2,986 research outputs found

    Entrainment and chaos in a pulse-driven Hodgkin-Huxley oscillator

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    The Hodgkin-Huxley model describes action potential generation in certain types of neurons and is a standard model for conductance-based, excitable cells. Following the early work of Winfree and Best, this paper explores the response of a spontaneously spiking Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model to a periodic pulsatile drive. The response as a function of drive period and amplitude is systematically characterized. A wide range of qualitatively distinct responses are found, including entrainment to the input pulse train and persistent chaos. These observations are consistent with a theory of kicked oscillators developed by Qiudong Wang and Lai-Sang Young. In addition to general features predicted by Wang-Young theory, it is found that most combinations of drive period and amplitude lead to entrainment instead of chaos. This preference for entrainment over chaos is explained by the structure of the Hodgkin-Huxley phase resetting curve.Comment: Minor revisions; modified Fig. 3; added reference

    In-phase and anti-phase synchronization in noisy Hodgkin-Huxley neurons

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    We numerically investigate the influence of intrinsic channel noise on the dynamical response of delay-coupling in neuronal systems. The stochastic dynamics of the spiking is modeled within a stochastic modification of the standard Hodgkin-Huxley model wherein the delay-coupling accounts for the finite propagation time of an action potential along the neuronal axon. We quantify this delay-coupling of the Pyragas-type in terms of the difference between corresponding presynaptic and postsynaptic membrane potentials. For an elementary neuronal network consisting of two coupled neurons we detect characteristic stochastic synchronization patterns which exhibit multiple phase-flip bifurcations: The phase-flip bifurcations occur in form of alternate transitions from an in-phase spiking activity towards an anti-phase spiking activity. Interestingly, these phase-flips remain robust in strong channel noise and in turn cause a striking stabilization of the spiking frequency

    Chaos at the border of criticality

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    The present paper points out to a novel scenario for formation of chaotic attractors in a class of models of excitable cell membranes near an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation (AHB). The mechanism underlying chaotic dynamics admits a simple and visual description in terms of the families of one-dimensional first-return maps, which are constructed using the combination of asymptotic and numerical techniques. The bifurcation structure of the continuous system (specifically, the proximity to a degenerate AHB) endows the Poincare map with distinct qualitative features such as unimodality and the presence of the boundary layer, where the map is strongly expanding. This structure of the map in turn explains the bifurcation scenarios in the continuous system including chaotic mixed-mode oscillations near the border between the regions of sub- and supercritical AHB. The proposed mechanism yields the statistical properties of the mixed-mode oscillations in this regime. The statistics predicted by the analysis of the Poincare map and those observed in the numerical experiments of the continuous system show a very good agreement.Comment: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (tentatively, Sept 2008

    Instability of synchronized motion in nonlocally coupled neural oscillators

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    We study nonlocally coupled Hodgkin-Huxley equations with excitatory and inhibitory synaptic coupling. We investigate the linear stability of the synchronized solution, and find numerically various nonuniform oscillatory states such as chimera states, wavy states, clustering states, and spatiotemporal chaos as a result of the instability.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Mean Field description of and propagation of chaos in recurrent multipopulation networks of Hodgkin-Huxley and Fitzhugh-Nagumo neurons

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    We derive the mean-field equations arising as the limit of a network of interacting spiking neurons, as the number of neurons goes to infinity. The neurons belong to a fixed number of populations and are represented either by the Hodgkin-Huxley model or by one of its simplified version, the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model. The synapses between neurons are either electrical or chemical. The network is assumed to be fully connected. The maximum conductances vary randomly. Under the condition that all neurons initial conditions are drawn independently from the same law that depends only on the population they belong to, we prove that a propagation of chaos phenomenon takes places, namely that in the mean-field limit, any finite number of neurons become independent and, within each population, have the same probability distribution. This probability distribution is solution of a set of implicit equations, either nonlinear stochastic differential equations resembling the McKean-Vlasov equations, or non-local partial differential equations resembling the McKean-Vlasov-Fokker- Planck equations. We prove the well-posedness of these equations, i.e. the existence and uniqueness of a solution. We also show the results of some preliminary numerical experiments that indicate that the mean-field equations are a good representation of the mean activity of a finite size network, even for modest sizes. These experiment also indicate that the McKean-Vlasov-Fokker- Planck equations may be a good way to understand the mean-field dynamics through, e.g., a bifurcation analysis.Comment: 55 pages, 9 figure

    Multistable jittering in oscillators with pulsatile delayed feedback

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    Oscillatory systems with time-delayed pulsatile feedback appear in various applied and theoretical research areas, and received a growing interest in the last years. For such systems, we report a remarkable scenario of destabilization of a periodic regular spiking regime. In the bifurcation point numerous regimes with non-equal interspike intervals emerge simultaneously. We show that this bifurcation is triggered by the steepness of the oscillator's phase resetting curve and that the number of the emerging, so-called "jittering" regimes grows exponentially with the delay value. Although this appears as highly degenerate from a dynamical systems viewpoint, the "multi-jitter" bifurcation occurs robustly in a large class of systems. We observe it not only in a paradigmatic phase-reduced model, but also in a simulated Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model and in an experiment with an electronic circuit

    Clarification and complement to "Mean-field description and propagation of chaos in networks of Hodgkin-Huxley and FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons"

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    In this note, we clarify the well-posedness of the limit equations to the mean-field NN-neuron models proposed in Baladron et al. and we prove the associated propagation of chaos property. We also complete the modeling issue in Baladron et al. by discussing the well-posedness of the stochastic differential equations which govern the behavior of the ion channels and the amount of available neurotransmitters

    Spontaneous spiking in an autaptic Hodgkin-Huxley set up

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    The effect of intrinsic channel noise is investigated for the dynamic response of a neuronal cell with a delayed feedback loop. The loop is based on the so-called autapse phenomenon in which dendrites establish not only connections to neighboring cells but as well to its own axon. The biophysical modeling is achieved in terms of a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model containing such a built in delayed feedback. The fluctuations stem from intrinsic channel noise, being caused by the stochastic nature of the gating dynamics of ion channels. The influence of the delayed stimulus is systematically analyzed with respect to the coupling parameter and the delay time in terms of the interspike interval histograms and the average interspike interval. The delayed feedback manifests itself in the occurrence of bursting and a rich multimodal interspike interval distribution, exhibiting a delay-induced reduction of the spontaneous spiking activity at characteristic frequencies. Moreover, a specific frequency-locking mechanism is detected for the mean interspike interval.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure
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