193 research outputs found

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2014

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems Engineering and Management, Operational Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering Physics

    Making Meaning Transformative Art Education for Middle School

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    The problems this study addresses are the purpose and the methodology of contemporary art education in middle school. The research explores art-making as a potent teaching/learning process when used in critical pedagogy and participatory research. The study seeks to inquire into the world of the young adolescent, identifying the needs, issues and problems specific to middle school age students. It does this through using personal and communal life as the subject of art-making and reflection. Specifically, the study looks at what students discover about themselves and each other and the strategies that facilitate that discovery. The study examines how art practice, through the use of the imagination, engenders self awareness, self esteem, personal voice and empowerment. The study also investigates the ways art-making can reveal, construct and illuminate information. In using art-making as a research tool, the study offers a model for participatory research that amplifies the subjectivity and interpretive qualities of this approach by portraying and conveying information in an art form. The purpose of this study is threefold. The first goal is to develop and deliver an art curriculum for middle school classrooms based on transformative education (Poplin, 1991) and new genre public art (Lacy, 1995). The study assesses the art projects from the point of view of the participants and the researcher and look at ways art-making can impact participant\u27s lives. The second intent of the study is to investigate art-making as a tool for research using art-making processes and dialogic retrospection in a fluid and integrated way. The third purpose is to explore the world of middle school students

    Christus Victor: a study jn the theology of St. Paul

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    This thesis has three objectives: (1) To demonstrate that the apostle Paul expresses his atonement-theology in dramatic, apocalyptic and cosmic thought patterns; (2) to point out the aspects of a Christus Victor motif which are firmly established in the earliest kerygma of the church; (3) and to discuss Paul's interpretation of how this atonement victory was realized.The nature of this study requires that we deal only with what for the purposes of this study we consider to be the "undisputed" epistles of Paul: Romans, I and XI Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians and I Thessalonians.The Christus Victor theme cannot be discussed in isolation from the apostle's atonement-theology in its entirety. The categories of flesh, law, sin and death comprise the major part of the Pauline atonement doctrine and may, therefore, form the basis of our discussion.In referring to mankind, Paul applies the word cr^p ^ with such unique nuance as to imply that the "flesh" is evil. Mankind as crUp has become mankind as " only." This "crUp -only" orientation includes both the "desire" to do evil and the religious "desire" to secure a righteousness of one's own under law.The apostle Paul shows no speculative interest in Satan and his company. The demonic power which works upon man is sin. Sin kills, destroys, seduces, causes rebellion* enslaves and. possesses the individual.In Paul, sin-existence and death-existence are equated. Death is sin's logical "wages," a destructive power of chaos which would throw back God's mighty life-creating hand, Paul saw death in its full demonic horror as the dreaded "last enemy" of God, the lostness of man and cosmos without the Creator.The emphasis upon victory is no product of the late church, nor is it an assimilation of Gnostic ideas from outside, Christ is the "bridgehead" and "foothold," the "citadel of holiness" where God's spirit-power is triumphantly present as "guarantee" and assurance of victory. Christ's attaining of victory involves two factors: (1) Christ was the pre-existerxt Son of God (2) and he was completely obedient, implying sinlessness and victory of holiness in this world of (T^P^ .Man is released from the slavery of the past aeon of law and the demonic too KoTpoo . Righteousness is a gift and a power available only in Christ, "Parenesis" tradition urges the believer to remain in this power-relationship of the JiKCovv^ G>boo , Paul expands upon the early sacrificial and cultic tradition adjusting the early kerygma to portray in the gentile mission situation Christ's universal and cosmic atonement action.Cosmology and soteriology are united in Paul. Victory over death and Christ's lordship over "all things" of5'this world are part of the same hope based upon the monotheistic presuppositions of early mission kerygma. Those who are "in Christ" participate in this victory not as an "already" but as a "not-yet" of Christian confession and hope in the obedience of faith. Therefore, calling upon the "name" (=power) of the in baptism and in confessions of early Christianity involves the declaration that the one Lord Jesus Christ has been acclaimed kosmokrator designatus until the parousia vihen God will be all in all

    Center for Space Microelectronics Technology

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    The 1990 technical report of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Center for Space Microelectronics Technology summarizes the technical accomplishments, publications, presentations, and patents of the center during 1990. The report lists 130 publications, 226 presentations, and 87 new technology reports and patents

    Darkness Visible: A Study of Isaiah 14.3-23 as Christian Scripture

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    How does one read the Old Testament as Christian Scripture? This question, voiced in an academic setting, invites a reflection on how to take biblical texts with both hermeneutical alertness and sustained imaginative seriousness. While scholars have recently engaged in robust discussion about theological hermeneutics there have been relatively few worked examples with particular Old Testament texts. My dissertation seeks to meet this need by providing a close reading of Isaiah 14.3-23, a text with a complex amalgam of textual, historical-critical, history of reception, and theological issues

