest in a kinaesthetic learning experience

    Interfaces for human-centered production and use of computer graphics assets

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    L'abstract 猫 presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    Animation and Interaction of Responsive, Expressive, and Tangible 3D Virtual Characters

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    This thesis is framed within the field of 3D Character Animation. Virtual characters are used in many Human Computer Interaction applications such as video games and serious games. Within these virtual worlds they move and act in similar ways to humans controlled by users through some form of interface or by artificial intelligence. This work addresses the challenges of developing smoother movements and more natural behaviors driving motions in real-time, intuitively, and accurately. The interaction between virtual characters and intelligent objects will also be explored. With these subjects researched the work will contribute to creating more responsive, expressive, and tangible virtual characters. The navigation within virtual worlds uses locomotion such as walking, running, etc. To achieve maximum realism, actors' movements are captured and used to animate virtual characters. This is the philosophy of motion graphs: a structure that embeds movements where the continuous motion stream is generated from concatenating motion pieces. However, locomotion synthesis, using motion graphs, involves a tradeoff between the number of possible transitions between different kinds of locomotion, and the quality of these, meaning smooth transition between poses. To overcome this drawback, we propose the method of progressive transitions using Body Part Motion Graphs (BPMGs). This method deals with partial movements, and generates specific, synchronized transitions for each body part (group of joints) within a window of time. Therefore, the connectivity within the system is not linked to the similarity between global poses allowing us to find more and better quality transition points while increasing the speed of response and execution of these transitions in contrast to standard motion graphs method. Secondly, beyond getting faster transitions and smoother movements, virtual characters also interact with each other and with users by speaking. This interaction requires the creation of appropriate gestures according to the voice that they reproduced. Gestures are the nonverbal language that accompanies voiced language. The credibility of virtual characters when speaking is linked to the naturalness of their movements in sync with the voice in speech and intonation. Consequently, we analyzed the relationship between gestures, speech, and the performed gestures according to that speech. We defined intensity indicators for both gestures (GSI, Gesture Strength Indicator) and speech (PSI, Pitch Strength Indicator). We studied the relationship in time and intensity of these cues in order to establish synchronicity and intensity rules. Later we adapted the mentioned rules to select the appropriate gestures to the speech input (tagged text from speech signal) in the Gesture Motion Graph (GMG). The evaluation of resulting animations shows the importance of relating the intensity of speech and gestures to generate believable animations beyond time synchronization. Subsequently, we present a system that leads automatic generation of gestures and facial animation from a speech signal: BodySpeech. This system also includes animation improvements such as: increased use of data input, more flexible time synchronization, and new features like editing style of output animations. In addition, facial animation also takes into account speech intonation. Finally, we have moved virtual characters from virtual environments to the physical world in order to explore their interaction possibilities with real objects. To this end, we present AvatARs, virtual characters that have tangible representation and are integrated into reality through augmented reality apps on mobile devices. Users choose a physical object to manipulate in order to control the animation. They can select and configure the animation, which serves as a support for the virtual character represented. Then, we explored the interaction of AvatARs with intelligent physical objects like the Pleo social robot. Pleo is used to assist hospitalized children in therapy or simply for playing. Despite its benefits, there is a lack of emotional relationship and interaction between the children and Pleo which makes children lose interest eventually. This is why we have created a mixed reality scenario where Vleo (AvatAR as Pleo, virtual element) and Pleo (real element) interact naturally. This scenario has been tested and the results conclude that AvatARs enhances children's motivation to play with Pleo, opening a new horizon in the