2,783 research outputs found

    Wavelet Based Fractal Analysis of Airborne Pollen

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    The most abundant biological particles in the atmosphere are pollen grains and spores. Self protection of pollen allergy is possible through the information of future pollen contents in the air. In spite of the importance of airborne pol len concentration forecasting, it has not been possible to predict the pollen concentrations with great accuracy, and about 25% of the daily pollen forecasts have resulted in failures. Previous analysis of the dynamic characteristics of atmospheric pollen time series indicate that the system can be described by a low dimensional chaotic map. We apply the wavelet transform to study the multifractal characteristics of an a irborne pollen time series. We find the persistence behaviour associated to low pollen concentration values and to the most rare events of highest pollen co ncentration values. The information and the correlation dimensions correspond to a chaotic system showing loss of information with time evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Analysis of the geomagnetic activity of the D(st) index and self-affine fractals using wavelet transforms

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    The geomagnetic activity of the D(st) index is analyzed using wavelet transforms and it is shown that the D(st) index possesses properties associated with self-affine fractals. For example, the power spectral density obeys a power-law dependence on frequency, and therefore the D(st) index can be viewed as a self-affine fractal dynamic process. In fact, the behaviour of the D(st) index, with a Hurst exponent H≈0.5 (power-law exponent ÎČ≈2) at high frequency, is similar to that of Brownian motion. Therefore, the dynamical invariants of the D(st) index may be described by a potential Brownian motion model. Characterization of the geomagnetic activity has been studied by analysing the geomagnetic field using a wavelet covariance technique. The wavelet covariance exponent provides a direct effective measure of the strength of persistence of the D(st) index. One of the advantages of wavelet analysis is that many inherent problems encountered in Fourier transform methods, such as windowing and detrending, are not necessary

    Power-law behaviour evaluation from foreign exchange market data using a wavelet transform method

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    Numerous studies in the literature have shown that the dynamics of many time series including observations in foreign exchange markets exhibit scaling behaviours. A simple new statistical approach, derived from the concept of the continuous wavelet transform correlation function (WTCF), is proposed for the evaluation of power-law properties from observed data. The new method reveals that foreign exchange rates obey power-laws and thus belong to the class of self-similarity processes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Estimating the Effects of Interest Rates on Share Prices Using Multi-scale Causality Test in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Turkey

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    This paper examines the impacts of changes in interest rates on stock returns by using wavelet analysis with Granger causality test. Financial time series in non-coherent markets should be analyzed by advanced methods capturing complexity of the markets and non-linearities in stock returns. As a semi-parametric method, wavelets analysis might be superior to detect the chaotic patterns in the non-coherent markets. By using daily closing values of the ISE 100 Index and compounded interest rates, it is proven that and starting with 9 days time-scale effect interest rate is granger cause of ISE 100 index and the effects of interest rates on stock return increases with higher time-scales. This evidence shows that bond market has significant long-term effect on stock market for Turkey and traders should consider long-term money markets changes as well as short-term changes.Interest rates; Emerging markets; Wavelets; Stock returns; Multi-scale Granger causality

    Effect of noise filtering on predictions : on the routes of chaos

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    The detection of chaotic behaviors in commodities, stock markets and weather data is usually complicated by large noise perturbation inherent to the underlying system. It is well known, that predictions, from pure deterministic chaotic systems can be accurate mainly in the short term. Thus, it will be important to be able to reconstruct in a robust way the attractor in which evolves the data, if this attractor exists. In chaotic theory, the deconvolution methods have been largely studied and there exist different approaches which are competitive and complementary. In this work, we apply two methods : the singular value method and the wavelet approach. This last one has not been investigated a lot of filtering chaotic systems. Using very large Monte Carlo simulations, we show the ability of this last deconvolution method. Then, we use the de-noised data set to do forecast, and we discuss deeply the possibility to do long term forecasts with chaotic systems.Deconvolution, chaos, SVD, state space method, wavelets method.

    The Effects of International F/X Markets on Domestic Currencies Using Wavelet Networks: Evidence from Emerging Markets

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    This paper proposes a powerful methodology wavelet networks to investigate the effects of international F/X markets on emerging markets currencies. We used EUR/USD parity as input indicator (international F/X markets) and three emerging markets currencies as Brazilian Real, Turkish Lira and Russian Ruble as output indicator (emerging markets currency). We test if the effects of international F/X markets change across different timescale. Using wavelet networks, we showed that the effects of international F/X markets increase with higher timescale. This evidence shows that the causality of international F/X markets on emerging markets should be tested based on 64-128 days effect. We also find that the effects of EUR/USD parity on Turkish Lira is higher on 17-32 days and 65-128 days scales and this evidence shows that Turkish lira is less stable compare to other emerging markets currencies as international F/X markets effects Turkish lira on shorten time scale.F/X Markets; Emerging markets; Wavelet networks; Wavelets; Neural networks