    COBE's search for structure in the Big Bang

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    The launch of Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) and the definition of Earth Observing System (EOS) are two of the major events at NASA-Goddard. The three experiments contained in COBE (Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR), Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS), and Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE)) are very important in measuring the big bang. DMR measures the isotropy of the cosmic background (direction of the radiation). FIRAS looks at the spectrum over the whole sky, searching for deviations, and DIRBE operates in the infrared part of the spectrum gathering evidence of the earliest galaxy formation. By special techniques, the radiation coming from the solar system will be distinguished from that of extragalactic origin. Unique graphics will be used to represent the temperature of the emitting material. A cosmic event will be modeled of such importance that it will affect cosmological theory for generations to come. EOS will monitor changes in the Earth's geophysics during a whole solar color cycle

    Characterisation of Tablets and Roller-Compacted Ribbons with Terahertz Time-Domain Pulsed Imaging

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    The pharmaceutical process of dry granulation using roller-compaction (DG/RC) is effectively a non-batch based procedure orientated to deliver a continuous stream of material free of a pre-defined batch-size with reduced plant equipment/scale-up R&D resources and an enhanced work-throughput, particularly suitable for moisture sensitive formulation. The desirable accreditations of DG/RC are many; yet by the nature of a more flexible approach than (i.e. wet-granulation), it must be highly monitored and controlled to accomplish higher-throughput rates and reduced ‘static’ material testing stages. To monitor rapidly and in-line with production, pre-granulated ribbons of RC (which highly correlates to the post milled granulates), terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) is used to elucidate the key physical attributes of post-compression density and thickness uniformity, key to end-product consistency. Invariably a great number of conditions apply to DG/RC (viz: System design, material characteristics, environmental and unit configuration), although widely regarded as the key processing parameters (PP’s) are roll-pressure and roll-gap [1-4]. The target of the study is to derive a strategy to position TDS as PAT to DG/RC. Two terahertz time-domain TD methods of a conventional transmission setup and reflection (TPI) THz analysis are used on standards of glass slides for verifying the interpretational foundations of the TD methods. Achieving RI/thickness error-discrepancies +2.2 to -0.4% c.f. literature ([150]) values provides foundations to test the solid-fraction ratios of pharma tablets with regard to RI’s being surrogate values to SF/path-length (R2 = 1). Combining transmission principles to the portion of reflected EMR removes the pre-requisite for RI or path-length knowledge, giving +1.5 to +2.4% RI agreement (vs. frequency-domain attained results) thus enabling thickness estimations to be above 95% against physical micrometre judgement in all models. Augmentation of the TD methods, refined in Experimental chapter 2 ,then chiefly focuses on TPI as the principle THz-TD method (as the most ideal tool for PAT) for adopting the RI measures for ribbon uniformity analysis in Experimental chapter 4 in an off-line environment again resulting in RI and thicknesses < 5 % error of known parameters of thickness and further use of RI as a proxy porosity equivalent to gas pycnometry. Elucidated in the work are the limitations encountered with tablets and RC’s, data interpretation of industrial considerations. Experimental chapter 3 diverges from RI to differentiate thickness in-order to assess the FD transmission for non-destructive mechanical assessment. This demonstrates a clear relationship between compaction force and the surrogate value for density, following a linear trend below a certain threshold of force. The ‘threshold’ value is observed for less massive tablets, and concluded is that the mechanistic interplay and permanent (plastic) consolidation is greater in instances where compaction-force increases proportionally with target-fill weights, and thus the various behaviour of MCC to stress

    Political trajectories in the painting of P. Wyndham Lewis

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    This thesis presents an analysis of the political dimension to the paintings of Percy Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957).Through an exegesis of the discreet and latent "voices" in Lewis's paintings the ideological parameters of his thought world are disclosed. These imperatives are examined for their display of political predispositions, for values and attitudes, which reveal a loading towards specific socio-cultural standards. In so far as these standards can be identified with historically relevant political programmes they become manifestos for political actions. Or, at the very least, they can be seen to exist as critical and prescriptive social insights. Importantly, the focus of this examination and interpretation remains the visual image and its related texts. A key aspect of both the methodology and argument within this thesis, insists that the visual image is the bearer of meaning in both its subject matter and technique. Values are communicated not only in reference to the thing displayed, but, in the manner of the display. Hence, an analysis of the intellectual and formal strategies employed by Lewis in his painting becomes a central concern of the thesis. Finally, the thesis rounds on the actual nature of Lewis's politics as revealed in his approach to art. While it is accepted that the mediation from the political to the painted throws up many and substantial barriers, the thesis insists that a political reading of Lewis's creative work is not only appropriate but necessary. In offering just such a reading the author hopes to transcend the boundaries between the disciplines of Art History and Sociology
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