interaction between virtual characters and robots.Aquesta tesi s'emmarca dins del m贸n de l'animaci贸 de personatges virtuals tridimensionals. Els personatges virtuals s'utilitzen en moltes aplicacions d'interacci贸 home m脿quina, com els videojocs o els serious games, on es mouen i actuen de forma similar als humans dins de mons virtuals, i on s贸n controlats pels usuaris per mitj脿 d'alguna interf铆cie, o d'altra manera per sistemes intel路ligents. Reptes com aconseguir moviments fluids i comportament natural, controlar en temps real el moviment de manera intuitiva i precisa, i incl煤s explorar la interacci贸 dels personatges virtuals amb elements f铆sics intel路ligents; s贸n els que es treballen a continuaci贸 amb l'objectiu de contribuir en la generaci贸 de personatges virtuals responsius, expressius i tangibles. La navegaci贸 dins dels mons virtuals fa 煤s de locomocions com caminar, c贸rrer, etc. Per tal d'aconseguir el m脿xim de realisme, es capturen i reutilitzen moviments d'actors per animar els personatges virtuals. Aix铆 funcionen els motion graphs, una estructura que encapsula moviments i per mitj脿 de cerques dins d'aquesta, els concatena creant un flux continu. La s铆ntesi de locomocions usant els motion graphs comporta un comprom铆s entre el n煤mero de transicions entre les diferents locomocions, i la qualitat d'aquestes (similitud entre les postures a connectar). Per superar aquest inconvenient, proposem el m猫tode transicions progressives usant Body Part Motion Graphs (BPMGs). Aquest m猫tode tracta els moviments de manera parcial, i genera transicions espec铆fiques i sincronitzades per cada part del cos (grup d'articulacions) dins d'una finestra temporal. Per tant, la conectivitat del sistema no est脿 lligada a la similitud de postures globals, permetent trobar m茅s punts de transici贸 i de m茅s qualitat, i sobretot incrementant la rapidesa en resposta i execuci贸 de les transicions respecte als motion graphs est脿ndards. En segon lloc, m茅s enll脿 d'aconseguir transicions r脿pides i moviments fluids, els personatges virtuals tamb茅 interaccionen entre ells i amb els usuaris parlant, creant la necessitat de generar moviments apropiats a la veu que reprodueixen. Els gestos formen part del llenguatge no verbal que acostuma a acompanyar a la veu. La credibilitat dels personatges virtuals parlants est脿 lligada a la naturalitat dels seus moviments i a la concordan莽a que aquests tenen amb la veu, sobretot amb l'entonaci贸 d'aquesta. Aix铆 doncs, hem realitzat l'an脿lisi de la relaci贸 entre els gestos i la veu, i la conseq眉ent generaci贸 de gestos d'acord a la veu. S'han definit indicadors d'intensitat tant per gestos (GSI, Gesture Strength Indicator) com per la veu (PSI, Pitch Strength Indicator), i s'ha estudiat la relaci贸 entre la temporalitat i la intensitat de les dues senyals per establir unes normes de sincronia temporal i d'intensitat. M茅s endavant es presenta el Gesture Motion Graph (GMG), que selecciona gestos adients a la veu d'entrada (text anotat a partir de la senyal de veu) i les regles esmentades. L'avaluaci贸 de les animaciones resultants demostra la import脿ncia de relacionar la intensitat per generar animacions cre\"{ibles, m茅s enll脿 de la sincronitzaci贸 temporal. Posteriorment, presentem un sistema de generaci贸 autom脿tica de gestos i animaci贸 facial a partir d'una senyal de veu: BodySpeech. Aquest sistema tamb茅 inclou millores en l'animaci贸, major reaprofitament de les dades d'entrada i sincronitzaci贸 m茅s flexible, i noves funcionalitats com l'edici贸 de l'estil les animacions de sortida. A m茅s, l'animaci贸 facial tamb茅 t茅 en compte l'entonaci贸 de la veu. Finalment, s'han traslladat els personatges virtuals dels entorns virtuals al m贸n f铆sic per tal d'explorar les possibilitats d'interacci贸 amb objectes reals. Per aquest fi, presentem els AvatARs, personatges virtuals que tenen representaci贸 tangible i que es visualitzen integrats en la realitat a trav茅s d'un dispositiu m貌bil gr脿cies a la realitat augmentada. El control de l'animaci贸 es duu a terme per mitj脿 d'un objecte f铆sic que l'usuari manipula, seleccionant i parametritzant les animacions, i que al mateix temps serveix com a suport per a la representaci贸 del personatge virtual. Posteriorment, s'ha explorat la interacci贸 dels AvatARs amb objectes f铆sics intel路ligents com el robot social Pleo. El Pleo s'utilitza per a assistir a nens hospitalitzats en ter脿pia o simplement per jugar. Tot i els seus beneficis, hi ha una manca de relaci贸 emocional i interacci贸 entre els nens i el Pleo que amb el temps fa que els nens perdin l'inter猫s en ell. Aix铆 doncs, hem creat un escenari d'interacci贸 mixt on el Vleo (un AvatAR en forma de Pleo; element virtual) i el Pleo (element real) interactuen de manera natural. Aquest escenari s'ha testejat i els resultats conclouen que els AvatARs milloren la motivaci贸 per jugar amb el Pleo, obrint un nou horitz贸 en la interacci贸 dels personatges virtuals amb robots.Esta tesis se enmarca dentro del mundo de la animaci贸n de personajes virtuales tridimensionales. Los personajes virtuales se utilizan en muchas aplicaciones de interacci贸n hombre m谩quina, como los videojuegos y los serious games, donde dentro de mundo virtuales se mueven y act煤an de manera similar a los humanos, y son controlados por usuarios por mediante de alguna interfaz, o de otro modo, por sistemas inteligentes. Retos como conseguir movimientos fluidos y comportamiento natural, controlar en tiempo real el movimiento de manera intuitiva y precisa, y incluso explorar la interacci贸n de los personajes virtuales con elementos f铆sicos inteligentes; son los que se trabajan a continuaci贸n con el objetivo de contribuir en la generaci贸n de personajes virtuales responsivos, expresivos y tangibles. La navegaci贸n dentro de los mundos virtuales hace uso de locomociones como andar, correr, etc. Para conseguir el m谩ximo realismo, se capturan y reutilizan movimientos de actores para animar los personajes virtuales. As铆 funcionan los motion graphs, una estructura que encapsula movimientos y que por mediante b煤squedas en ella, los concatena creando un flujo cont铆nuo. La s铆ntesi de locomociones usando los motion graphs comporta un compromiso entre el n煤mero de transiciones entre las distintas locomociones, y la calidad de estas (similitud entre las posturas a conectar). Para superar este inconveniente, proponemos el m茅todo transiciones progresivas usando Body Part Motion Graphs (BPMGs). Este m茅todo trata los movimientos de manera parcial, y genera transiciones espec铆ficas y sincronizadas para cada parte del cuerpo (grupo de articulaciones) dentro de una ventana temporal. Por lo tanto, la conectividad del sistema no est谩 vinculada a la similitud de posturas globales, permitiendo encontrar m谩s puntos de transici贸n y de m谩s calidad, incrementando la rapidez en respuesta y ejecuci贸n de las transiciones respeto a los motion graphs est谩ndards. En segundo lugar, m谩s all谩 de conseguir transiciones r谩pidas y movimientos flu铆dos, los personajes virtuales tambi茅n interaccionan entre ellos y con los usuarios hablando, creando la necesidad de generar movimientos apropiados a la voz que reproducen. Los gestos forman parte del lenguaje no verbal que acostumbra a acompa帽ar a la voz. La credibilidad de los personajes virtuales parlantes est谩 vinculada a la naturalidad de sus movimientos y a la concordancia que estos tienen con la voz, sobretodo con la entonaci贸n de esta. As铆 pues, hemos realizado el an谩lisis de la relaci贸n entre los gestos y la voz, y la consecuente generaci贸n de gestos de acuerdo a la voz. Se han definido indicadores de intensidad tanto para gestos (GSI, Gesture Strength Indicator) como para la voz (PSI, Pitch Strength Indicator), y se ha estudiado la relaci贸n temporal y de intensidad para establecer unas reglas de sincron铆a temporal y de intensidad. M谩s adelante se presenta el Gesture Motion Graph (GMG), que selecciona gestos adientes a la voz de entrada (texto etiquetado a partir de la se帽al de voz) y las normas mencionadas. La evaluaci贸n de las animaciones resultantes demuestra la importancia de relacionar la intensidad para generar animaciones cre铆bles, m谩s all谩 de la sincronizaci贸n temporal. Posteriormente, presentamos un sistema de generaci贸n autom谩tica de gestos y animaci贸n facial a partir de una se帽al de voz: BodySpeech. Este sistema tambi茅n incluye mejoras en la animaci贸n, como un mayor aprovechamiento de los datos de entrada y una sincronizaci贸n m谩s flexible, y nuevas funcionalidades como la edici贸n del estilo de las animaciones de salida. Adem谩s, la animaci贸n facial tambi茅n tiene en cuenta la entonaci贸n de la voz. Finalmente, se han trasladado los personajes virtuales de los entornos virtuales al mundo f铆sico para explorar las posibilidades de interacci贸n con objetos reales. Para este fin, presentamos los AvatARs, personajes virtuales que tienen representaci贸n tangible y que se visualizan integrados en la realidad a trav茅s de un dispositivo m贸vil gracias a la realidad aumentada. El control de la animaci贸n se lleva a cabo mediante un objeto f铆sico que el usuario manipula, seleccionando y configurando las animaciones, y que a su vez sirve como soporte para la representaci贸n del personaje. Posteriormente, se ha explorado la interacci贸n de los AvatARs con objetos f铆sicos inteligentes como el robot Pleo. Pleo se utiliza para asistir a ni帽os en terapia o simplemente para jugar. Todo y sus beneficios, hay una falta de relaci贸n emocional y interacci贸n entre los ni帽os y Pleo que con el tiempo hace que los ni帽os pierdan el inter茅s. As铆 pues, hemos creado un escenario de interacci贸n mixto donde Vleo (AvatAR en forma de Pleo; virtual) y Pleo (real) interact煤an de manera natural. Este escenario se ha testeado y los resultados concluyen que los AvatARs mejoran la motivaci贸n para jugar con Pleo, abriendo un nuevo horizonte en la interacci贸n de los personajes virtuales con robots